
210 lines
4.9 KiB

// 28 april 2015
#import "uipriv_darwin.h"
@interface windowDelegate : NSObject <NSWindowDelegate> {
uiWindow *w;
int (*onClosing)(uiWindow *, void *);
void *onClosingData;
- (uiWindow *)getuiWindow;
- (void)setuiWindow:(uiWindow *)ww;
- (void)setOnClosing:(int (*)(uiWindow *, void *))f data:(void *)data;
@implementation windowDelegate
- (uiWindow *)getuiWindow
return self->w;
- (void)setuiWindow:(uiWindow *)ww
self->w = ww;
- (void)setOnClosing:(int (*)(uiWindow *, void *))f data:(void *)data
self->onClosing = f;
self->onClosingData = data;
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender
if ((*(self->onClosing))(self->w, self->onClosingData))
return NO;
struct window {
uiWindow w;
NSWindow *window;
windowDelegate *delegate;
uiControl *bin;
static int defaultOnClosing(uiWindow *w, void *data)
return 0;
static void windowDestroy(uiControl *c)
struct window *w = (struct window *) c;
// first hide ourselves
[w->window orderOut:w->window];
// now destroy the child
binSetChild(w->bin, NULL);
// now destroy the bin
// we do this by changing the content view to a dummy view
// the window will release its reference on the bin now, then it will release its reference on the dummy view when the window itself is finally released
[w->window setContentView:[[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]];
// now destroy the delegate
[w->window setDelegate:nil];
[w->delegate release];
// now destroy ourselves
// don't call the base; we use a different method
[w->window close]; // see below about releasing when closed
static uintptr_t windowHandle(uiControl *c)
struct window *w = (struct window *) c;
return (uintptr_t) (w->window);
static void windowCommitShow(uiControl *c)
struct window *w = (struct window *) c;
[w->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:w->window];
static void windowCommitHide(uiControl *c)
struct window *w = (struct window *) c;
[w->window orderOut:w->window];
static void windowContainerUpdateState(uiControl *c)
struct window *w = (struct window *) c;
if (w->child != NULL)
static char *windowTitle(uiWindow *ww)
struct window *w = (struct window *) ww;
return uiDarwinNSStringToText([w->window title]);
static void windowSetTitle(uiWindow *ww, const char *title)
struct window *w = (struct window *) ww;
[w->window setTitle:toNSString(title)];
static void windowOnClosing(uiWindow *ww, int (*f)(uiWindow *, void *), void *data)
struct window *w = (struct window *) ww;
[w->delegate setOnClosing:f data:data];
static void windowSetChild(uiWindow *ww, uiControl *child)
struct window *w = (struct window *) ww;
binSetChild(w->bin, child);
static int windowMargined(uiWindow *ww)
struct window *w = (struct window *) ww;
return binMargined(w->bin);
static void windowSetMargined(uiWindow *ww, int margined)
struct window *w = (struct window *) ww;
binSetMargined(w->bin, margined);
static void windowResizeChild(uiWindow *ww)
complain("uiWindowResizeChild() meaningless on OS X");
uiWindow *uiNewWindow(const char *title, int width, int height, int hasMenubar)
struct window *w;
NSView *binView;
w = (struct window *) uiNewControl(uiTypeWindow());
w->window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, (CGFloat) width, (CGFloat) height)
styleMask:(NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask)
[w->window setTitle:toNSString(title)];
// a NSWindow is not a NSView, but nothing we're doing in this function is view-specific
uiDarwinMakeSingleWidgetControl(uiControl(w), (NSView *) (w->window));
// explicitly release when closed
// the only thing that closes the window is us anyway
[w->window setReleasedWhenClosed:YES];
w->delegate = [windowDelegate new];
[w->delegate setuiWindow:uiWindow(w)];
[w->window setDelegate:w->delegate];
w->bin = newBin();
binView = (NSView *) uiControlHandle(uiControl(w->bin));
[w->window setContentView:binView];
[w->delegate setOnClosing:defaultOnClosing data:NULL];
uiControl(w)->Handle = windowHandle;
uiControl(w)->CommitDestroy = windowCommitDestroy;
uiControl(w)->CommitShow = windowCommitShow;
uiControl(w)->CommitHide = windowCommitHide;
uiControl(w)->ContainerUpdateState = windowContainerUpdateState;
uiWindow(w)->Title = windowTitle;
uiWindow(w)->SetTitle = windowSetTitle;
uiWindow(w)->OnClosing = windowOnClosing;
uiWindow(w)->SetChild = windowSetChild;
uiWindow(w)->Margined = windowMargined;
uiWindow(w)->SetMargined = windowSetMargined;
uiWindow(w)->ResizeChild = windowResizeChild;
return uiWindow(w);
uiWindow *windowFromNSWindow(NSWindow *w)
windowDelegate *d;
if (w == nil)
return NULL;
d = (windowDelegate *) [w delegate];
return [d getuiWindow];