// 6 april 2015 #include "uipriv_windows.h" struct singleHWND { HWND hwnd; BOOL (*onWM_COMMAND)(uiControl *, WORD, LRESULT *); BOOL (*onWM_NOTIFY)(uiControl *, NMHDR *, LRESULT *); void (*onDestroy)(void *); void *onDestroyData; uiControl *parent; int userHidden; int containerHidden; int userDisabled; int containerDisabled; }; static void singleDestroy(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); if (s->parent != NULL) complain("attempt to destroy a uiControl at %p while it still has a parent", c); (*(s->onDestroy))(s->onDestroyData); if (DestroyWindow(s->hwnd) == 0) logLastError("error destroying control in singleDestroy()"); uiFree(s); } static uintptr_t singleHandle(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); return (uintptr_t) (s->hwnd); } static uiControl *singleParent(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); return s->parent; } static void singleSetParent(uiControl *c, uiControl *parent) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); uiControl *oldparent; HWND newParentHWND; oldparent = s->parent; s->parent = parent; newParentHWND = utilWindow; if (s->parent != NULL) newParentHWND = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(s->parent)); if (SetParent(s->hwnd, newParentHWND) == NULL) logLastError("error setting control parent in singleSetParent()"); } static void singleResize(uiControl *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y, intmax_t width, intmax_t height, uiSizing *d) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); moveWindow(s->hwnd, x, y, width, height, d); } static void singleQueueResize(uiControl *c) { queueResize(c); } static uiSizing *singleSizing(uiControl *c) { return uiWindowsSizing(c); } static int singleContainerVisible(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); return !s->userHidden && !s->containerHidden; } static void singleShow(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); s->userHidden = 0; if (!s->containerHidden) ShowWindow(s->hwnd, SW_SHOW); if (s->parent != NULL) uiControlQueueResize(s->parent); } static void singleHide(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); s->userHidden = 1; ShowWindow(s->hwnd, SW_HIDE); if (s->parent != NULL) uiControlQueueResize(s->parent); } static void singleContainerShow(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); s->containerHidden = 0; if (!s->userHidden) ShowWindow(s->hwnd, SW_SHOW); if (s->parent != NULL) uiControlQueueResize(s->parent); } static void singleContainerHide(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); s->containerHidden = 1; ShowWindow(s->hwnd, SW_HIDE); if (s->parent != NULL) uiControlQueueResize(s->parent); } static void singleEnable(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); s->userDisabled = 0; if (!s->containerDisabled) EnableWindow(s->hwnd, TRUE); } static void singleDisable(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); s->userDisabled = 1; EnableWindow(s->hwnd, FALSE); } static void singleContainerEnable(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); s->containerDisabled = 0; if (!s->userDisabled) EnableWindow(s->hwnd, TRUE); } static void singleContainerDisable(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); s->containerDisabled = 1; EnableWindow(s->hwnd, FALSE); } static void singleSysFunc(uiControl *c, uiControlSysFuncParams *p) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); switch (p->Func) { case uiWindowsSysFuncHasTabStops: if (IsWindowEnabled(s->hwnd) != 0) if ((getStyle(s->hwnd) & WS_TABSTOP) != 0) p->HasTabStops = TRUE; return; case uiWindowsSysFuncSetZOrder: // TODO return; } complain("unknown p->Func %d in singleSysFunc()", p->Func); } static int singleStartZOrder(uiControl *c, uiControlSysFuncParams *p) { // TODO return 0; } static LRESULT CALLBACK singleSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData) { uiControl *c = (uiControl *) dwRefData; struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); LRESULT lResult; switch (uMsg) { case msgCOMMAND: if ((*(s->onWM_COMMAND))(c, HIWORD(wParam), &lResult) != FALSE) return lResult; break; case msgNOTIFY: if ((*(s->onWM_NOTIFY))(c, (NMHDR *) lParam, &lResult) != FALSE) return lResult; break; case WM_NCDESTROY: if (RemoveWindowSubclass(hwnd, singleSubclassProc, uIdSubclass) == FALSE) logLastError("error removing Windows control subclass in singleSubclassProc()"); break; } return DefSubclassProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } void uiWindowsMakeControl(uiControl *c, uiWindowsMakeControlParams *p) { struct singleHWND *s; s = uiNew(struct singleHWND); s->hwnd = CreateWindowExW(p->dwExStyle, p->lpClassName, p->lpWindowName, p->dwStyle | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, // use a nonzero initial size just in case some control breaks with a zero initial size 100, 100, utilWindow, NULL, p->hInstance, p->lpParam); if (s->hwnd == NULL) logLastError("error creating control in uiWindowsMakeControl()"); s->onWM_COMMAND = p->onWM_COMMAND; s->onWM_NOTIFY = p->onWM_NOTIFY; s->onDestroy = p->onDestroy; s->onDestroyData = p->onDestroyData; if (p->useStandardControlFont) SendMessageW(s->hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hMessageFont, (LPARAM) TRUE); // this handles redirected notification messages if (SetWindowSubclass(s->hwnd, singleSubclassProc, 0, (DWORD_PTR) c) == FALSE) logLastError("error subclassing Windows control in uiWindowsMakeControl()"); uiControl(c)->Internal = s; uiControl(c)->Destroy = singleDestroy; uiControl(c)->Handle = singleHandle; uiControl(c)->Parent = singleParent; uiControl(c)->SetParent = singleSetParent; // PreferredSize() implemented by the individual controls uiControl(c)->Resize = singleResize; uiControl(c)->QueueResize = singleQueueResize; uiControl(c)->Sizing = singleSizing; uiControl(c)->ContainerVisible = singleContainerVisible; uiControl(c)->Show = singleShow; uiControl(c)->Hide = singleHide; uiControl(c)->ContainerShow = singleContainerShow; uiControl(c)->ContainerHide = singleContainerHide; uiControl(c)->Enable = singleEnable; uiControl(c)->Disable = singleDisable; uiControl(c)->ContainerEnable = singleContainerEnable; uiControl(c)->ContainerDisable = singleContainerDisable; uiControl(c)->SysFunc = singleSysFunc; uiControl(c)->StartZOrder = singleStartZOrder; } char *uiWindowsControlText(uiControl *c) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); WCHAR *wtext; char *text; wtext = windowText(s->hwnd); text = toUTF8(wtext); uiFree(wtext); return text; } void uiWindowsControlSetText(uiControl *c, const char *text) { struct singleHWND *s = (struct singleHWND *) (c->Internal); WCHAR *wtext; wtext = toUTF16(text); if (SetWindowTextW(s->hwnd, wtext) == 0) logLastError("error setting control text in uiWindowsControlSetText()"); uiFree(wtext); }