/// /// @file CAPI.h /// /// @brief The C-language API for Ultralight /// /// @author /// /// This file is a part of Ultralight, a fast, lightweight, HTML UI engine /// /// Website: /// /// Copyright (C) 2019 Ultralight, Inc. All rights reserved. /// #ifndef ULTRALIGHT_CAPI_H #define ULTRALIGHT_CAPI_H #ifndef __cplusplus //#include #endif #include #include #ifdef __OBJC__ #import #endif #if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) # if defined(ULTRALIGHT_IMPLEMENTATION) # define ULExport __declspec(dllexport) # else # define ULExport __declspec(dllimport) # endif #define _thread_local __declspec(thread) #ifndef _NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED #define DISABLE_NATIVE_WCHAR_T typedef unsigned short ULChar16; #else typedef wchar_t ULChar16; #endif #else # define ULExport __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #define _thread_local __thread typedef unsigned short ULChar16; #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct C_Config* ULConfig; typedef struct C_Renderer* ULRenderer; typedef struct C_View* ULView; typedef struct C_Bitmap* ULBitmap; typedef struct C_String* ULString; typedef struct C_Buffer* ULBuffer; typedef struct C_RenderTarget* ULRenderTarget; typedef struct C_KeyEvent* ULKeyEvent; typedef struct C_MouseEvent* ULMouseEvent; typedef struct C_ScrollEvent* ULScrollEvent; typedef enum { kMessageSource_XML = 0, kMessageSource_JS, kMessageSource_Network, kMessageSource_ConsoleAPI, kMessageSource_Storage, kMessageSource_AppCache, kMessageSource_Rendering, kMessageSource_CSS, kMessageSource_Security, kMessageSource_ContentBlocker, kMessageSource_Other, } ULMessageSource; typedef enum { kMessageLevel_Log = 1, kMessageLevel_Warning = 2, kMessageLevel_Error = 3, kMessageLevel_Debug = 4, kMessageLevel_Info = 5, } ULMessageLevel; typedef enum { kCursor_Pointer = 0, kCursor_Cross, kCursor_Hand, kCursor_IBeam, kCursor_Wait, kCursor_Help, kCursor_EastResize, kCursor_NorthResize, kCursor_NorthEastResize, kCursor_NorthWestResize, kCursor_SouthResize, kCursor_SouthEastResize, kCursor_SouthWestResize, kCursor_WestResize, kCursor_NorthSouthResize, kCursor_EastWestResize, kCursor_NorthEastSouthWestResize, kCursor_NorthWestSouthEastResize, kCursor_ColumnResize, kCursor_RowResize, kCursor_MiddlePanning, kCursor_EastPanning, kCursor_NorthPanning, kCursor_NorthEastPanning, kCursor_NorthWestPanning, kCursor_SouthPanning, kCursor_SouthEastPanning, kCursor_SouthWestPanning, kCursor_WestPanning, kCursor_Move, kCursor_VerticalText, kCursor_Cell, kCursor_ContextMenu, kCursor_Alias, kCursor_Progress, kCursor_NoDrop, kCursor_Copy, kCursor_None, kCursor_NotAllowed, kCursor_ZoomIn, kCursor_ZoomOut, kCursor_Grab, kCursor_Grabbing, kCursor_Custom } ULCursor; typedef enum { kBitmapFormat_A8, kBitmapFormat_RGBA8 } ULBitmapFormat; typedef enum { kKeyEventType_KeyDown, kKeyEventType_KeyUp, kKeyEventType_RawKeyDown, kKeyEventType_Char, } ULKeyEventType; typedef enum { kMouseEventType_MouseMoved, kMouseEventType_MouseDown, kMouseEventType_MouseUp, } ULMouseEventType; typedef enum { kMouseButton_None = 0, kMouseButton_Left, kMouseButton_Middle, kMouseButton_Right, } ULMouseButton; typedef enum { kScrollEventType_ScrollByPixel, kScrollEventType_ScrollByPage, } ULScrollEventType; /****************************************************************************** * API Note: * * You should only destroy objects that you explicitly create. Do not destroy * any objects returned from the API or callbacks unless otherwise noted. *****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * Config *****************************************************************************/ /// /// Create config with default values (see ). /// ULExport ULConfig ulCreateConfig(); /// /// Destroy config. /// ULExport void ulDestroyConfig(ULConfig config); /// /// Set whether images should be enabled (Default = True) /// ULExport void ulConfigSetEnableImages(ULConfig config, bool enabled); /// /// Set whether JavaScript should be eanbled (Default = True) /// ULExport void ulConfigSetEnableJavaScript(ULConfig config, bool enabled); /// /// Set whether we should use BGRA byte order (instead of RGBA) for View /// bitmaps. (Default = False) /// ULExport void ulConfigSetUseBGRAForOffscreenRendering(ULConfig config, bool enabled); /// /// Set the amount that the application DPI has been scaled, used for /// scaling device coordinates to pixels and oversampling raster shapes. /// (Default = 1.0) /// ULExport void ulConfigSetDeviceScaleHint(ULConfig config, double value); /// /// Set default font-family to use (Default = Times New Roman) /// ULExport void ulConfigSetFontFamilyStandard(ULConfig config, ULString font_name); /// /// Set default font-family to use for fixed fonts, eg
 and .
/// (Default = Courier New)
ULExport void ulConfigSetFontFamilyFixed(ULConfig config, ULString font_name);

/// Set default font-family to use for serif fonts. (Default = Times New Roman)
ULExport void ulConfigSetFontFamilySerif(ULConfig config, ULString font_name);

/// Set default font-family to use for sans-serif fonts. (Default = Arial)
ULExport void ulConfigSetFontFamilySansSerif(ULConfig config,
                                             ULString font_name);

/// Set user agent string. (See  for the default)
ULExport void ulConfigSetUserAgent(ULConfig config, ULString agent_string);

/// Set user stylesheet (CSS). (Default = Empty)
ULExport void ulConfigSetUserStylesheet(ULConfig config, ULString css_string);

 * Renderer

/// Create renderer (create this only once per application lifetime).
ULExport ULRenderer ulCreateRenderer(ULConfig config);

/// Destroy renderer.
ULExport void ulDestroyRenderer(ULRenderer renderer);

/// Update timers and dispatch internal callbacks (JavaScript and network)
ULExport void ulUpdate(ULRenderer renderer);

/// Render all active Views to their respective bitmaps.
ULExport void ulRender(ULRenderer renderer);

 * View

/// Create a View with certain size (in device coordinates).
ULExport ULView ulCreateView(ULRenderer renderer, unsigned int width,
                             unsigned int height, bool transparent);

/// Destroy a View.
ULExport void ulDestroyView(ULView view);

/// Get current URL.
/// @note Don't destroy the returned string, it is owned by the View.
ULExport ULString ulViewGetURL(ULView view);

/// Get current title.
/// @note Don't destroy the returned string, it is owned by the View.
ULExport ULString ulViewGetTitle(ULView view);

/// Check if main frame is loading.
ULExport bool ulViewIsLoading(ULView view);

/// Check if bitmap is dirty (has changed since last call to ulViewGetBitmap)
ULExport bool ulViewIsBitmapDirty(ULView view);

/// Get bitmap (will reset the dirty flag).
/// @note Don't destroy the returned bitmap, it is owned by the View.
ULExport ULBitmap ulViewGetBitmap(ULView view);

/// Load a raw string of html
ULExport void ulViewLoadHTML(ULView view, ULString html_string);

/// Load a URL into main frame
ULExport void ulViewLoadURL(ULView view, ULString url_string);

/// Resize view to a certain width and height (in device coordinates)
ULExport void ulViewResize(ULView view, unsigned int width,
                           unsigned int height);

/// Get the page's JSContext for use with JavaScriptCore API
ULExport JSContextRef ulViewGetJSContext(ULView view);

/// Evaluate a raw string of JavaScript and return result
ULExport JSValueRef ulViewEvaluateScript(ULView view, ULString js_string);

/// Check if can navigate backwards in history
ULExport bool ulViewCanGoBack(ULView view);

/// Check if can navigate forwards in history
ULExport bool ulViewCanGoForward(ULView view);

/// Navigate backwards in history
ULExport void ulViewGoBack(ULView view);

/// Navigate forwards in history
ULExport void ulViewGoForward(ULView view);

/// Navigate to arbitrary offset in history
ULExport void ulViewGoToHistoryOffset(ULView view, int offset);

/// Reload current page
ULExport void ulViewReload(ULView view);

/// Stop all page loads
ULExport void ulViewStop(ULView view);

/// Fire a keyboard event
ULExport void ulViewFireKeyEvent(ULView view, ULKeyEvent key_event);

/// Fire a mouse event
ULExport void ulViewFireMouseEvent(ULView view, ULMouseEvent mouse_event);

/// Fire a scroll event
ULExport void ulViewFireScrollEvent(ULView view, ULScrollEvent scroll_event);

typedef void
(*ULChangeTitleCallback) (void* user_data, ULView caller, ULString title);

/// Set callback for when the page title changes
ULExport void ulViewSetChangeTitleCallback(ULView view,
                                           ULChangeTitleCallback callback,
                                           void* user_data);

typedef void
(*ULChangeURLCallback) (void* user_data, ULView caller, ULString url);

/// Set callback for when the page URL changes
ULExport void ulViewSetChangeURLCallback(ULView view,
                                         ULChangeURLCallback callback,
                                         void* user_data);

typedef void
(*ULChangeTooltipCallback) (void* user_data, ULView caller, ULString tooltip);

/// Set callback for when the tooltip changes (usually result of a mouse hover)
ULExport void ulViewSetChangeTooltipCallback(ULView view,
                                             ULChangeTooltipCallback callback,
                                             void* user_data);

typedef void
(*ULChangeCursorCallback) (void* user_data, ULView caller, ULCursor cursor);

/// Set callback for when the mouse cursor changes
ULExport void ulViewSetChangeCursorCallback(ULView view,
                                            ULChangeCursorCallback callback,
                                            void* user_data);

typedef void
(*ULAddConsoleMessageCallback) (void* user_data, ULView caller,
                                ULMessageSource source, ULMessageLevel level,
                                ULString message, unsigned int line_number,
                                unsigned int column_number,
                                ULString source_id);

/// Set callback for when a message is added to the console (useful for
/// JavaScript / network errors and debugging)
ULExport void ulViewSetAddConsoleMessageCallback(ULView view,
                                          ULAddConsoleMessageCallback callback,
                                          void* user_data);

typedef void
(*ULBeginLoadingCallback) (void* user_data, ULView caller);

/// Set callback for when the page begins loading new URL into main frame
ULExport void ulViewSetBeginLoadingCallback(ULView view,
                                            ULBeginLoadingCallback callback,
                                            void* user_data);

typedef void
(*ULFinishLoadingCallback) (void* user_data, ULView caller);

/// Set callback for when the page finishes loading URL into main frame
ULExport void ulViewSetFinishLoadingCallback(ULView view,
                                             ULFinishLoadingCallback callback,
                                             void* user_data);

typedef void
(*ULUpdateHistoryCallback) (void* user_data, ULView caller);

/// Set callback for when the history (back/forward state) is modified
ULExport void ulViewSetUpdateHistoryCallback(ULView view,
                                             ULUpdateHistoryCallback callback,
                                             void* user_data);

typedef void
(*ULDOMReadyCallback) (void* user_data, ULView caller);

/// Set callback for when all JavaScript has been parsed and the document is
/// ready. This is the best time to make initial JavaScript calls to your page.
ULExport void ulViewSetDOMReadyCallback(ULView view,
                                        ULDOMReadyCallback callback,
                                        void* user_data);

/// Set whether or not a view should be repainted during the next call to
/// ulRender.
/// @note  This flag is automatically set whenever the page content changes
///        but you can set it directly in case you need to force a repaint.
ULExport void ulViewSetNeedsPaint(ULView view, bool needs_paint);

/// Whether or not a view should be painted during the next call to ulRender.
ULExport bool ulViewGetNeedsPaint(ULView view);

 * String

/// Create string from null-terminated ASCII C-string
ULExport ULString ulCreateString(const char* str);

/// Create string from UTF-8 buffer
ULExport ULString ulCreateStringUTF8(const char* str, size_t len);

/// Create string from UTF-16 buffer
ULExport ULString ulCreateStringUTF16(ULChar16* str, size_t len);

/// Destroy string (you should destroy any strings you explicitly Create).
ULExport void ulDestroyString(ULString str);

/// Get internal UTF-16 buffer data.
ULExport ULChar16* ulStringGetData(ULString str);

/// Get length in UTF-16 characters
ULExport size_t ulStringGetLength(ULString str);

/// Whether this string is empty or not.
ULExport bool ulStringIsEmpty(ULString str);

 * Bitmap

/// Create empty bitmap.
ULExport ULBitmap ulCreateEmptyBitmap();

/// Create bitmap with certain dimensions and pixel format.
ULExport ULBitmap ulCreateBitmap(unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
                                 ULBitmapFormat format);

/// Create bitmap from existing pixel buffer. @see Bitmap for help using
/// this function.
ULExport ULBitmap ulCreateBitmapFromPixels(unsigned int width,
                                           unsigned int height,
                                           ULBitmapFormat format, 
                                           unsigned int row_bytes,
                                           const void* pixels, size_t size,
                                           bool should_copy);

/// Create bitmap from copy.
ULExport ULBitmap ulCreateBitmapFromCopy(ULBitmap existing_bitmap);

/// Destroy a bitmap (you should only destroy Bitmaps you have explicitly
/// created via one of the creation functions above.
ULExport void ulDestroyBitmap(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Get the width in pixels.
ULExport unsigned int ulBitmapGetWidth(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Get the height in pixels.
ULExport unsigned int ulBitmapGetHeight(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Get the pixel format.
ULExport ULBitmapFormat ulBitmapGetFormat(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Get the bytes per pixel.
ULExport unsigned int ulBitmapGetBpp(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Get the number of bytes per row.
ULExport unsigned int ulBitmapGetRowBytes(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Get the size in bytes of the underlying pixel buffer.
ULExport size_t ulBitmapGetSize(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Whether or not this bitmap owns its own pixel buffer.
ULExport bool ulBitmapOwnsPixels(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Lock pixels for reading/writing, returns pointer to pixel buffer.
ULExport void* ulBitmapLockPixels(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Unlock pixels after locking.
ULExport void ulBitmapUnlockPixels(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Get raw pixel buffer-- you should only call this if Bitmap is already
/// locked.
ULExport void* ulBitmapRawPixels(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Whether or not this bitmap is empty.
ULExport bool ulBitmapIsEmpty(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Reset bitmap pixels to 0.
ULExport void ulBitmapErase(ULBitmap bitmap);

/// Write bitmap to a PNG on disk.
ULExport bool ulBitmapWritePNG(ULBitmap bitmap, const char* path);

* Key Event

/// Create a key event, @see KeyEvent for help with the following parameters.
ULExport ULKeyEvent ulCreateKeyEvent(ULKeyEventType type,
                                     unsigned int modifiers,
                                     int virtual_key_code, int native_key_code,
                                     ULString text, ULString unmodified_text,
                                     bool is_keypad, bool is_auto_repeat,
                                     bool is_system_key);

#ifdef _WIN32
/// Create a key event from native Windows event.
ULExport ULKeyEvent ulCreateKeyEventWindows(ULKeyEventType type,
                                            uintptr_t wparam, intptr_t lparam,
                                            bool is_system_key);

#ifdef __OBJC__
/// Create a key event from native macOS event.
ULExport ULKeyEvent ulCreateKeyEventMacOS(NSEvent* evt);

/// Destroy a key event.
ULExport void ulDestroyKeyEvent(ULKeyEvent evt);

 * Mouse Event

/// Create a mouse event, @see MouseEvent for help using this function.
ULExport ULMouseEvent ulCreateMouseEvent(ULMouseEventType type, int x, int y,
                                         ULMouseButton button);

/// Destroy a mouse event.
ULExport void ulDestroyMouseEvent(ULMouseEvent evt);

 * Scroll Event

/// Create a scroll event, @see ScrollEvent for help using this function.
ULExport ULScrollEvent ulCreateScrollEvent(ULScrollEventType type, int delta_x,
                                           int delta_y);

/// Destroy a scroll event.
ULExport void ulDestroyScrollEvent(ULScrollEvent evt);

#ifdef __cplusplus