// 20 january 2017 #include "drawtext.h" // TODO FOR THIS FILE // get rid of it once we rewrite this example (which requires having more fine-grained scrolling control) // TODO double-check ligatures on all platforms to make sure we can place the cursor at the right place // TODO the hiding and showing does not work properly on GTK+ // TODO using the arrow keys allows us to walk back to the end of the line on some platforms (TODO which?); IIRC arrow keys shouldn't do that // TODO make sure to check the cursor positions of RTL on all platforms static const char *text = ""; static char fontFamily[] = "Helvetica"; static uiDrawFontDescriptor defaultFont = { .Family = fontFamily, .Size = 14, .Weight = uiDrawTextWeightNormal, .Italic = uiDrawTextItalicNormal, .Stretch = uiDrawTextStretchNormal, }; static uiAttributedString *attrstr; static uiDrawTextLayoutParams params; #define margins 10 static uiBox *panel; static uiBox *vbox; static uiLabel *caretLabel; static uiCheckbox *showLineBounds; static uiFontButton *fontButton; static uiCombobox *textAlign; static int caretLine = -1; static size_t caretPos; // TODO should be const? static uiDrawBrush fillBrushes[4] = { { .Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid, .R = 1.0, .G = 0.0, .B = 0.0, .A = 0.5, }, { .Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid, .R = 0.0, .G = 1.0, .B = 0.0, .A = 0.5, }, { .Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid, .R = 0.0, .G = 0.0, .B = 1.0, .A = 0.5, }, { .Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid, .R = 0.0, .G = 1.0, .B = 1.0, .A = 0.5, }, }; static void draw(uiAreaDrawParams *p) { uiDrawPath *path; uiDrawTextLayout *layout; uiDrawTextLayoutLineMetrics m; // only clip the text, not the guides uiDrawSave(p->Context); path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, margins, margins, p->AreaWidth - 2 * margins, p->AreaHeight - 2 * margins); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawClip(p->Context, path); uiDrawFreePath(path); params.Width = p->AreaWidth - 2 * margins; layout = uiDrawNewTextLayout(¶ms); uiDrawText(p->Context, layout, margins, margins); uiDrawRestore(p->Context); if (caretLine == -1) { caretLine = uiDrawTextLayoutNumLines(layout) - 1; caretPos = uiAttributedStringLen(attrstr); } uiDrawCaret(p->Context, margins, margins, layout, caretPos, &caretLine); if (uiCheckboxChecked(showLineBounds)) { int i, n; int fill = 0; n = uiDrawTextLayoutNumLines(layout); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { uiDrawTextLayoutLineGetMetrics(layout, i, &m); path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, margins + m.X, margins + m.Y, m.Width, m.Height); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, fillBrushes + fill); uiDrawFreePath(path); fill = (fill + 1) % 4; } } uiDrawFreeTextLayout(layout); } static void mouse(uiAreaMouseEvent *e) { uiDrawTextLayout *layout; char labelText[128]; if (e->Down != 1) return; params.Width = e->AreaWidth - 2 * margins; layout = uiDrawNewTextLayout(¶ms); uiDrawTextLayoutHitTest(layout, e->X - margins, e->Y - margins, &caretPos, &caretLine); uiDrawFreeTextLayout(layout); // TODO move this into the draw handler so it is reflected by keyboard-based position changes // urgh %zd is not supported by MSVC with sprintf() // TODO get that part in test/ about having no other option sprintf(labelText, "pos %d line %d", (int) caretPos, caretLine); uiLabelSetText(caretLabel, labelText); redraw(); } static int key(uiAreaKeyEvent *e) { size_t grapheme; if (e->Up) return 0; if (e->Key != 0) return 0; switch (e->ExtKey) { case uiExtKeyUp: // TODO return 1; case uiExtKeyDown: // TODO return 1; case uiExtKeyLeft: grapheme = uiAttributedStringByteIndexToGrapheme(attrstr, caretPos); if (grapheme == 0) return 0; grapheme--; caretPos = uiAttributedStringGraphemeToByteIndex(attrstr, grapheme); redraw(); return 1; case uiExtKeyRight: grapheme = uiAttributedStringByteIndexToGrapheme(attrstr, caretPos); if (grapheme == uiAttributedStringNumGraphemes(attrstr)) return 0; grapheme++; caretPos = uiAttributedStringGraphemeToByteIndex(attrstr, grapheme); redraw(); return 1; } return 0; } static struct example hitTestExample; // TODO share? static void checkboxChecked(uiCheckbox *c, void *data) { redraw(); } static void changeFont(uiFontButton *b, void *data) { if (defaultFont.Family != fontFamily) uiFreeText(defaultFont.Family); // TODO rename defaultFont uiFontButtonFont(fontButton, &defaultFont); printf("{\n\tfamily: %s\n\tsize: %g\n\tweight: %d\n\titalic: %d\n\tstretch: %d\n}\n", defaultFont.Family, defaultFont.Size, (int) (defaultFont.Weight), (int) (defaultFont.Italic), (int) (defaultFont.Stretch)); redraw(); } static void changeTextAlign(uiCombobox *c, void *data) { // note the order of the items added below params.Align = (uiDrawTextLayoutAlign) uiComboboxSelected(textAlign); redraw(); } // TODO share? static uiCheckbox *newCheckbox(uiBox *box, const char *text) { uiCheckbox *c; c = uiNewCheckbox(text); uiCheckboxOnToggled(c, checkboxChecked, NULL); uiBoxAppend(box, uiControl(c), 0); return c; } struct example *mkEmptyStringExample(void) { panel = uiNewHorizontalBox(); vbox = uiNewVerticalBox(); // TODO the second vbox causes this not to stretch at least on OS X uiBoxAppend(panel, uiControl(vbox), 1); caretLabel = uiNewLabel("Caret information is shown here"); uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(caretLabel), 0); showLineBounds = newCheckbox(vbox, "Show Line Bounds (for debugging metrics)"); vbox = uiNewVerticalBox(); uiBoxAppend(panel, uiControl(vbox), 0); fontButton = uiNewFontButton(); uiFontButtonOnChanged(fontButton, changeFont, NULL); // TODO set the font button to the current defaultFont uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(fontButton), 0); textAlign = uiNewCombobox(); // note that these are in the order in the enum uiComboboxAppend(textAlign, "Left"); uiComboboxAppend(textAlign, "Center"); uiComboboxAppend(textAlign, "Right"); uiComboboxOnSelected(textAlign, changeTextAlign, NULL); uiBoxAppend(vbox, uiControl(textAlign), 0); hitTestExample.name = "Empty String"; hitTestExample.panel = uiControl(panel); hitTestExample.draw = draw; hitTestExample.mouse = mouse; hitTestExample.key = key; attrstr = uiNewAttributedString(text); params.String = attrstr; params.DefaultFont = &defaultFont; params.Align = uiDrawTextLayoutAlignLeft; return &hitTestExample; }