
74 lines
3.7 KiB

// 27 february 2018
// -
// - also in the above: note the unspecified order of data in the sub-segments...
#include <stdarg.h>
#define testingprivImplName(basename) testingprivImpl ## basename
#define testingprivScaffoldName(basename) testingprivScaffold ## basename
#define testingprivMkScaffold(basename, argtype, argname) \
static inline void testingprivScaffoldName(basename)(argtype *argname) { testingprivImplName(basename)(argname); }
// references:
// -
// -
// -
#define testingprivCtorName(basename) testingprivCtor ## basename
#define testingprivCtorPtrName(basename) testingprivCtorPtr ## basename
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define testingprivMkCtor(basename, regfunc) \
__attribute__((constructor)) static void testingprivCtorName(basename)(void) { regfunc(#basename, testingprivScaffoldName(basename)); }
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define testingprivMkCtor(basename, reg) \
static int testingprivCtorName(basename)(void) { regfunc(#basename, testingprivScaffoldName(basename)); return 0; } \
__pragma(section(".CRT$XCU",read)) \
__declspec(allocate(".CRT$XCU")) static int (*testingprivCtorPtrName(basename))(void) = testingprivCtorName(basename);
#error unknown compiler for making constructors in C; cannot continue
#define testingprivMk(basename, argtype, argname, regfunc) \
void testingprivImplName(basename)(argtype *argname); \
testingprivMkScaffold(basename, argtype, argname) \
testingprivMkCtor(basename, regfunc) \
void testingprivImplName(basename)(argtype *argname)
#define testingTest(Name) \
testingprivMk(Test ## Name, testingT, t, testingprivRegisterTest)
extern int testingMain(void);
typedef struct testingT testingT;
#define testingTLogf(t, ...) \
testingprivExpand(testingprivTLogfThen((void), t, __VA_ARGS__))
#define testingTLogvf(t, format, ap) \
testingprivTLogvfThen((void), t, format, ap)
#define testingTErrorf(t, ...) \
testingprivExpand(testingprivTLogfThen(testingTFail, t, __VA_ARGS__))
#define testingTErrorvf(t, format, ap) \
testingprivTLogvfThen(testingTFail, t, format, ap)
#define testingTFatalf(t, ...) \
testingprivExpand(testingprivTLogfThen(testingTFailNow, t, __VA_ARGS__))
#define testingTFatalvf(t, format, ap) \
testingprivTLogvfThen(testingTFailNow, t, format, ap)
#define testingTSkipf(t, ...) \
testingprivExpand(testingprivTLogfThen(testingTSkipNow, t, __VA_ARGS__))
#define testingTSkipvf(t, format, ap) \
testingprivTLogvfThen(testingTSkipNow, t, format, ap)
extern void testingTFail(testingT *t);
extern void testingTFailNow(testingT *t);
extern void testingTSkipNow(testingT *t);
extern void testingTDefer(testingT *t, void (*f)(testingT *t, void *data), void *data);
extern void testingprivRegisterTest(const char *, void (*)(testingT *));
extern void testingprivRegisterManualTest(const char *, void (*)(testingT *));
// see
#define testingprivExpand(x) x
#define testingprivTLogfThen(then, t, ...) ((testingprivTLogfFull(t, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)), (then(t)))
#define testingprivTLogvfThen(then, t, format, ap) ((testingprivTLogvfFull(t, __FILE__, __LINE__, format, ap)), (then(t)))
extern void testingprivTLogfFull(testingT *, const char *, long, const char *, ...);
extern void testingprivTLogvfFull(testingT *, const char *, long, const char *, va_list);