# uiButton uiButton is a control which represents a clickable button. Windows | Unix | OS X -----|-----|----- || uiButton derives from [uiControl](uiControl.md). ## constructor NewButton() ```c uiButton *uiNewButton(const char *text); ``` Creates a new uiButton with the specifed text. ## func Text() ```c char *uiButtonText(uiButton *b); ``` Returns the text shown on the uiButton. Free the returned string with `uiTextFree()`. ## func SetText() ```c void uiButtonSetText(uiButton *b, const char *text); ``` Changes the text shown on the uiButton to the given text string. ## func OnClicked() ```c void uiButtonOnClicked(uiButton *b, void (*handler)(uiButton *, void *), void *data); ``` Sets the function that is called when the user clicks the uiButton. The `data` parameter is passed as the second argument to this function. If a handler was previous assigned, this call replaces the old handler with the given one. The default handler does nothing. TODO allow NULL to return to default?