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/// @file Bitmap.h
/// @brief The header for the Bitmap class.
/// @author
/// This file is a part of Ultralight, a fast, lightweight, HTML UI engine
/// Website: <http://ultralig.ht>
/// Copyright (C) 2019 Ultralight, Inc. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include <Ultralight/Defines.h>
#include <Ultralight/RefPtr.h>
#include <Ultralight/Geometry.h>
namespace ultralight {
#pragma pack(push, 1)
/// The various Bitmap formats.
enum UExport BitmapFormat {
/// Alpha-channel only, 8-bits per channel (8-bits in total per pixel)
/// Red Green Blue Alpha, 8-bits per channel (32-bits in total per pixel)
/// Macro to get the bytes per pixel from a BitmapFormat
#define GetBytesPerPixel(x) (x == kBitmapFormat_A8? 1 : 4)
/// @brief Bitmap container with basic blitting and conversion routines.
class UExport Bitmap : public RefCounted {
/// Create an empty Bitmap. No pixels will be allocated.
static Ref<Bitmap> Create();
/// Create a Bitmap with a certain configuration. Pixels will be allocated
/// but not initialized.
/// @param width The width in pixels.
/// @param height The height in pixels.
/// @param format The pixel format to use.
/// @return A ref-pointer to a new Bitmap instance.
static Ref<Bitmap> Create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, BitmapFormat format);
/// Create a Bitmap with existing pixels and configuration.
/// @param width The width in pixels.
/// @param height The height in pixels.
/// @param format The pixel format to use.
/// @param row_bytes The number of bytes between each row (note that this
/// value should be >= width * bytes_per_pixel).
/// @param pixels Pointer to raw pixel buffer.
/// @param size Size of the raw pixel buffer.
/// @param should_copy Whether or not a copy should be made of the pixels.
/// If this is false, the returned Bitmap will use the
/// raw pixels passed in as its own, but you are still
/// responsible for destroying your buffer afterwards.
/// @return A ref-pointer to a new Bitmap instance.
static Ref<Bitmap> Create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, BitmapFormat format,
uint32_t row_bytes, const void* pixels, size_t size, bool should_copy = true);
/// Create a bitmap from a deep copy of another Bitmap.
static Ref<Bitmap> Create(const Bitmap& bitmap);
/// Get the width in pixels.
virtual uint32_t width() const = 0;
/// Get the height in pixels.
virtual uint32_t height() const = 0;
/// Get the bounds as an IntRect
virtual IntRect bounds() const = 0;
/// Get the pixel format.
virtual BitmapFormat format() const = 0;
/// Get the number of bytes per pixel.
virtual uint32_t bpp() const = 0;
/// Get the number of bytes between each row (this is always >= width * bpp)
virtual uint32_t row_bytes() const = 0;
/// Get the size in bytes of the pixel buffer.
virtual size_t size() const = 0;
/// Whether or not this Bitmap owns the pixel buffer and will destroy it
/// at the end of its lifetime.
virtual bool owns_pixels() const = 0;
/// Lock the pixel buffer for reading/writing.
/// @return A pointer to the pixel buffer.
virtual void* LockPixels() = 0;
/// Unlock the pixel buffer.
virtual void UnlockPixels() = 0;
/// Lock the pixel buffer for reading/writing. (const)
/// @return A const pointer to the pixel buffer.
virtual const void* LockPixels() const = 0;
/// Unlock the pixel buffer. (const)
virtual void UnlockPixels() const = 0;
/// Get the raw pixel buffer.
/// @note You should only call this if pixels are already locked.
virtual void* raw_pixels() = 0;
/// Whether or not this Bitmap is empty (no pixels allocated).
virtual bool IsEmpty() const = 0;
/// Erase the Bitmap (set all pixels to 0).
virtual void Erase() = 0;
/// Assign another bitmap to this one.
/// @param bitmap The bitmap to copy from.
virtual void Set(Ref<Bitmap> bitmap) = 0;
/// Draw another bitmap to this bitmap.
/// @note Formats do not need to match. Bitmap formats will be converted
/// to one another automatically. Note that when converting from
/// RGBA8 to A8, only the Red channel will be used.
/// @param src_rect The source rectangle, relative to src bitmap.
/// @param dest_rect The destination rectangle, relative to this bitmap.
/// @param src The source bitmap.
/// @param pad_repeat Whether or not we should pad the drawn bitmap by one
/// pixel of repeated edge pixels from the source bitmap.
/// @return Whether or not the operation succeeded (this can fail if the
/// src_rect and/or dest_rect are invalid, or if their total
/// dimensions do not match).
virtual bool DrawBitmap(IntRect src_rect, IntRect dest_rect,
Ref<Bitmap> src, bool pad_repeat) = 0;
/// Write this Bitmap out to a PNG image. (mainly used for Debug)
/// @param path The filepath to write to (opened with fopen())
/// @return Whether or not the operation succeeded.
virtual bool WritePNG(const char* path) = 0;
virtual ~Bitmap();
Bitmap(const Bitmap&);
void operator=(const Bitmap&);
#pragma pack(pop)
} // namespace ultralight