
329 lines
11 KiB

// 8 december 2015
#import "uipriv_darwin.h"
// NSTextView has no intrinsic content size by default, which wreaks havoc on a pure-Auto Layout system
// we'll have to take over to get it to work
// see also and
@interface intrinsicSizeTextView : NSTextView
@implementation intrinsicSizeTextView
- (NSSize)intrinsicContentSize
NSTextContainer *textContainer;
NSLayoutManager *layoutManager;
NSRect rect;
textContainer = [self textContainer];
layoutManager = [self layoutManager];
[layoutManager ensureLayoutForTextContainer:textContainer];
rect = [layoutManager usedRectForTextContainer:textContainer];
return rect.size;
- (void)didChangeText
[super didChangeText];
[self invalidateIntrinsicContentSize];
// TODO this doesn't call the above?
// TODO this also isn't perfect; play around with cpp-multithread
- (void)setString:(NSString *)str
[super setString:str];
[self didChangeText];
struct uiMultilineEntry {
uiDarwinControl c;
NSScrollView *sv;
intrinsicSizeTextView *tv;
void (*onChanged)(uiMultilineEntry *, void *);
void *onChangedData;
struct scrollViewConstraints constraints;
// TODO events
// TODO destroy
uiDarwinControlAllDefaults(uiMultilineEntry, sv)
static void defaultOnChanged(uiMultilineEntry *e, void *data)
// do nothing
char *uiMultilineEntryText(uiMultilineEntry *e)
return uiDarwinNSStringToText([e->tv string]);
void uiMultilineEntrySetText(uiMultilineEntry *e, const char *text)
// TODO does this send a changed signal?
[e->tv setString:toNSString(text)];
// TODO scroll to end?
void uiMultilineEntryAppend(uiMultilineEntry *e, const char *text)
// TODO better way?
NSString *str;
// TODO does this send a changed signal?
str = [e->tv string];
str = [str stringByAppendingString:toNSString(text)];
[e->tv setString:str];
void uiMultilineEntryOnChanged(uiMultilineEntry *e, void (*f)(uiMultilineEntry *e, void *data), void *data)
e->onChanged = f;
e->onChangedData = data;
int uiMultilineEntryReadOnly(uiMultilineEntry *e)
return [e->tv isEditable] == NO;
void uiMultilineEntrySetReadOnly(uiMultilineEntry *e, int readonly)
BOOL editable;
editable = YES;
if (readonly)
editable = NO;
[e->tv setEditable:editable];
uiMultilineEntry *uiNewMultilineEntry(void)
uiMultilineEntry *e;
NSFont *font;
uiDarwinNewControl(uiMultilineEntry, e);
e->sv = [[NSScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
// TODO verify against Interface Builder
[e->sv setHasHorizontalScroller:NO];
[e->sv setHasVerticalScroller:YES];
[e->sv setAutohidesScrollers:YES];
[e->sv setBorderType:NSBezelBorder];
e->tv = [[intrinsicSizeTextView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
// verified against Interface Builder, except for rich text options
[e->tv setAllowsDocumentBackgroundColorChange:NO];
[e->tv setBackgroundColor:[NSColor textBackgroundColor]];
[e->tv setTextColor:[NSColor textColor]];
[e->tv setAllowsUndo:YES];
[e->tv setEditable:YES];
[e->tv setSelectable:YES];
[e->tv setRichText:NO];
[e->tv setImportsGraphics:NO];
[e->tv setBaseWritingDirection:NSWritingDirectionNatural];
// TODO default paragraph format
[e->tv setAllowsImageEditing:NO];
[e->tv setAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled:NO];
[e->tv setAutomaticLinkDetectionEnabled:NO];
[e->tv setUsesRuler:NO];
[e->tv setRulerVisible:NO];
[e->tv setUsesInspectorBar:NO];
[e->tv setSelectionGranularity:NSSelectByCharacter];
//TODO [e->tv setInsertionPointColor:[NSColor insertionColor]];
[e->tv setContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled:NO];
[e->tv setGrammarCheckingEnabled:NO];
[e->tv setUsesFontPanel:NO];
[e->tv setEnabledTextCheckingTypes:0];
[e->tv setAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled:NO];
[e->tv setAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled:NO];
[e->tv setAutomaticTextReplacementEnabled:NO];
[e->tv setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled:NO];
[e->tv setLayoutOrientation:NSTextLayoutOrientationHorizontal];
// TODO default find panel behavior
// now just to be safe; this will do some of the above but whatever
// this option is complex; just set it to the Interface Builder default
[[e->tv layoutManager] setAllowsNonContiguousLayout:YES];
// don't use uiDarwinSetControlFont() directly; we have to do a little extra work to set the font
font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSRegularControlSize]];
[e->tv setTypingAttributes:[NSDictionary
// e->tv font from Interface Builder is nil, but setFont:nil throws an exception
// let's just set it to the standard control font anyway, just to be safe
[e->tv setFont:font];
[e->sv setDocumentView:e->tv];
[e->tv setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO];
scrollViewConstraintsEstablish(&(e->constraints), e->sv, @"uiMultilineEntry");
// needed to allow horizontal shrinking
// TODO what about vertical text?
[e->tv setContentCompressionResistancePriority:NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal];
//TODO:void printinfo(NSScrollView *sv, NSTextView *tv);
//printinfo(e->sv, e->tv);
uiMultilineEntryOnChanged(e, defaultOnChanged, NULL);
return e;
#if 0
NSMutableString *s;
static void add(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
NSString *fmts;
NSString *a;
va_start(ap, fmt);
fmts = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:fmt];
a = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:fmts arguments:ap];
[s appendString:a];
[s appendString:@"\n"];
static NSString *edgeInsetsStr(NSEdgeInsets i)
return [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"left:%g top:%g right:%g bottom:%g",
i.left,, i.right, i.bottom];
void printinfo(NSScrollView *sv, NSTextView *tv)
s = [NSMutableString new];
#define self _s
struct {
NSScrollView *sv;
NSTextView *tv;
} _s; = sv; = tv;
add(" backgroundColor %@", [ backgroundColor]);
add(" drawsBackground %d", [ drawsBackground]);
add(" borderType %d", [ borderType]);
add(" documentCursor %@", [ documentCursor]);
add(" hasHorizontalScroller %d", [ hasHorizontalScroller]);
add(" hasVerticalScroller %d", [ hasVerticalScroller]);
add(" autohidesScrollers %d", [ autohidesScrollers]);
add(" hasHorizontalRuler %d", [ hasHorizontalRuler]);
add(" hasVerticalRuler %d", [ hasVerticalRuler]);
add(" rulersVisible %d", [ rulersVisible]);
add(" automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets %d",
[ automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets]);
add(" contentInsets %@",
edgeInsetsStr([ contentInsets]));
add(" scrollerInsets %@",
edgeInsetsStr([ scrollerInsets]));
add(" scrollerKnobStyle %d", [ scrollerKnobStyle]);
add(" scrollerStyle %d", [ scrollerStyle]);
add(" lineScroll %g", [ lineScroll]);
add(" horizontalLineScroll %g", [ horizontalLineScroll]);
add(" verticalLineScroll %g", [ verticalLineScroll]);
add(" pageScroll %g", [ pageScroll]);
add(" horizontalPageScroll %g", [ horizontalPageScroll]);
add(" verticalPageScroll %g", [ verticalPageScroll]);
add(" scrollsDynamically %d", [ scrollsDynamically]);
add(" findBarPosition %d", [ findBarPosition]);
add(" usesPredominantAxisScrolling %d",
[ usesPredominantAxisScrolling]);
add(" horizontalScrollElasticity %d",
[ horizontalScrollElasticity]);
add(" verticalScrollElasticity %d",
[ verticalScrollElasticity]);
add(" allowsMagnification %d", [ allowsMagnification]);
add(" magnification %g", [ magnification]);
add(" maxMagnification %g", [ maxMagnification]);
add(" minMagnification %g", [ minMagnification]);
add(" textContainerInset %@",
NSStringFromSize([ textContainerInset]));
add(" textContainerOrigin %@",
NSStringFromPoint([ textContainerOrigin]));
add(" backgroundColor %@", [ backgroundColor]);
add(" drawsBackground %d", [ drawsBackground]);
add(" allowsDocumentBackgroundColorChange %d",
[ allowsDocumentBackgroundColorChange]);
add(" allowedInputSourceLocales %@",
[ allowedInputSourceLocales]);
add(" allowsUndo %d", [ allowsUndo]);
add(" isEditable %d", [ isEditable]);
add(" isSelectable %d", [ isSelectable]);
add(" isFieldEditor %d", [ isFieldEditor]);
add(" isRichText %d", [ isRichText]);
add(" importsGraphics %d", [ importsGraphics]);
add(" defaultParagraphStyle %@",
[ defaultParagraphStyle]);
add(" allowsImageEditing %d", [ allowsImageEditing]);
add(" isAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled %d",
[ isAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled]);
add(" isAutomaticLinkDetectionEnabled %d",
[ isAutomaticLinkDetectionEnabled]);
add(" displaysLinkToolTips %d", [ displaysLinkToolTips]);
add(" usesRuler %d", [ usesRuler]);
add(" isRulerVisible %d", [ isRulerVisible]);
add(" usesInspectorBar %d", [ usesInspectorBar]);
add(" selectionAffinity %d", [ selectionAffinity]);
add(" selectionGranularity %d", [ selectionGranularity]);
add(" insertionPointColor %@", [ insertionPointColor]);
add(" selectedTextAttributes %@",
[ selectedTextAttributes]);
add(" markedTextAttributes %@", [ markedTextAttributes]);
add(" linkTextAttributes %@", [ linkTextAttributes]);
add(" typingAttributes %@", [ typingAttributes]);
add(" smartInsertDeleteEnabled %d",
[ smartInsertDeleteEnabled]);
add(" isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled %d",
[ isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled]);
add(" isGrammarCheckingEnabled %d",
[ isGrammarCheckingEnabled]);
add(" acceptsGlyphInfo %d", [ acceptsGlyphInfo]);
add(" usesFontPanel %d", [ usesFontPanel]);
add(" usesFindPanel %d", [ usesFindPanel]);
add(" enabledTextCheckingTypes %d",
[ enabledTextCheckingTypes]);
add(" isAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled %d",
[ isAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled]);
add(" isAutomaticDataDetectionEnabled %d",
[ isAutomaticDataDetectionEnabled]);
add(" isAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled %d",
[ isAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled]);
add(" isAutomaticTextReplacementEnabled %d",
[ isAutomaticTextReplacementEnabled]);
add(" usesFindBar %d", [ usesFindBar]);
add(" isIncrementalSearchingEnabled %d",
[ isIncrementalSearchingEnabled]);
add(" NSText:");
add(" font %@", [ font]);
add(" textColor %@", [ textColor]);
add(" baseWritingDirection %d", [ baseWritingDirection]);
add(" maxSize %@",
NSStringFromSize([ maxSize]));
add(" minSize %@",
NSStringFromSize([ minSize]));
add(" isVerticallyResizable %d",
[ isVerticallyResizable]);
add(" isHorizontallyResizable %d",
[ isHorizontallyResizable]);
#undef self
fprintf(stdout, "%s", [s UTF8String]);