// 14 august 2015 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" struct uiCheckbox { uiDarwinControl c; NSButton *button; // TODO rename to checkbox? void (*onToggled)(uiCheckbox *, void *); void *onToggledData; }; @interface checkboxDelegateClass : NSObject { NSMutableDictionary *buttons; // TODO rename to checkboxes? } - (IBAction)onToggled:(id)sender; - (void)registerCheckbox:(uiCheckbox *)c; - (void)unregisterCheckbox:(uiCheckbox *)c; @end @implementation checkboxDelegateClass - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) self->buttons = [NSMutableDictionary new]; return self; } // TODO have this called - (void)dealloc { if ([self->buttons count] != 0) complain("attempt to destroy shared checkbox delegate but checkboxes are still registered to it"); [self->buttons release]; [super dealloc]; } - (IBAction)onToggled:(id)sender { NSValue *v; uiCheckbox *c; v = (NSValue *) [self->buttons objectForKey:sender]; c = (uiCheckbox *) [v pointerValue]; (*(c->onToggled))(c, c->onToggledData); } - (void)registerCheckbox:(uiCheckbox *)c { [self->buttons setObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:c] forKey:c->button]; [c->button setTarget:self]; [c->button setAction:@selector(onToggled:)]; } - (void)unregisterCheckbox:(uiCheckbox *)c { [c->button setTarget:nil]; [self->buttons removeObjectForKey:c->button]; } @end static checkboxDelegateClass *checkboxDelegate = nil; uiDarwinDefineControlWithOnDestroy( uiCheckbox, // type name uiCheckboxType, // type function button, // handle [checkboxDelegate unregisterCheckbox:this]; // on destroy ) char *uiCheckboxText(uiCheckbox *c) { return uiDarwinNSStringToText([c->button title]); } void uiCheckboxSetText(uiCheckbox *c, const char *text) { [c->button setTitle:toNSString(text)]; // this may result in the size of the checkbox changing uiControlQueueResize(uiControl(c)); } void uiCheckboxOnToggled(uiCheckbox *c, void (*f)(uiCheckbox *, void *), void *data) { c->onToggled = f; c->onToggledData = data; } static void defaultOnToggled(uiCheckbox *c, void *data) { // do nothing } static int uiCheckboxChecked(uiCheckbox *c) { return [c->button state] == NSOnState; } static void uiCheckboxSetChecked(uiCheckbox *c, int checked) { NSInteger state; state = NSOnState; if (!checked) state = NSOffState; [c->button setState:state]; } uiCheckbox *uiNewCheckbox(const char *text) { uiCheckbox *c; c = (uiCheckbox *) uiNewControl(uiCheckboxType()); c->button = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; [c->button setTitle:toNSString(text)]; [c->button setButtonType:NSSwitchButton]; [c->button setBordered:NO]; uiDarwinSetControlFont(c->button, NSRegularControlSize); if (checkboxDelegate == nil) checkboxDelegate = [checkboxDelegateClass new]; [checkboxDelegate registerCheckbox:c]; uiCheckboxOnToggled(c, defaultOnToggled, NULL); uiDarwinFinishNewControl(c, uiCheckbox); return c; }