// 6 january 2015 #include "winapi.h" #include "../out/ui.h" #include "../ui_windows.h" #include "../uipriv.h" #include "resources.h" #include "compilerver.h" // ui internal window messages enum { // redirected WM_COMMAND and WM_NOTIFY msgCOMMAND = WM_APP + 0x40, // start offset just to be safe msgNOTIFY, msgHSCROLL, msgConsoleEndSession, }; // init.c extern HINSTANCE hInstance; extern int nCmdShow; extern HFONT hMessageFont; extern HBRUSH hollowBrush; // util.c extern int windowClassOf(HWND, ...); extern void mapWindowRect(HWND, HWND, RECT *); extern DWORD getStyle(HWND); extern void setStyle(HWND, DWORD); extern DWORD getExStyle(HWND); extern void setExStyle(HWND, DWORD); // text.c extern WCHAR *toUTF16(const char *); extern char *toUTF8(const WCHAR *); extern WCHAR *windowText(HWND); ///////////////////////////////// // resize.c extern void initResizes(void); extern void uninitResizes(void); extern void doResizes(void); extern void setWindowInsertAfter(HWND, HWND); // utilwindow.c extern HWND utilWindow; extern const char *initUtilWindow(HICON, HCURSOR); extern void uninitUtilWindow(void); // parent.c extern void paintContainerBackground(HWND, HDC, RECT *); extern BOOL handleParentMessages(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT *); // debug.c extern HRESULT logLastError(const char *); extern HRESULT logHRESULT(const char *, HRESULT); extern HRESULT logMemoryExhausted(const char *); // window.c extern ATOM registerWindowClass(HICON, HCURSOR); extern void unregisterWindowClass(void); // container.c #define containerClass L"libui_uiContainerClass" extern ATOM initContainer(HICON, HCURSOR); extern void uninitContainer(void); extern HWND newContainer(void); // menu.c extern HMENU makeMenubar(void); extern const uiMenuItem *menuIDToItem(UINT_PTR); extern void runMenuEvent(WORD, uiWindow *); extern void freeMenubar(HMENU); extern void uninitMenus(void); // alloc.c extern int initAlloc(void); extern void uninitAlloc(void); // events.c extern BOOL runWM_COMMAND(WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT *); extern BOOL runWM_NOTIFY(WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT *); extern BOOL runWM_HSCROLL(WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT *); extern void issueWM_WININICHANGE(WPARAM, LPARAM); // dialoghelper.c extern void dialogHelperRegisterWindow(HWND); extern void dialogHelperUnregisterWindow(HWND); extern ATOM initDialogHelper(HICON, HCURSOR); extern void uninitDialogHelper(void); extern HWND beginDialogHelper(void); extern void endDialogHelper(HWND); // child.c extern struct child *newChild(uiControl *child, uiControl *parent, HWND parentHWND); extern struct child *newChildWithTabPage(uiControl *child, uiControl *parent, HWND parentHWND); extern void childRemove(struct child *c); extern void childDestroy(struct child *c); extern HWND childHWND(struct child *c); extern void childMinimumSize(struct child *c, uiWindowsSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height); extern void childRelayout(struct child *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y, intmax_t width, intmax_t height); extern void childUpdateState(struct child *c); extern HWND childTabPage(struct child *c); extern int childMargined(struct child *c); extern void childSetMargined(struct child *c); extern int childFlag(struct child *c); extern void childSetFlag(struct child *c, int flag);