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136 lines
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# 17 march 2019
# Here's the overall idea: the build syntax would be something like
# $ meson setup build \
# [--buildtype=debug|release] \ (core option, default debug)
# [--default_library=static|shared] \ (core option, default shared)
# [--b_sanitize=whatever]
# It turns out that I wouldn't really need any custom options; go figure.
# I'm not sure how to allow building 32-bit instead of 64-bit with meson.
# I'd also like all the outputs to appear in a folder out/ in the build folder.
# I'd also like to be able to omit the library's dependency libraries in the executables if building a shared library, as those are not required in that case; I'd need to require them in a static library.
# And for Windows, the shared library (but not shared executables) needs an additional resource file, and the static executables (but not the static library) need a *different* resource file. (Windows static libraries can't contain resources anyway; the linkers will just ignore the resource objects.)
libui_default_options = [
'buildtype=debug', # build debug by default
'default_library=shared', # build shared libraries by default
# TODO switch to tabs; the spaces are just so I can share this file while I'm writing it
libui_forced_options = {
'warning_level': '3', # always max warnings
'b_pch': 'false', # we don't want precompiled headers
'b_staticpic': 'true', # use PIC even for static libraries
'c_std': 'c99', # strict C99
'cpp_std': 'c++11', # strict C++11
'cpp_eh': 'sc', # shut the compiler up in some cases
foreach name, value : libui_forced_options
libui_default_options += [name + '=' + value]
project('libui', 'c',
default_options: libui_default_options,
license: 'MIT')
# - add add_language('c++') in windows/meson.build and examples/meson.build:cpp-multithread
# - add add_language('objc') in darwin/meson.build
foreach name, value : libui_forced_options
actual = '@0@'.format(get_option(name))
if actual != value
error('sorry, but libui requires that option ' + name + ' has the default value ' + value)
libui_OS = host_machine.system()
libui_MSVC = meson.get_compiler('c').get_id() == 'msvc'
libui_mode = get_option('default_library')
if libui_mode == 'both'
error('sorry, but libui does not support building both shared and static libraries at the same time, because Windows resource file rules differ between the two')
if libui_OS == 'windows' and libui_mode == 'shared' and not libui_MSVC
error('sorry, but libui currently does not support building a shared library with MinGW; use --default_library=static instead')
libui_deps = []
libui_soversion = ''
libui_rpath = ''
if libui_OS == 'windows'
# TODO c_winlibs and cpp_winlibs are the windows libraries
# user32 kernel32 gdi32 comctl32 uxtheme msimg32 comdlg32 d2d1 dwrite ole32 oleaut32 oleacc uuid windowscodecs
elif libui_OS == 'darwin'
libui_deps += [dependency('appleframeworks',
modules: ['Foundation', 'AppKit'],
required: true)]
libui_soversion = 'A'
# the / is required by some older versions of OS X
libui_rpath = '@executable_path/'
# TODO min version 10.8
libui_deps += [dependency('gtk+-3.0',
version: '>=3.10.0',
method: 'pkg-config',
required: true)]
libui_soversion = '0'
libui_rpath = '$ORIGIN'
if libui_MSVC
# TODO subsystem version
# TODO is there a -Wno-switch equivalent?
# TODO /sdl turns C4996 into an ERROR
# don't use /analyze; that requires us to write annotations everywhere
# TODO undecided flags from qo?
# the RTC flags are only supplied in debug builds because they are only supposed to be used by debug builds (see "This is because run-time error checks are not valid in a release (optimized) build." in https://docs.microsoft.com/cpp/build/reference/rtc-run-time-error-checks)
# /RTCc is not supplied because it's discouraged as of VS2015; see https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/46mhne/rtcc_rejects_conformant_code_with_visual_c_2015/d06auq5
# TODO add these compiler flags (assuming meson doesn't provide an alternate method for these, which I know it does for EHsc):
# /wd4100 (equivalent of -Wno-unused-parameter)
# /bigobj /nologo
# $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:/RTC1 /RTCs /RTCu>
# TODO add these linker flags (for each: maybe? depends on whether meson does this itself)
# TODO add these C/C++ compiler options
# -Wno-unused-parameter
# -Wno-switch
if libui_OS == 'windows'
# don't require shipping the MinGW-w64 DLLs
# TODO add these to the linker options
# -static
# -static-libgcc
# -static-libstdc++
libui_sources = []
libui_extra_libs = []
if libui_OS == 'windows'
elif libui_OS == 'darwin'
libui_libui = library('ui', libui_sources,
dependencies: libui_deps,
build_rpath: libui_rpath,
install_rpath: libui_rpath,
install: true,
gnu_symbol_visibility: 'hidden',
soversion: libui_soversion)
# TODO test
# TODO examples