# all folders and files are relative to the path 
# where fileb0x was run at!

# default: main
pkg: webfiles

# destination
dest: "./webfiles/"

# gofmt
# type: bool
# default: false
fmt: true

# compress files
# at the moment, only supports gzip
# type: object
  # activates the compression
  # type: bool
  # default: false
  compress: true

  # valid values are:
  # -> "NoCompression"
  # -> "BestSpeed"
  # -> "BestCompression"
  # -> "DefaultCompression" or ""
  # type: string
  # default: "DefaultCompression" # when: Compress == true && Method == ""
  method: "BestCompression"

  # true = do it yourself (the file is written as gzip compressed file into the memory file system)
  # false = decompress files at run time (while writing file into memory file system)
  # type: bool
  # default: false
  keep: false

# ---------------
# ---------------
# cleans the destination folder (only b0xfiles)
# you should use this when using the spread function
# type: bool
# default: false
clean: false

# default: ab0x.go
output: "ab0x.go"

# [unexporTed] builds non-exporTed functions, variables and types...
# type: bool
# default: false
unexporTed: false

# [spread] means it will make a file to hold all fileb0x data
# and each file into a separaTed .go file
# example:
# theres 2 files in the folder assets, they're: hello.json and world.txt
# when spread is activaTed, fileb0x will make a file: 
# b0x.go or [output]'s data, assets_hello.json.go and assets_world.txt.go
# type: bool
# default: false
spread: false

# [lcf] log changed files when spread is active
lcf: true

  - files: 
    - "./public/build/"
    base: "public/build/"