// 2 january 2017 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" struct uiDrawTextLayout { CFAttributedStringRef attrstr; double width; CTFramesetterRef framesetter; CGSize size; CGPathRef path; }; static CTFontRef fontdescToCTFont(uiDrawFontDescriptor *fd) { CTFontDescriptorRef desc; CTFontRef font; desc = fontdescToCTFontDescriptor(fd); font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(desc, fd->Size, NULL); CFRelease(desc); // TODO correct? return font; } static CFAttributedStringRef attrstrToCoreFoundation(uiAttributedString *s, uiDrawFontDescriptor *defaultFont) { CFStringRef cfstr; CFMutableDictionaryRef defaultAttrs; CTFontRef defaultCTFont; CFAttributedStringRef base; CFMutableAttributedStringRef mas; cfstr = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, attrstrUTF16(s), attrstrUTF16Len(s)); if (cfstr == NULL) { // TODO } defaultAttrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 1, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); if (defaultAttrs == NULL) { // TODO } defaultCTFont = fontdescToCTFont(defaultFont); CFDictionaryAddValue(defaultAttrs, kCTFontAttributeName, defaultCTFont); CFRelease(defaultCTFont); base = CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, cfstr, defaultAttrs); if (base == NULL) { // TODO } CFRelease(cfstr); CFRelease(defaultAttrs); mas = CFAttributedStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, base); CFRelease(base); CFAttributedStringBeginEditing(mas); // TODO copy in the attributes CFAttributedStringEndEditing(mas); return mas; } uiDrawTextLayout *uiDrawNewTextLayout(uiAttributedString *s, uiDrawFontDescriptor *defaultFont, double width) { uiDrawTextLayout *tl; CGFloat cgwidth; CFRange range, unused; CGRect rect; tl = uiNew(uiDrawTextLayout); tl->attrstr = attrstrToCoreFoundation(s, defaultFont); range.location = 0; range.length = CFAttributedStringGetLength(tl->attrstr); tl->width = width; // TODO CTFrameProgression for RTL/LTR // TODO kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierMaximumLineSpacing, kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierMinimumLineSpacing, kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierLineSpacingAdjustment for line spacing tl->framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(tl->attrstr); if (tl->framesetter == NULL) { // TODO } cgwidth = (CGFloat) width; if (cgwidth < 0) cgwidth = CGFLOAT_MAX; // TODO these seem to be floor()'d or truncated? // TODO double check to make sure this TODO was right tl->size = CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints(tl->framesetter, range, // TODO kCTFramePathWidthAttributeName? NULL, CGSizeMake(cgwidth, CGFLOAT_MAX), &unused); // not documented as accepting NULL rect.origin = CGZeroPoint; rect.size = tl->size; tl->path = CGPathCreateWithRect(rect, NULL); return tl; } void uiDrawFreeTextLayout(uiDrawTextLayout *tl) { CFRelease(tl->path); CFRelease(tl->framesetter); CFRelease(tl->attrstr); uiFree(tl); } void uiDrawText(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawTextLayout *tl, double x, double y) { } void uiDrawTextLayoutExtents(uiDrawTextLayout *tl, double *width, double *height) { } int uiDrawTextLayoutNumLines(uiDrawTextLayout *tl) { } void uiDrawTextLayoutLineByteRange(uiDrawTextLayout *tl, int line, size_t *start, size_t *end) { } void uiDrawTextLayoutLineGetMetrics(uiDrawTextLayout *tl, int line, uiDrawTextLayoutLineMetrics *m) { } void uiDrawTextLayoutByteIndexToGraphemeRect(uiDrawTextLayout *tl, size_t pos, int *line, double *x, double *y, double *width, double *height) { } uiDrawTextLayoutHitTestResult uiDrawTextLayoutHitTest(uiDrawTextLayout *tl, double x, double y, size_t *byteIndex, int *line) { } void uiDrawTextLayoutByteRangeToRectangle(uiDrawTextLayout *tl, size_t start, size_t end, uiDrawTextLayoutByteRangeRectangle *r) { }