343 lines
9.7 KiB
343 lines
9.7 KiB
// 15 august 2015
#import "uipriv_darwin.h"
// TODOs:
// - tab on page 2 is glitched initially
// - 10.8: if we switch to page 4, then switch back to page 1, check Spaced, and go back to page 4, some controls (progress bar, popup button) are clipped on the sides
// - calling layoutSubtreeIfNeeded on a superview of the box will cause the following intrinsic content size thing to not work until the window is resized in the primary direction; this is bad if we ever add a Splitter...
// - moving around randomly through the tabs does this too
// the default is to have no intrinsic content size; this wreaks havoc with nested no-stretchy boxes fighting over which box gets the remaining space
// let's use a 0x0 intrinsic size instead; that seems to fix things
@interface libuiNoStretchyView : NSView
@implementation libuiNoStretchyView
- (NSSize)intrinsicContentSize
return NSMakeSize(0, 0);
struct uiBox {
uiDarwinControl c;
NSView *view;
BOOL vertical;
int padded;
NSMutableArray *children; // []NSValue<uiControl *>
NSMutableArray *stretchy; // []NSNumber
// this view is made stretchy if there are no stretchy views
NSView *noStretchyView;
NSLayoutAttribute primaryStart;
NSLayoutAttribute primaryEnd;
NSLayoutAttribute secondaryStart;
NSLayoutAttribute secondaryEnd;
NSLayoutAttribute primarySize;
NSLayoutConstraintOrientation primaryOrientation;
NSLayoutConstraintOrientation secondaryOrientation;
static uiControl *childAt(uiBox *b, uintmax_t n)
NSValue *v;
v = (NSValue *) [b->children objectAtIndex:n];
return (uiControl *) [v pointerValue];
static void uiBoxDestroy(uiControl *c)
uiBox *b = uiBox(c);
uintmax_t i;
uiControl *child;
NSView *childView;
for (i = 0; i < [b->children count]; i++) {
child = childAt(b, i);
childView = (NSView *) uiControlHandle(child);
[childView removeFromSuperview];
uiControlSetParent(child, NULL);
if ([b->noStretchyView superview] != nil)
[b->noStretchyView removeFromSuperview];
[b->noStretchyView release];
[b->children release];
[b->stretchy release];
[b->view release];
uiDarwinControlDefaultHandle(uiBox, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultParent(uiBox, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultSetParent(uiBox, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultToplevel(uiBox, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultVisible(uiBox, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultShow(uiBox, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultHide(uiBox, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultEnabled(uiBox, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultEnable(uiBox, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultDisable(uiBox, view)
static void uiBoxSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl *c, int enabled)
uiBox *b = uiBox(c);
NSUInteger i;
if (uiDarwinShouldStopSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(b), enabled))
for (i = 0; i < [b->children count]; i++) {
NSValue *v;
uiControl *child;
v = (NSValue *) [b->children objectAtIndex:i];
// TODO change all these other instances of casts to conversions
child = uiControl([v pointerValue]);
uiDarwinControlSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(child), enabled);
uiDarwinControlDefaultSetSuperview(uiBox, view)
static int isStretchy(uiBox *b, uintmax_t n)
NSNumber *num;
num = (NSNumber *) [b->stretchy objectAtIndex:n];
return [num intValue];
static NSView *boxView(uiBox *b, uintmax_t n)
NSValue *val;
uiControl *c;
val = (NSValue *) [b->children objectAtIndex:n];
c = (uiControl *) [val pointerValue];
return (NSView *) uiControlHandle(c);
static void addRemoveNoStretchyView(uiBox *b, BOOL hasStretchy)
if (!hasStretchy) {
if ([b->noStretchyView superview] == nil)
[b->view addSubview:b->noStretchyView];
} else {
if ([b->noStretchyView superview] != nil)
[b->noStretchyView removeFromSuperview];
// TODO do we still need to set hugging? I think we do for stretchy controls...
// TODO try unsetting spinbox intrinsics and seeing what happens
static void relayout(uiBox *b)
uintmax_t i, n;
BOOL hasStretchy;
NSView *firstStretchy = nil;
CGFloat padding;
NSView *prev, *next;
n = [b->children count];
if (n == 0)
padding = 0;
if (b->padded)
padding = 8.0; // TODO named constant
[b->view removeConstraints:[b->view constraints]];
// first, attach the first view to the leading
prev = boxView(b, 0);
[b->view addConstraint:mkConstraint(prev, b->primaryStart,
b->view, b->primaryStart,
1, 0,
@"uiBox first primary constraint")];
// next, assemble the views in the primary direction
// they all go in a straight line
// also figure out whether we have stretchy controls, and which is the first
if (isStretchy(b, 0)) {
hasStretchy = YES;
firstStretchy = prev;
} else
hasStretchy = NO;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
next = boxView(b, i);
if (!hasStretchy && isStretchy(b, i)) {
hasStretchy = YES;
firstStretchy = next;
[b->view addConstraint:mkConstraint(next, b->primaryStart,
prev, b->primaryEnd,
1, padding,
@"uiBox later primary constraint")];
prev = next;
// if there is a stretchy control, add the no-stretchy view
addRemoveNoStretchyView(b, hasStretchy);
if (!hasStretchy) {
[b->view addConstraint:mkConstraint(b->noStretchyView, b->primaryStart,
prev, b->primaryEnd,
1, 0, // don't space between the last control and the no-stretchy view
@"uiBox no-stretchy primary constraint")];
prev = b->noStretchyView;
// and finally end the primary direction
[b->view addConstraint:mkConstraint(prev, b->primaryEnd,
b->view, b->primaryEnd,
1, 0,
@"uiBox last primary constraint")];
// next: assemble the views in the secondary direction
// each of them will span the secondary direction
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
[b->view addConstraint:mkConstraint(boxView(b, i), b->secondaryStart,
b->view, b->secondaryStart,
1, 0,
@"uiBox start secondary constraint")];
[b->view addConstraint:mkConstraint(boxView(b, i), b->secondaryEnd,
b->view, b->secondaryEnd,
1, 0,
@"uiBox start secondary constraint")];
if (!hasStretchy) { // and again to the no-stretchy view
[b->view addConstraint:mkConstraint(b->noStretchyView, b->secondaryStart,
b->view, b->secondaryStart,
1, 0,
@"uiBox no-stretchy view start secondary constraint")];
[b->view addConstraint:mkConstraint(b->noStretchyView, b->secondaryEnd,
b->view, b->secondaryEnd,
1, 0,
@"uiBox no-stretchy view start secondary constraint")];
// finally, set sizes for stretchy controls
if (hasStretchy)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!isStretchy(b, i))
prev = boxView(b, i);
if (prev == firstStretchy)
[b->view addConstraint:mkConstraint(prev, b->primarySize,
firstStretchy, b->primarySize,
1, 0,
@"uiBox stretchy sizing")];
void uiBoxAppend(uiBox *b, uiControl *c, int stretchy)
NSView *childView;
childView = (NSView *) uiControlHandle(c);
[b->children addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:c]];
[b->stretchy addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:stretchy]];
uiControlSetParent(c, uiControl(b));
uiDarwinControlSetSuperview(uiDarwinControl(c), b->view);
uiDarwinControlSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(c), uiControlEnabledToUser(uiControl(b)));
// TODO save the old hugging priorities
// if a control is stretchy, it should not hug in the primary direction
// otherwise, it should *forcibly* hug
if (stretchy)
setHuggingPri(childView, NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow, b->primaryOrientation);
// TODO will default high work?
setHuggingPri(childView, NSLayoutPriorityRequired, b->primaryOrientation);
// make sure controls don't hug their secondary direction so they fill the width of the view
setHuggingPri(childView, NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow, b->secondaryOrientation);
void uiBoxDelete(uiBox *b, uintmax_t n)
NSValue *v;
uiControl *removed;
NSView *removedView;
v = (NSValue *) [b->children objectAtIndex:n];
removed = (uiControl *) [v pointerValue];
removedView = (NSView *) uiControlHandle(removed);
[removedView removeFromSuperview];
uiControlSetParent(removed, NULL);
[b->children removeObjectAtIndex:n];
[b->stretchy removeObjectAtIndex:n];
int uiBoxPadded(uiBox *b)
return b->padded;
void uiBoxSetPadded(uiBox *b, int padded)
b->padded = padded;
static uiBox *finishNewBox(BOOL vertical)
uiBox *b;
uiDarwinNewControl(uiBox, b);
b->view = [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
b->children = [NSMutableArray new];
b->stretchy = [NSMutableArray new];
b->vertical = vertical;
if (b->vertical) {
b->primaryStart = NSLayoutAttributeTop;
b->primaryEnd = NSLayoutAttributeBottom;
b->secondaryStart = NSLayoutAttributeLeading;
b->secondaryEnd = NSLayoutAttributeTrailing;
b->primarySize = NSLayoutAttributeHeight;
b->primaryOrientation = NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical;
b->secondaryOrientation = NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal;
} else {
b->primaryStart = NSLayoutAttributeLeading;
b->primaryEnd = NSLayoutAttributeTrailing;
b->secondaryStart = NSLayoutAttributeTop;
b->secondaryEnd = NSLayoutAttributeBottom;
b->primarySize = NSLayoutAttributeWidth;
b->primaryOrientation = NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal;
b->secondaryOrientation = NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical;
b->noStretchyView = [[libuiNoStretchyView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
[b->noStretchyView setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO];
setHuggingPri(b->noStretchyView, NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow, NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal);
setHuggingPri(b->noStretchyView, NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow, NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical);
return b;
uiBox *uiNewHorizontalBox(void)
return finishNewBox(NO);
uiBox *uiNewVerticalBox(void)
return finishNewBox(YES);