
809 lines
22 KiB

// 6 september 2015
#import "uipriv_darwin.h"
struct uiDrawPath {
CGMutablePathRef path;
uiDrawFillMode fillMode;
BOOL ended;
uiDrawPath *uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillMode mode)
uiDrawPath *p;
p = uiNew(uiDrawPath);
p->path = CGPathCreateMutable();
p->fillMode = mode;
return p;
void uiDrawFreePath(uiDrawPath *p)
CGPathRelease((CGPathRef) (p->path));
void uiDrawPathNewFigure(uiDrawPath *p, double x, double y)
if (p->ended)
complain("attempt to add figure to ended path in uiDrawPathNewFigure()");
CGPathMoveToPoint(p->path, NULL, x, y);
void uiDrawPathNewFigureWithArc(uiDrawPath *p, double xCenter, double yCenter, double radius, double startAngle, double sweep, int negative)
double sinStart, cosStart;
double startx, starty;
if (p->ended)
complain("attempt to add figure to ended path in uiDrawPathNewFigureWithArc()");
sinStart = sin(startAngle);
cosStart = cos(startAngle);
startx = xCenter + radius * cosStart;
starty = yCenter + radius * sinStart;
CGPathMoveToPoint(p->path, NULL, startx, starty);
uiDrawPathArcTo(p, xCenter, yCenter, radius, startAngle, sweep, negative);
void uiDrawPathLineTo(uiDrawPath *p, double x, double y)
if (p->ended)
complain("attempt to add line to ended path in uiDrawPathLineTo()");
CGPathAddLineToPoint(p->path, NULL, x, y);
void uiDrawPathArcTo(uiDrawPath *p, double xCenter, double yCenter, double radius, double startAngle, double sweep, int negative)
bool cw;
if (p->ended)
complain("attempt to add arc to ended path in uiDrawPathArcTo()");
if (sweep > 2 * M_PI)
sweep = 2 * M_PI;
cw = false;
if (negative)
cw = true;
CGPathAddArc(p->path, NULL,
xCenter, yCenter,
startAngle, startAngle + sweep,
void uiDrawPathBezierTo(uiDrawPath *p, double c1x, double c1y, double c2x, double c2y, double endX, double endY)
if (p->ended)
complain("attempt to add bezier to ended path in uiDrawPathBezierTo()");
CGPathAddCurveToPoint(p->path, NULL,
c1x, c1y,
c2x, c2y,
endX, endY);
void uiDrawPathCloseFigure(uiDrawPath *p)
if (p->ended)
complain("attempt to close figure of ended path in uiDrawPathCloseFigure()");
void uiDrawPathAddRectangle(uiDrawPath *p, double x, double y, double width, double height)
if (p->ended)
complain("attempt to add rectangle to ended path in uiDrawPathAddRectangle()");
CGPathAddRect(p->path, NULL, CGRectMake(x, y, width, height));
void uiDrawPathEnd(uiDrawPath *p)
p->ended = TRUE;
struct uiDrawContext {
CGContextRef c;
CGFloat height; // needed for text; see below
uiDrawContext *newContext(CGContextRef ctxt, CGFloat height)
uiDrawContext *c;
c = uiNew(uiDrawContext);
c->c = ctxt;
c->height = height;
return c;
void freeContext(uiDrawContext *c)
// a stroke is identical to a fill of a stroked path
// we need to do this in order to stroke with a gradient; see
// doing this for other brushes works too
void uiDrawStroke(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawPath *path, uiDrawBrush *b, uiDrawStrokeParams *p)
CGLineCap cap;
CGLineJoin join;
CGPathRef dashPath;
CGFloat *dashes;
size_t i;
uiDrawPath p2;
if (!path->ended)
complain("path not ended in uiDrawStroke()");
switch (p->Cap) {
case uiDrawLineCapFlat:
cap = kCGLineCapButt;
case uiDrawLineCapRound:
cap = kCGLineCapRound;
case uiDrawLineCapSquare:
cap = kCGLineCapSquare;
switch (p->Join) {
case uiDrawLineJoinMiter:
join = kCGLineJoinMiter;
case uiDrawLineJoinRound:
join = kCGLineJoinRound;
case uiDrawLineJoinBevel:
join = kCGLineJoinBevel;
// create a temporary path identical to the previous one
dashPath = (CGPathRef) path->path;
if (p->NumDashes != 0) {
dashes = (CGFloat *) uiAlloc(p->NumDashes * sizeof (CGFloat), "CGFloat[]");
for (i = 0; i < p->NumDashes; i++)
dashes[i] = p->Dashes[i];
dashPath = CGPathCreateCopyByDashingPath(path->path,
// the documentation is wrong: this produces a path suitable for calling CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath(), not for filling directly
// the cast is safe; we never modify the CGPathRef and always cast it back to a CGPathRef anyway
p2.path = (CGMutablePathRef) CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath(dashPath,
if (p->NumDashes != 0)
// always draw stroke fills using the winding rule
// otherwise intersecting figures won't draw correctly
p2.fillMode = uiDrawFillModeWinding;
p2.ended = path->ended;
uiDrawFill(c, &p2, b);
// and clean up
CGPathRelease((CGPathRef) (p2.path));
// for a solid fill, we can merely have Core Graphics fill directly
static void fillSolid(CGContextRef ctxt, uiDrawPath *p, uiDrawBrush *b)
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctxt, b->R, b->G, b->B, b->A);
switch (p->fillMode) {
case uiDrawFillModeWinding:
case uiDrawFillModeAlternate:
// for a gradient fill, we need to clip to the path and then draw the gradient
// see
static void fillGradient(CGContextRef ctxt, uiDrawPath *p, uiDrawBrush *b)
CGGradientRef gradient;
CGColorSpaceRef colorspace;
CGFloat *colors;
CGFloat *locations;
size_t i;
// gradients need a color space
// for consistency with windows, use sRGB
colorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceSRGB);
// make the gradient
colors = uiAlloc(b->NumStops * 4 * sizeof (CGFloat), "CGFloat[]");
locations = uiAlloc(b->NumStops * sizeof (CGFloat), "CGFloat[]");
for (i = 0; i < b->NumStops; i++) {
colors[i * 4 + 0] = b->Stops[i].R;
colors[i * 4 + 1] = b->Stops[i].G;
colors[i * 4 + 2] = b->Stops[i].B;
colors[i * 4 + 3] = b->Stops[i].A;
locations[i] = b->Stops[i].Pos;
gradient = CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents(colorspace, colors, locations, b->NumStops);
// because we're mucking with clipping, we need to save the graphics state and restore it later
// clip
switch (p->fillMode) {
case uiDrawFillModeWinding:
case uiDrawFillModeAlternate:
// draw the gradient
switch (b->Type) {
case uiDrawBrushTypeLinearGradient:
CGPointMake(b->X0, b->Y0),
CGPointMake(b->X1, b->Y1),
kCGGradientDrawsBeforeStartLocation | kCGGradientDrawsAfterEndLocation);
case uiDrawBrushTypeRadialGradient:
CGPointMake(b->X0, b->Y0),
// make the start circle radius 0 to make it a point
CGPointMake(b->X1, b->Y1),
kCGGradientDrawsBeforeStartLocation | kCGGradientDrawsAfterEndLocation);
// and clean up
void uiDrawFill(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawPath *path, uiDrawBrush *b)
if (!path->ended)
complain("path not ended in uiDrawFill()");
CGContextAddPath(c->c, (CGPathRef) (path->path));
switch (b->Type) {
case uiDrawBrushTypeSolid:
fillSolid(c->c, path, b);
case uiDrawBrushTypeLinearGradient:
case uiDrawBrushTypeRadialGradient:
fillGradient(c->c, path, b);
// case uiDrawBrushTypeImage:
complain("unknown brush type %d in uiDrawFill()", b->Type);
static void m2c(uiDrawMatrix *m, CGAffineTransform *c)
c->a = m->M11;
c->b = m->M12;
c->c = m->M21;
c->d = m->M22;
c->tx = m->M31;
c->ty = m->M32;
static void c2m(CGAffineTransform *c, uiDrawMatrix *m)
m->M11 = c->a;
m->M12 = c->b;
m->M21 = c->c;
m->M22 = c->d;
m->M31 = c->tx;
m->M32 = c->ty;
// TODO get rid of the separate setIdentity()
void uiDrawMatrixSetIdentity(uiDrawMatrix *m)
void uiDrawMatrixTranslate(uiDrawMatrix *m, double x, double y)
CGAffineTransform c;
m2c(m, &c);
c = CGAffineTransformTranslate(c, x, y);
c2m(&c, m);
void uiDrawMatrixScale(uiDrawMatrix *m, double xCenter, double yCenter, double x, double y)
CGAffineTransform c;
double xt, yt;
m2c(m, &c);
// TODO explain why the translation must come first
xt = x;
yt = y;
scaleCenter(xCenter, yCenter, &xt, &yt);
c = CGAffineTransformTranslate(c, xt, yt);
c = CGAffineTransformScale(c, x, y);
// TODO undo the translation?
c2m(&c, m);
void uiDrawMatrixRotate(uiDrawMatrix *m, double x, double y, double amount)
CGAffineTransform c;
m2c(m, &c);
c = CGAffineTransformTranslate(c, x, y);
c = CGAffineTransformRotate(c, amount);
c = CGAffineTransformTranslate(c, -x, -y);
c2m(&c, m);
void uiDrawMatrixSkew(uiDrawMatrix *m, double x, double y, double xamount, double yamount)
fallbackSkew(m, x, y, xamount, yamount);
void uiDrawMatrixMultiply(uiDrawMatrix *dest, uiDrawMatrix *src)
CGAffineTransform c;
CGAffineTransform d;
m2c(dest, &c);
m2c(src, &d);
c = CGAffineTransformConcat(c, d);
c2m(&c, dest);
// there is no test for invertibility; CGAffineTransformInvert() is merely documented as returning the matrix unchanged if it isn't invertible
// therefore, special care must be taken to catch matrices who are their own inverses
// TODO figure out which matrices these are and do so
int uiDrawMatrixInvertible(uiDrawMatrix *m)
CGAffineTransform c, d;
m2c(m, &c);
d = CGAffineTransformInvert(c);
return CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform(c, d) == false;
int uiDrawMatrixInvert(uiDrawMatrix *m)
CGAffineTransform c, d;
m2c(m, &c);
d = CGAffineTransformInvert(c);
if (CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform(c, d))
return 0;
c2m(&d, m);
return 1;
void uiDrawMatrixTransformPoint(uiDrawMatrix *m, double *x, double *y)
CGAffineTransform c;
CGPoint p;
m2c(m, &c);
p = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(CGPointMake(*x, *y), c);
*x = p.x;
*y = p.y;
void uiDrawMatrixTransformSize(uiDrawMatrix *m, double *x, double *y)
CGAffineTransform c;
CGSize s;
m2c(m, &c);
s = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(CGSizeMake(*x, *y), c);
*x = s.width;
*y = s.height;
void uiDrawTransform(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawMatrix *m)
CGAffineTransform cm;
m2c(m, &cm);
CGContextConcatCTM(c->c, cm);
void uiDrawClip(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawPath *path)
if (!path->ended)
complain("path not ended in uiDrawClip()");
CGContextAddPath(c->c, (CGPathRef) (path->path));
switch (path->fillMode) {
case uiDrawFillModeWinding:
case uiDrawFillModeAlternate:
// TODO figure out what besides transforms these save/restore on all platforms
void uiDrawSave(uiDrawContext *c)
void uiDrawRestore(uiDrawContext *c)
// TODO for all relevant routines, make sure we are freeing memory correctly
// TODO make sure allocation failures throw exceptions?
struct uiDrawFontFamilies {
CFArrayRef fonts;
uiDrawFontFamilies *uiDrawListFontFamilies(void)
uiDrawFontFamilies *ff;
ff = uiNew(uiDrawFontFamilies);
// TODO is there a way to get an error reason?
ff->fonts = CTFontManagerCopyAvailableFontFamilyNames();
if (ff->fonts == NULL)
complain("error getting available font names (no reason specified)");
return ff;
uintmax_t uiDrawFontFamiliesNumFamilies(uiDrawFontFamilies *ff)
return CFArrayGetCount(ff->fonts);
char *uiDrawFontFamiliesFamily(uiDrawFontFamilies *ff, uintmax_t n)
CFStringRef familystr;
char *family;
familystr = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ff->fonts, n);
// TODO create a uiDarwinCFStringToText()?
family = uiDarwinNSStringToText((NSString *) familystr);
// Get Rule means we do not free familystr
return family;
void uiDrawFreeFontFamilies(uiDrawFontFamilies *ff)
double uiDrawTextSizeToPoints(double textSize)
return 0;
double uiDrawPointsToTextSize(double points)
return 0;
struct uiDrawTextLayout {
CFMutableAttributedStringRef mas;
intmax_t *bytesToCharacters;
// TODO this is *really* iffy, but we need to know character offsets...
// TODO clean up the local variable names and improve documentation
static intmax_t *strToCFStrOffsetList(const char *str, CFMutableStringRef *cfstr)
intmax_t *bytesToCharacters;
intmax_t i, len;
len = strlen(str);
bytesToCharacters = (intmax_t *) uiAlloc(len * sizeof (intmax_t), "intmax_t[]");
*cfstr = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0);
if (*cfstr == NULL)
complain("error creating CFMutableStringRef for storing string in uiDrawNewTextLayout()");
i = 0;
while (i < len) {
CFStringRef substr;
intmax_t n;
intmax_t j;
intmax_t pos;
// figure out how many characters to convert and convert them
for (n = 1; (i + n - 1) < len; n++) {
substr = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, (const UInt8 *) (str + i), n, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false);
if (substr != NULL) // found a full character
// if this test passes we either:
// - reached the end of the string without a successful conversion (invalid string)
// - ran into allocation issues
if (substr == NULL)
complain("something bad happened when trying to prepare string in uiDrawNewTextLayout()");
// now save the character offsets for those bytes
pos = CFStringGetLength(*cfstr);
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
bytesToCharacters[j] = pos;
// and add the characters that we converted
CFStringAppend(*cfstr, substr);
CFRelease(substr); // TODO correct?
// and go to the next
i += n;
return bytesToCharacters;
static CFMutableDictionaryRef newAttrList(void)
CFMutableDictionaryRef attr;
attr = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
if (attr == NULL)
complain("error creating attribute dictionary in newAttrList()()");
return attr;
static void addFontFamilyAttr(CFMutableDictionaryRef attr, const char *family)
CFStringRef cfstr;
cfstr = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, family, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
if (cfstr == NULL)
complain("error creating font family name CFStringRef in addFontFamilyAttr()");
CFDictionaryAddValue(attr, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute, cfstr);
CFRelease(cfstr); // dictionary holds its own reference
struct traits {
uiDrawTextWeight weight;
uiDrawTextItalic italic;
uiDrawTextStretch stretch;
// Named constants for these were NOT added until 10.11, and even then they were added as external symbols instead of macros, so we can't use them directly :(
// kode54 got these for me before I had access to El Capitan; thanks to him.
#define ourNSFontWeightUltraLight -0.800000
#define ourNSFontWeightThin -0.600000
#define ourNSFontWeightLight -0.400000
#define ourNSFontWeightRegular 0.000000
#define ourNSFontWeightMedium 0.230000
#define ourNSFontWeightSemibold 0.300000
#define ourNSFontWeightBold 0.400000
#define ourNSFontWeightHeavy 0.560000
#define ourNSFontWeightBlack 0.620000
static const CGFloat ctWeights[] = {
// yeah these two have their names swapped; blame Pango
// TODO note that these names do not necessarily line up with their OS names
[uiDrawTextWeightThin] = ourNSFontWeightUltraLight,
[uiDrawTextWeightUltraLight] = ourNSFontWeightThin,
[uiDrawTextWeightLight] = ourNSFontWeightLight,
// for this one let's go between Light and Regular
// TODO figure out if we can rely on the order for these (and the one below)
[uiDrawTextWeightBook] = ourNSFontWeightLight + ((ourNSFontWeightRegular - ourNSFontWeightLight) / 2),
[uiDrawTextWeightNormal] = ourNSFontWeightRegular,
[uiDrawTextWeightMedium] = ourNSFontWeightMedium,
[uiDrawTextWeightSemiBold] = ourNSFontWeightSemibold,
[uiDrawTextWeightBold] = ourNSFontWeightBold,
// for this one let's go between Bold and Heavy
[uiDrawTextWeightUtraBold] = ourNSFontWeightBold + ((ourNSFontWeightHeavy - ourNSFontWeightBold) / 2),
[uiDrawTextWeightHeavy] = ourNSFontWeightHeavy,
[uiDrawTextWeightUltraHeavy] = ourNSFontWeightBlack,
// Unfortunately there are still no named constants for these.
// Let's just use normalized widths.
static const CGFloat ctStretches[] = {
[uiDrawTextStretchUltraCondensed] = -1.0,
[uiDrawTextStretchExtraCondensed] = -0.75,
[uiDrawTextStretchCondensed] = -0.5,
[uiDrawTextStretchSemiCondensed] = -0.25,
[uiDrawTextStretchNormal] = 0.0,
[uiDrawTextStretchSemiExpanded] = 0.25,
[uiDrawTextStretchExpanded] = 0.5,
[uiDrawTextStretchExtraExpanded] = 0.75,
[uiDrawTextStretchUltraExpanded] = 1.0,
static void addFontTraitsAttr(CFMutableDictionaryRef attr, struct traits *traits)
CFMutableDictionaryRef td;
CFNumberRef num;
SInt64 symbolic;
CGFloat slant;
td = newAttrList();
symbolic = 0;
symbolic |= (SInt64) kCTFontBoldTrait;
num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &ctWeights[traits->weight]);
CFDictionaryAddValue(td, kCTFontWeightTrait, num);
switch (traits->italic) {
case uiDrawTextItalicOblique:
slant = 1.0; // TODO
num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &slant);
CFDictionaryAddValue(td, kCTFontSlantTrait, num);
// fall through
case uiDrawTextItalicItalic:
symbolic |= (SInt64) kCTFontItalicTrait;
symbolic |= (SInt64) kCTFontCondensedTrait;
num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberCGFloatType, &ctStretches[traits->stretch]);
CFDictionaryAddValue(td, kCTFontWidthTrait, num);
num = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &symbolic);
CFDictionaryAddValue(td, kCTFontSymbolicTrait, num);
CFDictionaryAddValue(attr, kCTFontTraitsAttribute, td);
static void addFontSizeAttr(CFMutableDictionaryRef attr, double size)
CFNumberRef n;
n = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberDoubleType, &size);
CFDictionaryAddValue(attr, kCTFontSizeAttribute, n);
// see and
static void addFontSmallCapsAttr(CFMutableDictionaryRef attr)
CFMutableArrayRef outerArray;
CFMutableDictionaryRef innerDict;
CFNumberRef numType, numSelector;
int num;
outerArray = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
if (outerArray == NULL)
complain("error creating outer CFArray for adding small caps attributes in addFontSmallCapsAttr()");
// TODO Apple's headers say these values are deprecated, but I'm not sure what they should be replaced with (or whether they should be deleted outright or used concurrently with their replacements); the other answers of the Stack Overflow question has hints though (and TODO inform Pango of this)
num = kLetterCaseType;
numType = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &num);
num = kSmallCapsSelector;
numSelector = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &num);
innerDict = newAttrList();
CFDictionaryAddValue(innerDict, kCTFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey, numType);
CFDictionaryAddValue(innerDict, kCTFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey, numSelector);
CFArrayAppendValue(outerArray, innerDict);
CFRelease(innerDict); // and likewise for CFArray
CFDictionaryAddValue(attr, kCTFontFeatureSettingsAttribute, outerArray);
static void addFontGravityAttr(CFMutableDictionaryRef dict, uiDrawTextGravity gravity)
// TODO: matrix setting? kCTFontOrientationAttribute? or is it a kCTVerticalFormsAttributeName of the CFAttributedString attributes and thus not part of the CTFontDescriptor?
uiDrawTextLayout *uiDrawNewTextLayout(const char *str, const uiDrawInitialTextStyle *initialStyle)
uiDrawTextLayout *layout;
CFMutableStringRef cfstr;
CFMutableDictionaryRef attr;
struct traits t;
CTFontDescriptorRef desc;
CTFontRef font;
CFAttributedStringRef immutable;
layout = uiNew(uiDrawTextLayout);
layout->bytesToCharacters = strToCFStrOffsetList(str, &cfstr);
attr = newAttrList();
addFontFamilyAttr(attr, initialStyle->Family);
t.weight = initialStyle->Weight;
t.italic = initialStyle->Italic;
t.stretch = initialStyle->Stretch;
addFontTraitsAttr(attr, &t);
addFontSizeAttr(attr, initialStyle->Size);
if (initialStyle->SmallCaps)
addFontGravityAttr(attr, initialStyle->Gravity);
desc = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes(attr);
// TODO release attr?
// specify the initial size again just to be safe
font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(desc, initialStyle->Size, NULL);
// TODO release desc?
attr = newAttrList();
CFDictionaryAddValue(attr, kCTFontAttributeName, font);
immutable = CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, cfstr, attr);
if (immutable == NULL)
complain("error creating immutable attributed string in uiDrawNewTextLayout()");
layout->mas = CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, immutable);
if (layout->mas == NULL)
complain("error creating attributed string in uiDrawNewTextLayout()");
return layout;
void uiDrawFreeTextLayout(uiDrawTextLayout *layout)
// Core Text doesn't draw onto a flipped view correctly; we have to do this
// see the iOS bits of the first example at (iOS is naturally flipped)
// TODO how is this affected by the CTM?
static void prepareContextForText(uiDrawContext *c, double *y)
CGContextTranslateCTM(c->c, 0, c->height);
CGContextScaleCTM(c->c, 1.0, -1.0);
CGContextSetTextMatrix(c->c, CGAffineTransformIdentity);
// wait, that's not enough; we need to offset y values to account for our new flipping
*y = c->height - *y;
// TODO how does this behave with multiple lines? on other platforms? is there a generic way to draw this unbounded?
void uiDrawText(uiDrawContext *c, double x, double y, uiDrawTextLayout *layout)
CTLineRef line;
CGRect bounds;
prepareContextForText(c, &y);
line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(layout->mas);
if (line == NULL)
complain("error creating CTLine object in uiDrawText()");
// oh, and (x, y) is the bottom-left corner; we need the top-left
// remember that we're flipped, so we subtract
bounds = CTLineGetImageBounds(line, c->c);
// though CTLineGetImageBounds() returns CGRectNull on error, it also returns CGRectNull on an empty string, so we can't reasonably check for error
y -= bounds.size.height;
CGContextSetTextPosition(c->c, x, y);
// and now we can FINALLY draw the line
CTLineDraw(line, c->c);