# 19 january 2020 # Using files() is the cleanest way to ensure the python script below gets the right filenames regardless of how meson sandboxes the command it's running. libui_test_sources = files([ 'controls.c', 'initmain.c', 'noinitwrongthread.c', ]) libui_allcalls_headers = files([ 'allcalls.h', ]) if libui_OS == 'windows' libui_test_sources += files([ 'controls_windows.c', ]) elif libui_OS == 'darwin' libui_test_sources += files([ 'controls_darwin.m', ]) elif libui_OS == 'haiku' libui_test_sources += files([ 'controls_haiku.c', ]) else libui_test_sources += files([ 'controls_unix.c', ]) endif libui_test_sources_without_cases = [ 'errors.c', 'main.c', ] if libui_OS == 'windows' libui_test_sources_without_cases += [ 'thread_windows.c', windows.compile_resources('resources_' + libui_mode + '.rc', args: libui_manifest_args, depend_files: ['test_' + libui_mode + '.manifest']), ] else libui_test_sources_without_cases += [ 'thread_notwindows.c', ] endif libui_test_deps = [ dependency('threads', required: true), ] if libui_OS == 'windows' # static mode already gives us these dependencies if libui_mode != 'static' libui_test_deps += [ meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('kernel32', required: true), meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('user32', required: true), ] endif endif pymod = import('python') python = pymod.find_installation() # Likewise, use files() here to make sure the Python script itself will always have the right path. libui_testlist_py = files(['testlist.py']) libui_testlist_h = custom_target( 'testlist.h', input: libui_test_sources + libui_allcalls_headers, output: ['testlist.h'], command: [python, libui_testlist_py, 'header', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) libui_testlist_c = custom_target( 'testlist.c', input: libui_test_sources + libui_allcalls_headers, output: ['testlist.c'], command: [python, libui_testlist_py, 'source', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) # TODO once we upgrade to 0.49.0, add pie: true # TODO once we upgrade to 0.50.0, add protocol: 'exitcode' libui_testparent = executable('testparent', libui_test_sources + libui_test_sources_without_cases + [libui_testlist_c, libui_testlist_h], dependencies: libui_binary_deps + libui_test_deps, link_with: libui_libui, gui_app: false, install: false) runresult = run_command(python, libui_testlist_py + ['list'] + libui_test_sources + libui_allcalls_headers) if runresult.returncode() != 0 error('testlist.py failed; cannot compute list of test cases. Exit code @0@; stderr:\n@1@'.format(runresult.returncode(), runresult.stderr())) endif foreach casename : runresult.stdout().split() test(casename, libui_testparent, args: [casename], is_parallel: false, should_fail: false) endforeach