369 lines
9.0 KiB
369 lines
9.0 KiB
// 7 june 2016
#import "uipriv_darwin.h"
@interface formChild : NSObject
@property uiControl *c;
@property (strong) NSTextField *label;
@property BOOL stretchy;
@property NSLayoutPriority oldHorzHuggingPri;
@property NSLayoutPriority oldVertHuggingPri;
@property (strong) NSLayoutConstraint *baseline;
- (NSView *)view;
@interface formView : NSView {
uiForm *f;
NSMutableArray *children;
int padded;
uintmax_t nStretchy;
NSLayoutConstraint *first;
NSMutableArray *inBetweens;
NSLayoutConstraint *last;
NSMutableArray *hEdges;
- (id)initWithF:(uiForm *)ff;
- (void)onDestroy;
- (void)removeOurConstraints;
- (void)syncEnableStates:(int)enabled;
- (CGFloat)paddingAmount;
- (void)establishOurConstraints;
- (void)append:(NSString *)label c:(uiControl *)c stretchy:(int)stretchy;
//TODO- (void)delete:(uintmax_t)n;
- (int)isPadded;
- (void)setPadded:(int)p;
- (BOOL)hugsTrailing;
- (BOOL)hugsBottom;
struct uiForm {
uiDarwinControl c;
formView *view;
@implementation formChild
- (NSView *)view
return (NSView *) uiControlHandle(self.c);
@implementation formView
- (id)initWithF:(uiForm *)ff
self = [super initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
if (self != nil) {
self->f = ff;
self->padded = 0;
self->children = [NSMutableArray new];
self->nStretchy = 0;
self->inBetweens = [NSMutableArray new];
self->hEdges = [NSMutableArray new];
return self;
- (void)onDestroy
formChild *fc;
[self removeOurConstraints];
[self->inBetweens release];
[self->hEdges release];
for (fc in self->children) {
[self removeConstraint:fc.baseline];
fc.baseline = nil;
uiControlSetParent(fc.c, NULL);
uiDarwinControlSetSuperview(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), nil);
[fc.label removeFromSuperview];
fc.label = nil;
[self->children release];
- (void)removeOurConstraints
if (self->first != nil) {
[self removeConstraint:self->first];
[self->first release];
self->first = nil;
if ([self->inBetweens count] != 0) {
[self removeConstraints:self->inBetweens];
[self->inBetweens removeAllObjects];
if (self->last != nil) {
[self removeConstraint:self->last];
[self->last release];
self->last = nil;
if ([self->hEdges count] != 0) {
[self removeConstraints:self->hEdges];
[self->hEdges removeAllObjects];
- (void)syncEnableStates:(int)enabled
formChild *fc;
for (fc in self->children)
uiDarwinControlSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), enabled);
- (CGFloat)paddingAmount
if (!self->padded)
return 0.0;
return uiDarwinPaddingAmount(NULL);
- (void)establishOurConstraints
formChild *fc;
CGFloat padding;
NSView *prev, *prevlabel;;
NSLayoutConstraint *c;
NSLayoutRelation relation;
[self removeOurConstraints];
if ([self->children count] == 0)
padding = [self paddingAmount];
// first arrange the main controls vertically
prev = nil;
for (fc in self->children) {
if (prev == nil) { // first control; tie to top
self->first = mkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeTop,
[fc view], NSLayoutAttributeTop,
1, 0,
@"uiForm first child top constraint");
[self addConstraint:self->first];
[self->first retain];
prev = [fc view];
// not first; tie to previous
c = mkConstraint(prev, NSLayoutAttributeBottom,
[fc view], NSLayoutAttributeTop,
1, -padding,
@"uiForm middle vertical constraint");
[self addConstraint:c];
[self->inBetweens addObject:c];
prev = [fc view];
// and the last one
self->last = mkConstraint(prev, NSLayoutAttributeBottom,
self, NSLayoutAttributeBottom,
1, 0,
@"uiForm last child bottom constraint");
[self addConstraint:self->last];
[self->last retain];
// now tiethe labels to the left (weakly, for right-alignment) and tie the controls to the right (strongly)
for (fc in self->children) {
c = mkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeLeading,
fc.label, NSLayoutAttributeLeading,
1, 0,
@"uiForm label leading edge constraint");
[self addConstraint:c];
[self->hEdges addObject:c];
c = mkConstraint([fc view], NSLayoutAttributeTrailing,
self, NSLayoutAttributeTrailing,
1, 0,
@"uiForm child trailing edge constraint");
[self addConstraint:c];
[self->hEdges addObject:c];
// we don't arrange the labels vertically; that's done when we add the control since those constraints don't need to change (they just need to be at their baseline)
- (void)append:(NSString *)label c:(uiControl *)c stretchy:(int)stretchy
formChild *fc;
NSLayoutPriority priority;
NSLayoutAttribute attribute;
uintmax_t oldnStretchy;
fc = [formChild new];
fc.c = c;
fc.label = newLabel(label);
[fc.label setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO];
// and make the label no larger than it needs to be
[fc.label setContentHuggingPriority:NSLayoutPriorityRequired forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal];
[fc.label setContentHuggingPriority:NSLayoutPriorityRequired forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical];
[self addSubview:fc.label];
fc.stretchy = stretchy;
fc.oldHorzHuggingPri = uiDarwinControlHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal);
fc.oldVertHuggingPri = uiDarwinControlHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical);
uiControlSetParent(fc.c, uiControl(self->f));
uiDarwinControlSetSuperview(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), self);
uiDarwinControlSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), uiControlEnabledToUser(uiControl(self->f)));
// if a control is stretchy, it should not hug vertically
// otherwise, it should *forcibly* hug
if (fc.stretchy)
priority = NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow;
// LONGTERM will default high work?
priority = NSLayoutPriorityRequired;
uiDarwinControlSetHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), priority, NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical);
// make sure controls don't hug their horizontal direction so they fill the width of the view
uiDarwinControlSetHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow, NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal);
// and constrain the baselines to position the label vertically
// if the view is a scroll view, align tops, not baselines
// this is what Interface Builder does
attribute = NSLayoutAttributeBaseline;
if ([[fc view] isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]])
attribute = NSLayoutAttributeTop;
fc.baseline = mkConstraint(fc.label, attribute,
[fc view], attribute,
1, 0,
@"uiForm baseline constraint");
[self addConstraint:fc.baseline];
[self->children addObject:fc];
[self establishOurConstraints];
if (fc.stretchy) {
oldnStretchy = self->nStretchy;
if (oldnStretchy == 0)
[fc release]; // we don't need the initial reference now
//TODO- (void)delete:(uintmax_t)n
- (int)isPadded
return self->padded;
- (void)setPadded:(int)p
CGFloat padding;
NSLayoutConstraint *c;
self->padded = p;
padding = [self paddingAmount];
for (c in self->inBetweens)
[c setConstant:-padding];
- (BOOL)hugsTrailing
return YES; // always hug trailing
- (BOOL)hugsBottom
// only hug if we have stretchy
return self->nStretchy != 0;
static void uiFormDestroy(uiControl *c)
uiForm *f = uiForm(c);
[f->view onDestroy];
[f->view release];
uiDarwinControlDefaultHandle(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultParent(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultSetParent(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultToplevel(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultVisible(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultShow(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultHide(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultEnabled(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultEnable(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultDisable(uiForm, view)
static void uiFormSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl *c, int enabled)
uiForm *f = uiForm(c);
if (uiDarwinShouldStopSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(f), enabled))
[f->view syncEnableStates:enabled];
uiDarwinControlDefaultSetSuperview(uiForm, view)
static BOOL uiFormHugsTrailingEdge(uiDarwinControl *c)
uiForm *f = uiForm(c);
return [f->view hugsTrailing];
static BOOL uiFormHugsBottom(uiDarwinControl *c)
uiForm *f = uiForm(c);
return [f->view hugsBottom];
static void uiFormChildEdgeHuggingChanged(uiDarwinControl *c)
uiForm *f = uiForm(c);
[f->view establishOurConstraints];
uiDarwinControlDefaultHuggingPriority(uiForm, view)
uiDarwinControlDefaultSetHuggingPriority(uiForm, view)
void uiFormAppend(uiForm *f, const char *label, uiControl *c, int stretchy)
// LONGTERM on other platforms
// or at leat allow this and implicitly turn it into a spacer
if (c == NULL)
userbug("You cannot add NULL to a uiForm.");
[f->view append:toNSString(label) c:c stretchy:stretchy];
int uiFormPadded(uiForm *f)
return [f->view isPadded];
void uiFormSetPadded(uiForm *f, int padded)
[f->view setPadded:padded];
uiForm *uiNewForm(void)
uiForm *f;
uiDarwinNewControl(uiForm, f);
f->view = [[formView alloc] initWithF:f];
return f;