// 7 june 2016 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" // TODO in the test program, sometimes one of the radio buttons can disappear (try when spaced) @interface formChild : NSView @property uiControl *c; @property (strong) NSTextField *label; @property BOOL stretchy; @property NSLayoutPriority oldHorzHuggingPri; @property NSLayoutPriority oldVertHuggingPri; @property (strong) NSLayoutConstraint *baseline; @property (strong) NSLayoutConstraint *leading; @property (strong) NSLayoutConstraint *top; @property (strong) NSLayoutConstraint *trailing; @property (strong) NSLayoutConstraint *bottom; - (id)initWithLabel:(NSTextField *)l; - (void)onDestroy; - (NSView *)view; @end @interface formView : NSView { uiForm *f; NSMutableArray *children; int padded; NSLayoutConstraint *first; NSMutableArray *inBetweens; NSLayoutConstraint *last; NSMutableArray *widths; NSMutableArray *leadings; NSMutableArray *middles; NSMutableArray *trailings; } - (id)initWithF:(uiForm *)ff; - (void)onDestroy; - (void)removeOurConstraints; - (void)syncEnableStates:(int)enabled; - (CGFloat)paddingAmount; - (void)establishOurConstraints; - (void)append:(NSString *)label c:(uiControl *)c stretchy:(int)stretchy; //TODO- (void)delete:(int)n; - (int)isPadded; - (void)setPadded:(int)p; - (BOOL)hugsTrailing; - (BOOL)hugsBottom; - (int)nStretchy; @end struct uiForm { uiDarwinControl c; formView *view; }; @implementation formChild - (id)initWithLabel:(NSTextField *)l { self = [super initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; if (self) { self.label = l; [self.label setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO]; [self.label setContentHuggingPriority:NSLayoutPriorityRequired forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal]; [self.label setContentHuggingPriority:NSLayoutPriorityRequired forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical]; [self.label setContentCompressionResistancePriority:NSLayoutPriorityRequired forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal]; [self.label setContentCompressionResistancePriority:NSLayoutPriorityRequired forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical]; [self addSubview:self.label]; self.leading = mkConstraint(self.label, NSLayoutAttributeLeading, NSLayoutRelationGreaterThanOrEqual, self, NSLayoutAttributeLeading, 1, 0, @"uiForm label leading"); [self addConstraint:self.leading]; self.top = mkConstraint(self.label, NSLayoutAttributeTop, NSLayoutRelationEqual, self, NSLayoutAttributeTop, 1, 0, @"uiForm label top"); [self addConstraint:self.top]; self.trailing = mkConstraint(self.label, NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, NSLayoutRelationEqual, self, NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, 1, 0, @"uiForm label trailing"); [self addConstraint:self.trailing]; self.bottom = mkConstraint(self.label, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, NSLayoutRelationEqual, self, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, 1, 0, @"uiForm label bottom"); [self addConstraint:self.bottom]; } return self; } - (void)onDestroy { [self removeConstraint:self.trailing]; self.trailing = nil; [self removeConstraint:self.top]; self.top = nil; [self removeConstraint:self.bottom]; self.bottom = nil; [self.label removeFromSuperview]; self.label = nil; } - (NSView *)view { return (NSView *) uiControlHandle(self.c); } @end @implementation formView - (id)initWithF:(uiForm *)ff { self = [super initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; if (self != nil) { self->f = ff; self->padded = 0; self->children = [NSMutableArray new]; self->inBetweens = [NSMutableArray new]; self->widths = [NSMutableArray new]; self->leadings = [NSMutableArray new]; self->middles = [NSMutableArray new]; self->trailings = [NSMutableArray new]; } return self; } - (void)onDestroy { formChild *fc; [self removeOurConstraints]; [self->inBetweens release]; [self->widths release]; [self->leadings release]; [self->middles release]; [self->trailings release]; for (fc in self->children) { [self removeConstraint:fc.baseline]; fc.baseline = nil; uiControlSetParent(fc.c, NULL); uiDarwinControlSetSuperview(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), nil); uiControlDestroy(fc.c); [fc onDestroy]; [fc removeFromSuperview]; } [self->children release]; } - (void)removeOurConstraints { if (self->first != nil) { [self removeConstraint:self->first]; [self->first release]; self->first = nil; } if ([self->inBetweens count] != 0) { [self removeConstraints:self->inBetweens]; [self->inBetweens removeAllObjects]; } if (self->last != nil) { [self removeConstraint:self->last]; [self->last release]; self->last = nil; } if ([self->widths count] != 0) { [self removeConstraints:self->widths]; [self->widths removeAllObjects]; } if ([self->leadings count] != 0) { [self removeConstraints:self->leadings]; [self->leadings removeAllObjects]; } if ([self->middles count] != 0) { [self removeConstraints:self->middles]; [self->middles removeAllObjects]; } if ([self->trailings count] != 0) { [self removeConstraints:self->trailings]; [self->trailings removeAllObjects]; } } - (void)syncEnableStates:(int)enabled { formChild *fc; for (fc in self->children) uiDarwinControlSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), enabled); } - (CGFloat)paddingAmount { if (!self->padded) return 0.0; return uiDarwinPaddingAmount(NULL); } - (void)establishOurConstraints { formChild *fc; CGFloat padding; NSView *prev, *prevlabel; NSLayoutConstraint *c; [self removeOurConstraints]; if ([self->children count] == 0) return; padding = [self paddingAmount]; // first arrange the children vertically and make them the same width prev = nil; for (fc in self->children) { [fc setHidden:!uiControlVisible(fc.c)]; if (!uiControlVisible(fc.c)) continue; if (prev == nil) { // first view self->first = mkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeTop, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [fc view], NSLayoutAttributeTop, 1, 0, @"uiForm first vertical constraint"); [self addConstraint:self->first]; [self->first retain]; prev = [fc view]; prevlabel = fc; continue; } // not the first; link it c = mkConstraint(prev, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [fc view], NSLayoutAttributeTop, 1, -padding, @"uiForm in-between vertical constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->inBetweens addObject:c]; // and make the same width c = mkConstraint(prev, NSLayoutAttributeWidth, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [fc view], NSLayoutAttributeWidth, 1, 0, @"uiForm control width constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->widths addObject:c]; c = mkConstraint(prevlabel, NSLayoutAttributeWidth, NSLayoutRelationEqual, fc, NSLayoutAttributeWidth, 1, 0, @"uiForm label lwidth constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->widths addObject:c]; prev = [fc view]; prevlabel = fc; } if (prev == nil) // all hidden; act as if nothing there return; self->last = mkConstraint(prev, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, NSLayoutRelationEqual, self, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, 1, 0, @"uiForm last vertical constraint"); [self addConstraint:self->last]; [self->last retain]; // now arrange the controls horizontally for (fc in self->children) { if (!uiControlVisible(fc.c)) continue; c = mkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeLeading, NSLayoutRelationEqual, fc, NSLayoutAttributeLeading, 1, 0, @"uiForm leading constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->leadings addObject:c]; // coerce the control to be as wide as possible // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37710892/in-auto-layout-i-set-up-labels-that-shouldnt-grow-horizontally-and-controls-th c = mkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeLeading, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [fc view], NSLayoutAttributeLeading, 1, 0, @"uiForm leading constraint"); [c setPriority:NSLayoutPriorityDefaultHigh]; [self addConstraint:c]; [self->leadings addObject:c]; c = mkConstraint(fc, NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [fc view], NSLayoutAttributeLeading, 1, -padding, @"uiForm middle constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->middles addObject:c]; c = mkConstraint([fc view], NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, NSLayoutRelationEqual, self, NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, 1, 0, @"uiForm trailing constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->trailings addObject:c]; // TODO c = mkConstraint(fc, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, NSLayoutRelationLessThanOrEqual, self, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, 1, 0, @"TODO"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->trailings addObject:c]; } // and make all stretchy controls have the same height prev = nil; for (fc in self->children) { if (!uiControlVisible(fc.c)) continue; if (!fc.stretchy) continue; if (prev == nil) { prev = [fc view]; continue; } c = mkConstraint([fc view], NSLayoutAttributeHeight, NSLayoutRelationEqual, prev, NSLayoutAttributeHeight, 1, 0, @"uiForm stretchy constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; // TODO make a dedicated array for this [self->leadings addObject:c]; } // we don't arrange the labels vertically; that's done when we add the control since those constraints don't need to change (they just need to be at their baseline) } - (void)append:(NSString *)label c:(uiControl *)c stretchy:(int)stretchy { formChild *fc; NSLayoutPriority priority; NSLayoutAttribute attribute; int oldnStretchy; fc = [[formChild alloc] initWithLabel:newLabel(label)]; fc.c = c; fc.stretchy = stretchy; fc.oldHorzHuggingPri = uiDarwinControlHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal); fc.oldVertHuggingPri = uiDarwinControlHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical); [fc setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO]; [self addSubview:fc]; uiControlSetParent(fc.c, uiControl(self->f)); uiDarwinControlSetSuperview(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), self); uiDarwinControlSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), uiControlEnabledToUser(uiControl(self->f))); // if a control is stretchy, it should not hug vertically // otherwise, it should *forcibly* hug if (fc.stretchy) priority = NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow; else // LONGTERM will default high work? priority = NSLayoutPriorityRequired; uiDarwinControlSetHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), priority, NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical); // make sure controls don't hug their horizontal direction so they fill the width of the view uiDarwinControlSetHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(fc.c), NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow, NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal); // and constrain the baselines to position the label vertically // if the view is a scroll view, align tops, not baselines // this is what Interface Builder does attribute = NSLayoutAttributeBaseline; if ([[fc view] isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) attribute = NSLayoutAttributeTop; fc.baseline = mkConstraint(fc.label, attribute, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [fc view], attribute, 1, 0, @"uiForm baseline constraint"); [self addConstraint:fc.baseline]; oldnStretchy = [self nStretchy]; [self->children addObject:fc]; [self establishOurConstraints]; if (fc.stretchy) if (oldnStretchy == 0) uiDarwinNotifyEdgeHuggingChanged(uiDarwinControl(self->f)); [fc release]; // we don't need the initial reference now } //TODO- (void)delete:(int)n - (int)isPadded { return self->padded; } - (void)setPadded:(int)p { CGFloat padding; NSLayoutConstraint *c; self->padded = p; padding = [self paddingAmount]; for (c in self->inBetweens) [c setConstant:-padding]; for (c in self->middles) [c setConstant:-padding]; } - (BOOL)hugsTrailing { return YES; // always hug trailing } - (BOOL)hugsBottom { // only hug if we have stretchy return [self nStretchy] != 0; } - (int)nStretchy { formChild *fc; int n; n = 0; for (fc in self->children) { if (!uiControlVisible(fc.c)) continue; if (fc.stretchy) n++; } return n; } @end static void uiFormDestroy(uiControl *c) { uiForm *f = uiForm(c); [f->view onDestroy]; [f->view release]; uiFreeControl(uiControl(f)); } uiDarwinControlDefaultHandle(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultParent(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultSetParent(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultToplevel(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultVisible(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultShow(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultHide(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultEnabled(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultEnable(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultDisable(uiForm, view) static void uiFormSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl *c, int enabled) { uiForm *f = uiForm(c); if (uiDarwinShouldStopSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(f), enabled)) return; [f->view syncEnableStates:enabled]; } uiDarwinControlDefaultSetSuperview(uiForm, view) static BOOL uiFormHugsTrailingEdge(uiDarwinControl *c) { uiForm *f = uiForm(c); return [f->view hugsTrailing]; } static BOOL uiFormHugsBottom(uiDarwinControl *c) { uiForm *f = uiForm(c); return [f->view hugsBottom]; } static void uiFormChildEdgeHuggingChanged(uiDarwinControl *c) { uiForm *f = uiForm(c); [f->view establishOurConstraints]; } uiDarwinControlDefaultHuggingPriority(uiForm, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultSetHuggingPriority(uiForm, view) static void uiFormChildVisibilityChanged(uiDarwinControl *c) { uiForm *f = uiForm(c); [f->view establishOurConstraints]; } void uiFormAppend(uiForm *f, const char *label, uiControl *c, int stretchy) { // LONGTERM on other platforms // or at leat allow this and implicitly turn it into a spacer if (c == NULL) userbug("You cannot add NULL to a uiForm."); [f->view append:toNSString(label) c:c stretchy:stretchy]; } int uiFormPadded(uiForm *f) { return [f->view isPadded]; } void uiFormSetPadded(uiForm *f, int padded) { [f->view setPadded:padded]; } uiForm *uiNewForm(void) { uiForm *f; uiDarwinNewControl(uiForm, f); f->view = [[formView alloc] initWithF:f]; return f; }