// 14 april 2016 #include "uipriv_windows.h" struct fontDialog { HWND hwnd; HWND familyCombobox; HWND styleCombobox; HWND sizeCombobox; // TODO desc; fontCollection *fc; IDWriteGdiInterop *gdiInterop; RECT sampleRect; HWND sampleBox; // we store the current selections in case an invalid string is typed in (partial or nonexistent or invalid number) // on OK, these are what are read LRESULT curFamily; LRESULT curStyle; LRESULT curSize; }; static LRESULT cbAddString(HWND cb, WCHAR *str) { LRESULT lr; lr = SendMessageW(cb, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) str); if (lr == (LRESULT) CB_ERR || lr == (LRESULT) CB_ERRSPACE) logLastError("error adding item to combobox in cbAddString()"); return lr; } static LRESULT cbInsertStringAtTop(HWND cb, WCHAR *str) { LRESULT lr; lr = SendMessageW(cb, CB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) str); if (lr == (LRESULT) CB_ERR || lr == (LRESULT) CB_ERRSPACE) logLastError("error inserting item to combobox in cbInsertStringAtTop()"); return lr; } static LRESULT cbGetItemData(HWND cb, WPARAM item) { LRESULT data; data = SendMessageW(cb, CB_GETITEMDATA, item, 0); if (data == (LRESULT) CB_ERR) logLastError("error getting combobox item data for font dialog in cbGetItemData()"); return data; } static void cbSetItemData(HWND cb, WPARAM item, LPARAM data) { if (SendMessageW(cb, CB_SETITEMDATA, item, data) == (LRESULT) CB_ERR) logLastError("error setting combobox item data in cbSetItemData()"); } static BOOL cbGetCurSel(HWND cb, LRESULT *sel) { LRESULT n; n = SendMessageW(cb, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (n == (LRESULT) CB_ERR) return FALSE; if (sel != NULL) *sel = n; return TRUE; } static void cbSetCurSel(HWND cb, WPARAM item) { if (SendMessageW(cb, CB_SETCURSEL, item, 0) != 0) logLastError("error selecting combobox item in cbSetCurSel()"); } static LRESULT cbGetCount(HWND cb) { LRESULT n; n = SendMessageW(cb, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if (n == (LRESULT) CB_ERR) logLastError("error getting combobox item count in cbGetCount()"); return n; } static void cbWipeAndReleaseData(HWND cb) { IUnknown *obj; LRESULT i, n; n = cbGetCount(cb); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { obj = (IUnknown *) cbGetItemData(cb, (WPARAM) i); obj->Release(); } SendMessageW(cb, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); } static void wipeStylesBox(struct fontDialog *f) { cbWipeAndReleaseData(f->styleCombobox); } static WCHAR *fontStyleName(struct fontDialog *f, IDWriteFont *font) { IDWriteLocalizedStrings *str; BOOL exists; WCHAR *wstr; HRESULT hr; hr = font->GetFaceNames(&str); if (hr != S_OK) logHRESULT("error getting font style name for font dialog in fontStyleName()", hr); wstr = fontCollectionCorrectString(f->fc, str); str->Release(); return wstr; } static void familyChanged(struct fontDialog *f) { LRESULT pos; BOOL selected; IDWriteFontFamily *family; IDWriteFont *font; UINT32 i, n; WCHAR *label; HRESULT hr; selected = cbGetCurSel(f->familyCombobox, &pos); if (!selected) // on deselect, do nothing return; f->curFamily = pos; family = (IDWriteFontFamily *) cbGetItemData(f->familyCombobox, (WPARAM) (f->curFamily)); // TODO test mutliple streteches; all the fonts I have have only one stretch value? wipeStylesBox(f); n = family->GetFontCount(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { hr = family->GetFont(i, &font); if (hr != S_OK) logHRESULT("error getting font for filling styles box in familyChanged()", hr); label = fontStyleName(f, font); pos = cbAddString(f->styleCombobox, label); uiFree(label); cbSetItemData(f->styleCombobox, (WPARAM) pos, (LPARAM) font); } // TODO how do we preserve style selection? the real thing seems to have a very elaborate method of doing so // TODO check error SendMessageW(f->styleCombobox, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); f->curStyle = 0; // TODO refine this a bit InvalidateRect(f->sampleBox, NULL, TRUE/*TODO*/); } static void fontDialogDrawSampleText(struct fontDialog *f, ID2D1RenderTarget *rt) { D2D1_COLOR_F color; D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES props; ID2D1SolidColorBrush *black; IDWriteFont *font; IDWriteLocalizedStrings *sampleStrings; BOOL exists; WCHAR *sample; WCHAR *family, *wsize; double size; IDWriteTextFormat *format; D2D1_RECT_F rect; HRESULT hr; color.r = 0.0; color.g = 0.0; color.b = 0.0; color.a = 1.0; ZeroMemory(&props, sizeof (D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES)); props.opacity = 1.0; // identity matrix props.transform._11 = 1; props.transform._22 = 1; hr = rt->CreateSolidColorBrush( &color, &props, &black); if (hr != S_OK) logHRESULT("error creating solid brush in fontDialogDrawSampleText()", hr); font = (IDWriteFont *) cbGetItemData(f->styleCombobox, (WPARAM) f->curStyle); hr = font->GetInformationalStrings(DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_SAMPLE_TEXT, &sampleStrings, &exists); if (hr != S_OK) exists = FALSE; if (exists) { sample = fontCollectionCorrectString(f->fc, sampleStrings); sampleStrings->Release(); } else sample = L"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; // TODO get this from the currently selected item family = windowText(f->familyCombobox); // TODO but NOT this wsize = windowText(f->sizeCombobox); // TODO error check? size = _wtof(wsize); uiFree(wsize); hr = dwfactory->CreateTextFormat(family, NULL, font->GetWeight(), font->GetStyle(), font->GetStretch(), // typographic points are 1/72 inch; this parameter is 1/96 inch // fortunately Microsoft does this too, in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd371554%28v=vs.85%29.aspx size * (96.0 / 72.0), // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28397971/idwritefactorycreatetextformat-failing and https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd368203.aspx // TODO use the current locale again? L"", &format); if (hr != S_OK) logHRESULT("error creating IDWriteTextFormat in fontDialogDrawSampleText()", hr); uiFree(family); rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.right = rt->GetSize().width; rect.bottom = rt->GetSize().height; rt->DrawText(sample, wcslen(sample), format, &rect, black, // TODO really? D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS_NONE, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE_NATURAL); format->Release(); if (exists) uiFree(sample); black->Release(); } static LRESULT CALLBACK fontDialogSampleSubProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData) { ID2D1RenderTarget *rt; struct fontDialog *f; switch (uMsg) { case msgD2DScratchPaint: rt = (ID2D1RenderTarget *) lParam; f = (struct fontDialog *) dwRefData; fontDialogDrawSampleText(f, rt); return 0; case WM_NCDESTROY: if (RemoveWindowSubclass(hwnd, fontDialogSampleSubProc, uIdSubclass) == FALSE) logLastError("error removing font dialog sample text subclass in fontDialogSampleSubProc()"); break; } return DefSubclassProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } static struct fontDialog *beginFontDialog(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { struct fontDialog *f; UINT32 i, nFamilies; IDWriteFontFamily *family; WCHAR *wname; LRESULT pos, ten; HWND samplePlacement; HRESULT hr; f = uiNew(struct fontDialog); f->hwnd = hwnd; f->familyCombobox = GetDlgItem(f->hwnd, rcFontFamilyCombobox); if (f->familyCombobox == NULL) logLastError("error getting font family combobox handle in beginFontDialog()"); f->styleCombobox = GetDlgItem(f->hwnd, rcFontStyleCombobox); if (f->styleCombobox == NULL) logLastError("error getting font style combobox handle in beginFontDialog()"); f->sizeCombobox = GetDlgItem(f->hwnd, rcFontSizeCombobox); if (f->sizeCombobox == NULL) logLastError("error getting font size combobox handle in beginFontDialog()"); f->fc = loadFontCollection(); nFamilies = f->fc->fonts->GetFontFamilyCount(); for (i = 0; i < nFamilies; i++) { hr = f->fc->fonts->GetFontFamily(i, &family); if (hr != S_OK) logHRESULT("error getting font family in beginFontDialog()", hr); wname = fontCollectionFamilyName(f->fc, family); pos = cbAddString(f->familyCombobox, wname); uiFree(wname); cbSetItemData(f->familyCombobox, (WPARAM) pos, (LPARAM) family); } // TODO all comboboxes should select on type; these already scroll on type but not select // TODO behavior for the real thing: // - if prior size is in list, select and scroll to it // - if not, select nothing and don't scroll list at all (keep at top) // we do 8 and 9 later ten = cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"10"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"11"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"12"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"14"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"16"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"18"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"20"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"22"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"24"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"26"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"28"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"36"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"48"); cbAddString(f->sizeCombobox, L"72"); if (SendMessageW(f->sizeCombobox, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM) ten, 0) != ten) logLastError("error selecting 10 in the size combobox in beginFontDialog()"); // if we just use CB_ADDSTRING 8 and 9 will appear at the bottom of the list due to lexicographical sorting // if we use CB_INSERTSTRING instead it won't cbInsertStringAtTop(f->sizeCombobox, L"9"); cbInsertStringAtTop(f->sizeCombobox, L"8"); // 10 moved because of the above; figure out where it is now // we selected it earlier; getting the selection is easiest ten = SendMessageW(f->sizeCombobox, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); // and finally put 10 at the top to imitate ChooseFont() if (SendMessageW(f->sizeCombobox, CB_SETTOPINDEX, (WPARAM) ten, 0) != 0) logLastError("error making 10 visible in the size combobox in beginFontDialog()"); // note: we can't add ES_NUMBER to the combobox entry (it seems to disable the entry instead?!), so we must do validation when the box is dmissed; TODO // TODO actually select Arial cbSetCurSel(f->familyCombobox, 0); familyChanged(f); hr = dwfactory->GetGdiInterop(&(f->gdiInterop)); if (hr != S_OK) logHRESULT("error getting GDI interop for font dialog in beginFontDialog()", hr); samplePlacement = GetDlgItem(f->hwnd, rcFontSamplePlacement); if (samplePlacement == NULL) logLastError("error getting sample placement static control handle in beginFontDialog()"); if (GetWindowRect(samplePlacement, &(f->sampleRect)) == 0) logLastError("error getting sample placement in beginFontDialog()"); mapWindowRect(NULL, f->hwnd, &(f->sampleRect)); if (DestroyWindow(samplePlacement) == 0) logLastError("error getting rid of the sample placement static control in beginFontDialog()"); f->sampleBox = newD2DScratch(f->hwnd, &(f->sampleRect), (HMENU) rcFontSamplePlacement, fontDialogSampleSubProc, (DWORD_PTR) f); return f; } static void endFontDialog(struct fontDialog *f, INT_PTR code) { f->gdiInterop->Release(); wipeStylesBox(f); cbWipeAndReleaseData(f->familyCombobox); fontCollectionFree(f->fc); if (EndDialog(f->hwnd, code) == 0) logLastError("error ending font dialog in endFontDialog()"); uiFree(f); } static INT_PTR tryFinishDialog(struct fontDialog *f, WPARAM wParam) { // cancelling if (LOWORD(wParam) != IDOK) { endFontDialog(f, 1); return TRUE; } // TODO endFontDialog(f, 2); return TRUE; } static INT_PTR CALLBACK fontDialogDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { struct fontDialog *f; f = (struct fontDialog *) GetWindowLongPtrW(hwnd, DWLP_USER); if (f == NULL) { if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { f = beginFontDialog(hwnd, lParam); SetWindowLongPtrW(hwnd, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR) f); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } switch (uMsg) { case WM_COMMAND: SetWindowLongPtrW(f->hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, 0); // just in case switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: if (HIWORD(wParam) != BN_CLICKED) return FALSE; return tryFinishDialog(f, wParam); case rcFontFamilyCombobox: if (HIWORD(wParam) != CBN_SELCHANGE) return FALSE; familyChanged(f); return TRUE; // TODO case rcFontStyleCombobox: case rcFontSizeCombobox: if (HIWORD(wParam) != CBN_SELCHANGE) return FALSE; // TODO really do the job cbGetCurSel(f->styleCombobox, &(f->curStyle)); // TODO error check; refine InvalidateRect(f->sampleBox, NULL, TRUE); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } return FALSE; } void showFontDialog(HWND parent) { switch (DialogBoxParamW(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(rcFontDialog), parent, fontDialogDlgProc, (LPARAM) NULL)) { case 1: // TODO cancel break; case 2: // TODO OK break; default: logLastError("error running font dialog in showFontDialog()"); } }