101 lines
2.8 KiB
101 lines
2.8 KiB
// 31 july 2015
#import "osxaltest.h"
// #qo LDFLAGS: -framework Foundation -framework AppKit
BOOL spaced = NO;
BOOL firstvert = NO;
@interface appDelegate : NSObject<NSApplicationDelegate>
@implementation appDelegate
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)note
tWindow *mainwin;
tBox *box, *hbox;
tButton *button;
tSpinbox *spinbox;
tEntry *entry;
tLabel *label;
mainwin = [[tWindow alloc] init];
[mainwin tSetMargined:spaced];
box = [[tBox alloc] tInitVertical:firstvert spaced:spaced];
spinbox = [[tSpinbox alloc] init];
[box tAddControl:spinbox stretchy:NO];
[mainwin tSetControl:box];
hbox = [[tBox alloc] tInitVertical:!firstvert spaced:spaced];
button = [[tButton alloc] tInitWithText:@"Button"];
[hbox tAddControl:button stretchy:YES];
button = [[tButton alloc] tInitWithText:@"Button"];
[hbox tAddControl:button stretchy:YES];
[box tAddControl:hbox stretchy:NO];
hbox = [[tBox alloc] tInitVertical:!firstvert spaced:spaced];
button = [[tButton alloc] tInitWithText:@"Button"];
[hbox tAddControl:button stretchy:YES];
button = [[tButton alloc] tInitWithText:@"Button"];
[hbox tAddControl:button stretchy:YES];
[box tAddControl:hbox stretchy:NO];
// TODO in vertical mode the three non-stretchy buttons are smaller than they should be
hbox = [[tBox alloc] tInitVertical:!firstvert spaced:spaced];
button = [[tButton alloc] tInitWithText:@"Button"];
[hbox tAddControl:button stretchy:YES];
button = [[tButton alloc] tInitWithText:@"A"];
[hbox tAddControl:button stretchy:NO];
button = [[tButton alloc] tInitWithText:@"BB"];
[hbox tAddControl:button stretchy:NO];
button = [[tButton alloc] tInitWithText:@"CCC"];
[hbox tAddControl:button stretchy:NO];
[box tAddControl:hbox stretchy:NO];
// TODO this isn't stretchy in the proper order
hbox = [[tBox alloc] tInitVertical:!firstvert spaced:spaced];
spinbox = [[tSpinbox alloc] init];
[hbox tAddControl:spinbox stretchy:NO];
spinbox = [[tSpinbox alloc] init];
[hbox tAddControl:spinbox stretchy:YES];
[box tAddControl:hbox stretchy:NO];
hbox = [[tBox alloc] tInitVertical:!firstvert spaced:spaced];
entry = [[tEntry alloc] init];
[hbox tAddControl:entry stretchy:NO];
entry = [[tEntry alloc] init];
[hbox tAddControl:entry stretchy:YES];
[box tAddControl:hbox stretchy:NO];
hbox = [[tBox alloc] tInitVertical:!firstvert spaced:spaced];
label = [[tLabel alloc] init];
[hbox tAddControl:label stretchy:NO];
[box tAddControl:hbox stretchy:NO];
[mainwin tShow];
- (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)a
return YES;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
NSApplication *app;
spaced = argc > 1;
app = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
[app setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular];
[app setDelegate:[appDelegate new]];
[app run];
return 0;