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`Muon` is a lightweight alternative to Electron written in Golang in about ~300 LoC, using Ultralight instead of Chromium. [Ultralight](https://ultralig.ht/) is a corss-platform WebKit rewrite using the GPU to target embeded desktop applications that resulted in a fast, lightweight, and low-memory HTML UI solution that blends the power of Chromium with the small footprint of Native UI.
// Muon automatically handles interop to and from the JS runtime
func add(a float64, b float64) float64 {
return a + b
## Q: *How are JS types translated to Go types?*
- JS: `Boolean` Go: `bool`
- JS: `Number` Go: `float64`
- JS: `String` Go: `string`
- JS: `Object` Go: `struct` via JSON
## Q: *I get `exit status 3221225781` when I try to run my program*
- Your program likely can't find the [Ultralight](https://ultralig.ht/) libraries. Ensure they're either installed on the system, or, in the same folder as your program.