335 lines
8.1 KiB
335 lines
8.1 KiB
// 6 april 2015
#include "ui.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int onClosing(uiWindow *w, void *data)
printf("in closing!\n");
return 1;
uiControl *e;
static void getWindowText(uiControl *b, void *data)
char *text;
text = uiWindowTitle((uiWindow *) data);
uiEntrySetText(e, text);
static void setWindowText(uiControl *b, void *data)
char *text;
text = uiEntryText(e);
uiWindowSetTitle((uiWindow *) data, text);
static void getButtonText(uiControl *b, void *data)
char *text;
text = uiButtonText((uiControl *) data);
uiEntrySetText(e, text);
static void setButtonText(uiControl *b, void *data)
char *text;
text = uiEntryText(e);
uiButtonSetText((uiControl *) data, text);
static void getCheckboxText(uiControl *b, void *data)
char *text;
text = uiCheckboxText((uiControl *) data);
uiEntrySetText(e, text);
static void setCheckboxText(uiControl *b, void *data)
char *text;
text = uiEntryText(e);
uiCheckboxSetText((uiControl *) data, text);
uiWindow *w;
#define nStacks 11
uiControl *stacks[nStacks];
uiControl *spaced;
static void setSpaced(int spaced)
int i;
uiWindowSetMargined(w, spaced);
for (i = 0; i < nStacks; i++)
uiStackSetPadded(stacks[i], spaced);
static void toggleSpaced(uiControl *c, void *data)
int s = uiCheckboxChecked(spaced);
printf("toggled %d\n", s);
// these will also be used to test if setting checks will trigger events
static void forceSpacedOn(uiControl *c, void *data)
uiCheckboxSetChecked(spaced, 1);
static void forceSpacedOff(uiControl *c, void *data)
uiCheckboxSetChecked(spaced, 0);
static void showSpaced(uiControl *c, void *data)
char msg[] = { 'm', ' ', '0', ' ', 'p', ' ', '0', '\0' };
if (uiWindowMargined(w))
msg[2] = '1';
if (uiStackPadded(stacks[0]))
msg[6] = '1';
uiEntrySetText(e, msg);
static void showControl(uiControl *c, void *data)
uiControlShow((uiControl *) data);
static void hideControl(uiControl *c, void *data)
uiControlHide((uiControl *) data);
static void enableControl(uiControl *c, void *data)
uiControlEnable((uiControl *) data);
static void disableControl(uiControl *c, void *data)
uiControlDisable((uiControl *) data);
static void getLabelText(uiControl *b, void *data)
char *text;
text = uiLabelText((uiControl *) data);
uiEntrySetText(e, text);
static void setLabelText(uiControl *b, void *data)
char *text;
text = uiEntryText(e);
uiLabelSetText((uiControl *) data, text);
uiControl *firstStack;
uiControl *secondStack;
uiControl *movingLabel;
static void moveToFirst(uiControl *c, void *data)
uiStackDelete(secondStack, 1);
uiStackAppend(firstStack, movingLabel, 1);
static void moveToSecond(uiControl *c, void *data)
uiStackDelete(firstStack, 1);
uiStackAppend(secondStack, movingLabel, 1);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uiInitOptions o;
int i;
const char *err;
uiControl *getButton, *setButton;
uiControl *label;
uiControl *tab;
int page2stack;
memset(&o, 0, sizeof (uiInitOptions));
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (strcmp(argv[i], "leaks") == 0)
o.debugLogAllocations = 1;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]);
return 1;
err = uiInit(&o);
if (err != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error initializing ui: %s\n", err);
return 1;
w = uiNewWindow("Hello", 320, 240);
uiWindowOnClosing(w, onClosing, NULL);
stacks[0] = uiNewVerticalStack();
e = uiNewEntry();
uiStackAppend(stacks[0], e, 0);
i = 1;
stacks[i] = uiNewHorizontalStack();
getButton = uiNewButton("Get Window Text");
uiButtonOnClicked(getButton, getWindowText, w);
setButton = uiNewButton("Set Window Text");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, setWindowText, w);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], getButton, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[0], stacks[i], 0);
stacks[i] = uiNewHorizontalStack();
getButton = uiNewButton("Get Button Text");
uiButtonOnClicked(getButton, getButtonText, getButton);
setButton = uiNewButton("Set Button Text");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, setButtonText, getButton);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], getButton, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[0], stacks[i], 0);
// this will also be used to make sure tab stops work properly when inserted out of creation order, especially on Windows
spaced = uiNewCheckbox("Spaced");
uiCheckboxOnToggled(spaced, toggleSpaced, NULL);
stacks[i] = uiNewHorizontalStack();
getButton = uiNewButton("Get Checkbox Text");
uiButtonOnClicked(getButton, getCheckboxText, spaced);
setButton = uiNewButton("Set Checkbox Text");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, setCheckboxText, spaced);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], getButton, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[0], stacks[i], 0);
label = uiNewLabel("Label");
stacks[i] = uiNewHorizontalStack();
getButton = uiNewButton("Get Label Text");
uiButtonOnClicked(getButton, getLabelText, label);
setButton = uiNewButton("Set Label Text");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, setLabelText, label);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], getButton, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[0], stacks[i], 0);
stacks[i] = uiNewHorizontalStack();
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], spaced, 1);
getButton = uiNewButton("On");
uiButtonOnClicked(getButton, forceSpacedOn, NULL);
setButton = uiNewButton("Off");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, forceSpacedOff, NULL);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], getButton, 0);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 0);
setButton = uiNewButton("Show");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, showSpaced, NULL);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 0);
uiStackAppend(stacks[0], stacks[i], 0);
stacks[i] = uiNewHorizontalStack();
getButton = uiNewButton("Button");
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], getButton, 1);
setButton = uiNewButton("Show");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, showControl, getButton);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 0);
setButton = uiNewButton("Hide");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, hideControl, getButton);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 0);
setButton = uiNewButton("Enable");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, enableControl, getButton);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 0);
setButton = uiNewButton("Disable");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, disableControl, getButton);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 0);
uiStackAppend(stacks[0], stacks[i], 0);
stacks[i] = uiNewHorizontalStack();
setButton = uiNewButton("Show Stack");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, showControl, stacks[i - 1]);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 1);
setButton = uiNewButton("Hide Stack");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, hideControl, stacks[i - 1]);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 1);
setButton = uiNewButton("Enable Stack");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, enableControl, stacks[i - 1]);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 1);
setButton = uiNewButton("Disable Stack");
uiButtonOnClicked(setButton, disableControl, stacks[i - 1]);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], setButton, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[0], stacks[i], 0);
uiStackAppend(stacks[0], label, 0);
tab = uiNewTab();
uiWindowSetChild(w, tab);
uiTabAddPage(tab, "Page 1", stacks[0]);
page2stack = i;
stacks[i] = uiNewVerticalStack();
uiTabAddPage(tab, "Page 2", stacks[i]);
stacks[i] = uiNewHorizontalStack();
firstStack = stacks[i];
getButton = uiNewButton("Move Here");
uiButtonOnClicked(getButton, moveToFirst, NULL);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], getButton, 0);
movingLabel = uiNewLabel("This label moves!");
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], movingLabel, 1);
uiStackAppend(stacks[page2stack], stacks[i], 0);;
stacks[i] = uiNewHorizontalStack();
secondStack = stacks[i];
getButton = uiNewButton("Move Here");
uiButtonOnClicked(getButton, moveToSecond, NULL);
uiStackAppend(stacks[i], getButton, 0);
uiStackAppend(stacks[page2stack], stacks[i], 0);
if (i != nStacks) {
fprintf(stderr, "forgot to update nStacks (expected %d)\n", i);
return 1;
printf("after uiMain()\n");
return 0;