// 16 may 2015 #include "uipriv_windows.h" struct tab { uiTab t; HWND hwnd; struct ptrArray *pages; void (*baseResize)(uiControl *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, uiSizing *); }; struct tabPage { uiControl *control; int margined; }; // utility functions static LRESULT curpage(struct tab *t) { return SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); } static void showHidePage(struct tab *t, LRESULT which, int hide) { struct tabPage *page; if (which == (LRESULT) (-1)) return; page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, which); if (hide) uiControlContainerHide(page->control); else { uiControlContainerShow(page->control); // we only resize the current page, so we have to do this here uiControlQueueResize(page->control); } } // control implementation static BOOL onWM_COMMAND(uiControl *c, WORD code, LRESULT *lResult) { return FALSE; } static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, NMHDR *nm, LRESULT *lResult) { return FALSE; } static void onDestroy(void *data) { // TODO } static void tabPreferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height) { // TODO } static void tabResize(uiControl *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y, intmax_t width, intmax_t height, uiSizing *d) { struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c; LRESULT n; struct tabPage *page; RECT r; (*(t->baseResize))(uiControl(t), x, y, width, height, d); n = curpage(t); if (n == (LRESULT) (-1)) return; page = ptrArrayIndex(t->pages, struct tabPage *, n); r.left = x; r.top = y; r.right = x + width; r.bottom = y + height; // TODO convert from parent window coordinates to screen coordinates SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_ADJUSTRECT, (WPARAM) FALSE, (LPARAM) (&r)); // TODO convert back to parent window coordinates if (page->margined) { // TODO } uiControlResize(page->control, x, y, width, height, d); } static void tabAppend(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uiControl *child) { struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt; uiTabInsertAt(tt, name, t->pages->len, child); } static void tabInsertAt(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uintmax_t n, uiControl *child) { struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt; struct tabPage *page; LRESULT hide, show; TCITEMW item; WCHAR *wname; // see below hide = curpage(t); page = uiNew(struct tabPage); page->control = child; uiControlSetParent(page->control, uiControl(t)); ptrArrayInsertAt(t->pages, n, page); ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof (TCITEMW)); item.mask = TCIF_TEXT; wname = toUTF16(name); item.pszText = wname; if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, TCM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM) n, (LPARAM) (&item)) == (LRESULT) -1) logLastError("error adding tab to uiTab in uiTabInsertAt()"); uiFree(wname); // we need to do this because adding the first tab doesn't send a TCN_SELCHANGE; it just shows the page show = curpage(t); if (show != hide) { showHidePage(t, hide, 1); showHidePage(t, show, 0); } } static void tabDelete(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n) { // TODO } static uintmax_t tabNumPages(uiTab *tt) { // TODO return 0; } static int tabMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n) { // TODO return 0; } static void tabSetMargined(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n, int margined) { // TODO } uiTab *uiNewTab(void) { struct tab *t; uiWindowsMakeControlParams p; t = uiNew(struct tab); uiTyped(t)->Type = uiTypeTab(); p.dwExStyle = 0; // don't set WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT yet; we do that dynamically in the message loop (see main_windows.c) p.lpClassName = WC_TABCONTROLW; p.lpWindowName = L""; p.dwStyle = TCS_TOOLTIPS | WS_TABSTOP; // start with this; we will alternate between this and WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT as needed (see main.c and msgHasTabStops above and the toggling functions below) p.hInstance = hInstance; p.lpParam = NULL; p.useStandardControlFont = TRUE; p.onWM_COMMAND = onWM_COMMAND; p.onWM_NOTIFY = onWM_NOTIFY; p.onDestroy = onDestroy; p.onDestroyData = t; uiWindowsMakeControl(uiControl(t), &p); t->hwnd = (HWND) uiControlHandle(uiControl(t)); t->pages = newPtrArray(); uiControl(t)->PreferredSize = tabPreferredSize; t->baseResize = uiControl(t)->Resize; uiControl(t)->Resize = tabResize; uiTab(t)->Append = tabAppend; uiTab(t)->InsertAt = tabInsertAt; uiTab(t)->Delete = tabDelete; uiTab(t)->NumPages = tabNumPages; uiTab(t)->Margined = tabMargined; uiTab(t)->SetMargined = tabSetMargined; return uiTab(t); } // unfortunately WS_TABSTOP and WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT are mutually exclusive, so we have to toggle between them // see main.c for more details void tabEnterTabNavigation(HWND hwnd) { setStyle(hwnd, getStyle(hwnd) & ~WS_TABSTOP); setExStyle(hwnd, getExStyle(hwnd) | WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT); } void tabLeaveTabNavigation(HWND hwnd) { setExStyle(hwnd, getExStyle(hwnd) & ~WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT); setStyle(hwnd, getStyle(hwnd) | WS_TABSTOP); }