// 4 september 2015 typedef struct uiArea uiArea; typedef struct uiAreaHandler uiAreaHandler; typedef struct uiAreaDrawParams uiAreaDrawParams; typedef struct uiAreaMouseEvent uiAreaMouseEvent; typedef struct uiAreaKeyEvent uiAreaKeyEvent; typedef struct uiDrawContext uiDrawContext; struct uiAreaHandler { void (*Draw)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *, uiAreaDrawParams *); uintmax_t (*HScrollMax)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *); uintmax_t (*VScrollMax)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *); int (*RedrawOnResize)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *); void (*MouseEvent)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *, uiAreaMouseEvent *); void (*DragBroken)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *); int (*KeyEvent)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *, uiAreaKeyEvent *); }; struct uiAreaDrawParams { uiDrawContext *Context; intmax_t ClientWidth; intmax_t ClientHeight; intmax_t ClipX; intmax_t ClipY; intmax_t ClipWidth; intmax_t ClipHeight; int DPIX; int DPIY; intmax_t HScrollPos; intmax_t VScrollPos; }; // TODO dotting/dashing typedef struct uiDrawPath uiDrawPath; typedef struct uiDrawBrush uiDrawBrush; typedef struct uiDrawStrokeParams uiDrawStrokeParams; typedef enum uiDrawBrushType uiDrawBrushType; typedef struct uiDrawBrushGradientStop uiDrawBrushGradientStop; typedef enum uiDrawLineCap uiDrawLineCap; typedef enum uiDrawLineJoin uiDrawLineJoin; typedef enum uiDrawFillMode uiDrawFillMode; enum uiDrawBrushType { uiDrawBrushTypeSolid, /*TODO uiDrawBrushTypeLinearGradient, uiDrawBrushTypeRadialGradient, uiDrawBrushTypeImage, */}; enum uiDrawLineCap { uiDrawLineCapFlat, uiDrawLineCapRound, uiDrawLineCapSquare, }; enum uiDrawLineJoin { uiDrawLineJoinMiter, uiDrawLineJoinRound, uiDrawLineJoinBevel, }; // this is the default for botoh cairo and GDI // Core Graphics doesn't explicitly specify a default, but NSBezierPath allows you to choose one, and this is the initial value // so we're good to use it too! #define uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit 10.0 enum uiDrawFillMode { uiDrawFillModeWinding, uiDrawFillModeAlternate, }; struct uiDrawBrush { uiDrawBrushType Type; // solid brushes double R; double G; double B; double A; // gradient brushes double X0; // linear: start X, radial: start X double Y0; // linear: start Y, radial: start Y double X1; // linear: end X, radial: outer circle center X double Y1; // linear: end Y, radial: outer circle center Y double OuterRadius; // radial gradients only uiDrawBrushGradientStop *Stops; size_t NumStops; // TODO extend mode // cairo: none, repeat, reflect, pad; no individual control // Direct2D: repeat, reflect, pad; no individual control // Core Graphics: none, pad; before and after individually // TODO cairo documentation is inconsistent about pad // TODO images }; struct uiDrawBrushGradientStop { double Pos; double R; double G; double B; double A; }; struct uiDrawStrokeParams { uiDrawLineCap Cap; uiDrawLineJoin Join; intmax_t Thickness; double MiterLimit; }; uiDrawPath *uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillMode); void uiDrawFreePath(uiDrawPath *); void uiDrawPathNewFigure(uiDrawPath *, double, double); void uiDrawPathNewFigureWithArc(uiDrawPath *, double, double, double, double, double); void uiDrawPathLineTo(uiDrawPath *, double, double); // notes: angles are both relative to 0 and go counterclockwise // TODO is the initial line segment on cairo and OS X a proper join? void uiDrawPathArcTo(uiDrawPath *, double, double, double, double, double); void uiDrawPathBezierTo(uiDrawPath *, double, double, double, double, double, double); // TODO quadratic bezier void uiDrawPathCloseFigure(uiDrawPath *); // TODO effect of these when a figure is already started void uiDrawPathAddRectangle(uiDrawPath *, double, double, double, double); void uiDrawPathEnd(uiDrawPath *); void uiDrawStroke(uiDrawContext *, uiDrawPath *, uiDrawBrush *, uiDrawStrokeParams *); void uiDrawFill(uiDrawContext *, uiDrawPath *, uiDrawBrush *); // TODO primitives: // - rounded rectangles // - elliptical arcs // - quadratic bezier curves typedef enum uiModifiers uiModifiers; enum uiModifiers { uiModifierCtrl = 1 << 0, uiModifierAlt = 1 << 1, uiModifierShift = 1 << 2, uiModifierSuper = 1 << 3, }; struct uiAreaMouseEvent { intmax_t X; intmax_t Y; intmax_t ClientWidth; intmax_t ClientHeight; intmax_t HScrollPos; intmax_t VScrollPos; uintmax_t Down; uintmax_t Up; uintmax_t Count; uiModifiers Modifiers; uint64_t Held1To64; }; typedef enum uiExtKey uiExtKey; enum uiExtKey { uiExtKeyEscape = 1, uiExtKeyInsert, // equivalent to "Help" on Apple keyboards uiExtKeyDelete, uiExtKeyHome, uiExtKeyEnd, uiExtKeyPageUp, uiExtKeyPageDown, uiExtKeyUp, uiExtKeyDown, uiExtKeyLeft, uiExtKeyRight, uiExtKeyF1, // F1..F12 are guaranteed to be consecutive uiExtKeyF2, uiExtKeyF3, uiExtKeyF4, uiExtKeyF5, uiExtKeyF6, uiExtKeyF7, uiExtKeyF8, uiExtKeyF9, uiExtKeyF10, uiExtKeyF11, uiExtKeyF12, uiExtKeyN0, // numpad keys; independent of Num Lock state uiExtKeyN1, // N0..N9 are guaranteed to be consecutive uiExtKeyN2, uiExtKeyN3, uiExtKeyN4, uiExtKeyN5, uiExtKeyN6, uiExtKeyN7, uiExtKeyN8, uiExtKeyN9, uiExtKeyNDot, uiExtKeyNEnter, uiExtKeyNAdd, uiExtKeyNSubtract, uiExtKeyNMultiply, uiExtKeyNDivide, }; struct uiAreaKeyEvent { char Key; uiExtKey ExtKey; uiModifiers Modifier; uiModifiers Modifiers; int Up; };