
83 lines
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// 30 june 2015
#include "uipriv_unix.h"
// This is a uiControl wrapper a la GtkBin.
// It serves the function of tabPage on Windows: it allows uiWindow and uiTab to give their children a real uiControl as a parent while not screwing with the internal GtkWidget structure of those uiControls.
// It also provides margins.
struct bin {
uiControl c;
GtkWidget *widget;
GtkContainer *container;
GtkBox *box; // GtkBin is abstract and none of the implementations seem adequate (GtkFrame is the closest but eh)
uiControl *child;
int margined;
uiDefineControlType(bin, binType, struct bin)
static uintptr_t binHandle(uiControl *c)
struct bin *b = (struct bin *) c;
return (uintptr_t) (b->widget);
uiControl *newBin(void)
struct bin *b;
b = (struct bin *) uiNewControl(binType());
b->widget = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0);
b->container = GTK_CONTAINER(b->widget);
b->box = GTK_BOX(b->widget);
uiUnixMakeSingleWidgetControl(uiControl(b), b->widget);
// a uiBox is theoretically used in a context where this shouldn't be necessary but because of uiWindow we'll do it anyway
gtk_widget_set_hexpand(b->widget, TRUE);
gtk_widget_set_halign(b->widget, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
gtk_widget_set_vexpand(b->widget, TRUE);
gtk_widget_set_valign(b->widget, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
uiControl(b)->Handle = binHandle;
return uiControl(b);
void binSetChild(uiControl *c, uiControl *child)
struct bin *b = (struct bin *) c;
GtkWidget *childWidget;
if (b->child != NULL)
uiControlSetParent(b->child, NULL);
b->child = child;
if (b->child != NULL) {
uiControlSetParent(b->child, uiControl(b));
childWidget = GTK_WIDGET(uiControlHandle(b->child));
gtk_widget_set_hexpand(childWidget, TRUE);
gtk_widget_set_halign(childWidget, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
gtk_widget_set_vexpand(childWidget, TRUE);
gtk_widget_set_valign(childWidget, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
int binMargined(uiControl *c)
struct bin *b = (struct bin *) c;
return b->margined;
void binSetMargined(uiControl *c, int margined)
struct bin *b = (struct bin *) c;
b->margined = margined;
if (b->margined)
gtk_container_set_border_width(b->container, gtkXMargin);
gtk_container_set_border_width(b->container, 0);