package muon import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net" "net/http" "reflect" "unsafe" . "" ) // Window represents a single Ultralight instance type Window struct { wnd ULWindow ov ULOverlay view ULView app ULApp handler http.Handler cfg *Config } type ipf struct { Function reflect.Value ParamTypes []reflect.Type ReturnTypes []reflect.Type } // Config contains configurable controls for the Ultralight engine type Config struct { Title string Height uint32 Width uint32 X int32 Y int32 Resizeable bool Borderless bool Tilted bool Maximizable bool } // New creates a Ultralight Window func New(cfg *Config, handler http.Handler) *Window { w := &Window{ cfg: cfg, handler: handler, } ufg := UlCreateConfig() std := UlCreateSettings() = UlCreateApp(std, ufg) mm := UlAppGetMainMonitor( var hint uint32 if cfg.Resizeable { hint |= 4 } if cfg.Borderless { hint |= 1 } if cfg.Tilted { hint |= 2 } if cfg.Maximizable { hint |= 8 } w.wnd = UlCreateWindow(mm, w.cfg.Height, w.cfg.Width, false, hint) UlWindowSetTitle(w.wnd, w.cfg.Title) UlAppSetWindow(, w.wnd) w.ov = UlCreateOverlay(w.wnd, w.cfg.Height, w.cfg.Width, w.cfg.X, w.cfg.Y) UlWindowSetResizeCallback(w.wnd, resizeCallback(w.ov), nil) w.view = UlOverlayGetView(w.ov) return w } // Start sets up the Ultralight runtime and begins showing the Window func (w *Window) Start() error { addr, err := serveHandler(w.handler) if err != nil { return err } url := UlCreateString(addr) defer UlDestroyString(url) UlViewLoadURL(w.view, url) UlAppRun( return nil } // Bind registers the given function to the given name in the Window's JS global object func (w *Window) Bind(name string, function interface{}) { f := &ipf{ Function: reflect.ValueOf(function), } t := f.Function.Type() f.ParamTypes = make([]reflect.Type, t.NumIn()) for i := 0; i < t.NumIn(); i++ { f.ParamTypes[i] = t.In(i) } f.ReturnTypes = make([]reflect.Type, t.NumOut()) for i := 0; i < t.NumOut(); i++ { f.ReturnTypes[i] = t.Out(i) } addFunctionToView(w.view, name, w.makeIPCCallback(f)) } // Eval evaluates a given JavaScript string in the given Window view. `ret` is necessary for JSON serialization if an object is returned. func (w *Window) Eval(js string, ret reflect.Type) (interface{}, error) { us := UlCreateString(js) defer UlDestroyString(us) ref := UlViewEvaluateScript(w.view, us) ctx := UlViewGetJSContext(w.view) val, err := fromJSValue(ctx, ref, ret) if err != nil { return nil, err } return val.Interface(), nil } // Resize changes the given Window's size func (w *Window) Resize(width int, height int) { UlOverlayResize(w.ov, uint32(width), uint32(height)) } // Move sets the Window's position to the given coordinates func (w *Window) Move(x int, y int) { UlOverlayMoveTo(w.ov, int32(x), int32(y)) } func (w *Window) makeIPCCallback(f *ipf) func(JSContextRef, JSObjectRef, JSObjectRef, uint, []JSValueRef, []JSValueRef) JSValueRef { return func( ctx JSContextRef, function JSObjectRef, thisObject JSObjectRef, argumentCount uint, arguments []JSValueRef, exception []JSValueRef) JSValueRef { params := make([]reflect.Value, argumentCount) for i := uint(0); i < argumentCount; i++ { val, err := fromJSValue(ctx, arguments[i], f.ParamTypes[i]) if err != nil { panic(err) } params[i] = val } val := f.Function.Call(params) if len(val) > 1 { panic("Javascript does not support more than 1 return value!") } return toJSValue(ctx, val[0]) } } func fromJSValue(ctx JSContextRef, value JSValueRef, rtype reflect.Type) (reflect.Value, error) { var rv reflect.Value var err error if JSValueIsArray(ctx, value) { l := JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("length") defer JSStringRelease(l) obj := *(*JSObjectRef)(unsafe.Pointer(&value)) prop := JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, obj, l, nil) length := int(JSValueToNumber(ctx, prop, nil)) values := reflect.MakeSlice(rtype, length, length) for i := 0; i < length; i++ { ref := JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(ctx, obj, uint32(i), nil) val, err := fromJSValue(ctx, ref, rtype.Elem()) if err != nil { return reflect.Value{}, err } values.Index(i).Set(val) } return values, nil } switch JSValueGetType(ctx, value) { case KJSTypeBoolean: rv = reflect.ValueOf(JSValueToBoolean(ctx, value)) case KJSTypeNumber: rv = reflect.ValueOf(JSValueToNumber(ctx, value, nil)) case KJSTypeString: ref := JSValueToStringCopy(ctx, value, nil) rv = reflect.ValueOf(fromJSString(ref)) JSStringRelease(ref) case KJSTypeObject: ref := JSValueCreateJSONString(ctx, value, 0, nil) obj := reflect.New(rtype).Interface() if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(fromJSString(ref)), &obj); err == nil { rv = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) } JSStringRelease(ref) default: panic("Not implemented") } return rv, err } func fromJSString(str JSStringRef) string { len := JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(str) data := make([]byte, len) written := JSStringGetUTF8CString(str, data, len) return string(data[:written-1]) } func toJSValue(ctx JSContextRef, value reflect.Value) JSValueRef { var jsv JSValueRef var err error switch value.Kind() { case reflect.Float64: jsv = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, value.Float()) case reflect.Bool: jsv = JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, value.Bool()) case reflect.String: str := JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(value.String()) jsv = JSValueMakeString(ctx, str) JSStringRelease(str) case reflect.Ptr: return toJSValue(ctx, reflect.Indirect(value)) case reflect.Struct: if json, err := json.Marshal(value.Interface()); err == nil { str := JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(string(json)) jsv = JSValueMakeFromJSONString(ctx, str) JSStringRelease(str) } case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: rets := make([]JSValueRef, value.Len()) for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ { rets[i] = toJSValue(ctx, value.Index(i)) } arr := JSObjectMakeArray(ctx, uint(len(rets)), rets, nil) jsv = *(*JSValueRef)(unsafe.Pointer(&arr)) default: panic("Not implemented!") } if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx) } return jsv } func addFunctionToView(view ULView, name string, callback JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback) { ctx := UlViewGetJSContext(view) gobj := JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx) fn := JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(name) defer JSStringRelease(fn) fob := JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback(ctx, fn, callback) val := *(*JSValueRef)(unsafe.Pointer(&fob)) JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, gobj, fn, val, KJSPropertyAttributeNone, []JSValueRef{}) } func resizeCallback(ov ULOverlay) func(userData unsafe.Pointer, width uint32, height uint32) { return func(userData unsafe.Pointer, width uint32, height uint32) { UlOverlayResize(ov, width, height) } } func serveHandler(handler http.Handler) (string, error) { ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") if err != nil { return "", err } go func() { panic(http.Serve(ln, handler)) }() return "http://" + ln.Addr().String(), nil }