// 27 june 2016 #include "uipriv_unix.h" struct uiImage { double width; double height; GPtrArray *images; }; static void freeImageRep(gpointer item) { cairo_surface_t *cs = (cairo_surface_t *) item; unsigned char *buf; buf = cairo_image_surface_get_data(cs); cairo_surface_destroy(cs); uiprivFree(buf); } uiImage *uiNewImage(double width, double height) { uiImage *i; i = uiprivNew(uiImage); i->width = width; i->height = height; i->images = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func(freeImageRep); return i; } void uiFreeImage(uiImage *i) { g_ptr_array_free(i->images, TRUE); uiprivFree(i); } void uiImageAppend(uiImage *i, void *pixels, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, int byteStride) { cairo_surface_t *cs; unsigned char *buf, *p; uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *) pixels; int cByteStride; int n; // unfortunately for optimal performance cairo expects its own stride values and we will have to reconcile them if they differ cByteStride = cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, pixelWidth); buf = (unsigned char *) uiprivAlloc((cByteStride * pixelHeight) * sizeof (unsigned char), "unsigned char[]"); p = buf; for (n = 0; n < byteStride * pixelHeight; n += byteStride) { memmove(p, src + n, cByteStride); p += cByteStride; } // also note that stride here is also in bytes cs = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(buf, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, cByteStride); if (cairo_surface_status(cs) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) /* TODO */; cairo_surface_flush(cs); g_ptr_array_add(i->images, cs); } struct matcher { cairo_surface_t *best; int distX; int distY; int targetX; int targetY; gboolean foundLarger; }; // TODO is this the right algorithm? static void match(gpointer surface, gpointer data) { cairo_surface_t *cs = (cairo_surface_t *) surface; struct matcher *m = (struct matcher *) data; int x, y; int x2, y2; x = cairo_image_surface_get_width(cs); y = cairo_image_surface_get_height(cs); if (m->best == NULL) goto writeMatch; if (x < m->targetX && y < m->targetY) if (m->foundLarger) // always prefer larger ones return; if (x >= m->targetX && y >= m->targetY && !m->foundLarger) // we set foundLarger below goto writeMatch; x2 = abs(m->targetX - x); y2 = abs(m->targetY - y); if (x2 < m->distX && y2 < m->distY) goto writeMatch; // TODO weight one dimension? threshhold? return; writeMatch: // must set this here too; otherwise the first image will never have ths set if (x >= m->targetX && y >= m->targetY && !m->foundLarger) m->foundLarger = TRUE; m->best = cs; m->distX = abs(m->targetX - x); m->distY = abs(m->targetY - y); } cairo_surface_t *uiprivImageAppropriateSurface(uiImage *i, GtkWidget *w) { struct matcher m; m.best = NULL; m.distX = G_MAXINT; m.distY = G_MAXINT; m.targetX = i->width * gtk_widget_get_scale_factor(w); m.targetY = i->height * gtk_widget_get_scale_factor(w); m.foundLarger = FALSE; g_ptr_array_foreach(i->images, match, &m); return m.best; }