153 lines
4.8 KiB
153 lines
4.8 KiB
// 21 april 2016
#include "winapi.hpp"
#include "../ui.h"
#include "../ui_windows.h"
#include "../common/uipriv.h"
#include "resources.hpp"
#include "compilerver.hpp"
// ui internal window messages
// TODO make these either not messages or WM_USER-based, so we can be sane about reserving WM_APP
enum {
// redirected WM_COMMAND and WM_NOTIFY
msgCOMMAND = WM_APP + 0x40, // start offset just to be safe
// alloc.cpp
extern void initAlloc(void);
extern void uninitAlloc(void);
// events.cpp
extern BOOL runWM_COMMAND(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *lResult);
extern BOOL runWM_NOTIFY(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *lResult);
extern BOOL runWM_HSCROLL(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *lResult);
extern void issueWM_WININICHANGE(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// utf16.cpp
#define emptyUTF16() ((WCHAR *) uiprivAlloc(1 * sizeof (WCHAR), "WCHAR[]"))
#define emptyUTF8() ((char *) uiprivAlloc(1 * sizeof (char), "char[]"))
extern WCHAR *toUTF16(const char *str);
extern char *toUTF8(const WCHAR *wstr);
extern WCHAR *utf16dup(const WCHAR *orig);
extern WCHAR *strf(const WCHAR *format, ...);
extern WCHAR *vstrf(const WCHAR *format, va_list ap);
extern char *LFtoCRLF(const char *lfonly);
extern void CRLFtoLF(char *s);
extern WCHAR *ftoutf16(double d);
extern WCHAR *itoutf16(int i);
// winutil.cpp
extern int windowClassOf(HWND hwnd, ...);
extern void mapWindowRect(HWND from, HWND to, RECT *r);
extern DWORD getStyle(HWND hwnd);
extern void setStyle(HWND hwnd, DWORD style);
extern DWORD getExStyle(HWND hwnd);
extern void setExStyle(HWND hwnd, DWORD exstyle);
extern void clientSizeToWindowSize(HWND hwnd, int *width, int *height, BOOL hasMenubar);
extern HWND parentOf(HWND child);
extern HWND parentToplevel(HWND child);
extern void setWindowInsertAfter(HWND hwnd, HWND insertAfter);
extern HWND getDlgItem(HWND hwnd, int id);
extern void invalidateRect(HWND hwnd, RECT *r, BOOL erase);
// text.cpp
extern WCHAR *windowTextAndLen(HWND hwnd, LRESULT *len);
extern WCHAR *windowText(HWND hwnd);
extern void setWindowText(HWND hwnd, WCHAR *wtext);
// init.cpp
extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
extern int nCmdShow;
extern HFONT hMessageFont;
extern HBRUSH hollowBrush;
extern uiInitOptions options;
// utilwin.cpp
extern HWND utilWindow;
extern const char *initUtilWindow(HICON hDefaultIcon, HCURSOR hDefaultCursor);
extern void uninitUtilWindow(void);
// main.cpp
// TODO how the hell did MSVC accept this without the second uiprivTimer???????
typedef struct uiprivTimer uiprivTimer;
struct uiprivTimer {
int (*f)(void *);
void *data;
extern int registerMessageFilter(void);
extern void unregisterMessageFilter(void);
extern void uiprivFreeTimer(uiprivTimer *t);
extern void uiprivUninitTimers(void);
// parent.cpp
extern void paintContainerBackground(HWND hwnd, HDC dc, RECT *paintRect);
extern BOOL handleParentMessages(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *lResult);
// d2dscratch.cpp
extern ATOM registerD2DScratchClass(HICON hDefaultIcon, HCURSOR hDefaultCursor);
extern void unregisterD2DScratchClass(void);
extern HWND newD2DScratch(HWND parent, RECT *rect, HMENU controlID, SUBCLASSPROC subclass, DWORD_PTR subclassData);
// area.cpp
#define areaClass L"libui_uiAreaClass"
extern ATOM registerAreaClass(HICON, HCURSOR);
extern void unregisterArea(void);
// areaevents.cpp
extern BOOL areaFilter(MSG *);
// window.cpp
extern ATOM registerWindowClass(HICON, HCURSOR);
extern void unregisterWindowClass(void);
extern void ensureMinimumWindowSize(uiWindow *);
extern void disableAllWindowsExcept(uiWindow *which);
extern void enableAllWindowsExcept(uiWindow *which);
// container.cpp
#define containerClass L"libui_uiContainerClass"
extern ATOM initContainer(HICON, HCURSOR);
extern void uninitContainer(void);
// tabpage.cpp
struct tabPage {
HWND hwnd;
uiControl *child;
BOOL margined;
extern struct tabPage *newTabPage(uiControl *child);
extern void tabPageDestroy(struct tabPage *tp);
extern void tabPageMinimumSize(struct tabPage *tp, int *width, int *height);
// colordialog.cpp
struct colorDialogRGBA {
double r;
double g;
double b;
double a;
extern BOOL showColorDialog(HWND parent, struct colorDialogRGBA *c);
// sizing.cpp
extern void getSizing(HWND hwnd, uiWindowsSizing *sizing, HFONT font);
// TODO move into a dedicated file abibugs.cpp when we rewrite the drawing code
extern D2D1_SIZE_F realGetSize(ID2D1RenderTarget *rt);
#include "_uipriv_migrate.hpp"
// draw.cpp
extern ID2D1DCRenderTarget *makeHDCRenderTarget(HDC dc, RECT *r);
// image.cpp
extern IWICImagingFactory *uiprivWICFactory;
extern HRESULT uiprivInitImage(void);
extern void uiprivUninitImage(void);
extern IWICBitmap *uiprivImageAppropriateForDC(uiImage *i, HDC dc);
extern HRESULT uiprivWICToGDI(IWICBitmap *b, HDC dc, int width, int height, HBITMAP *hb);