// 11 may 2017 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" struct uiOpenTypeFeatures { NSMutableDictionary *tags; }; uiOpenTypeFeatures *uiNewOpenTypeFeatures(void) { uiOpenTypeFeatures *otf; otf = uiNew(uiOpenTypeFeatures); otf->tags = [NSMutableDictionary new]; return otf; } void uiFreeOpenTypeFeatures(uiOpenTypeFeatures *otf) { [otf->tags release]; uiFree(otf); } uiOpenTypeFeatures *uiOpenTypeFeaturesClone(const uiOpenTypeFeatures *otf) { uiOpenTypeFeatures *out; out = uiNew(uiOpenTypeFeatures); out->tags = [otf->tags mutableCopy]; return out; } // why are there no NSNumber methods for stdint.h or the equivalent core foundation types?... #define mkMapObject(tag) [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:((unsigned long long) tag)] #define mapObjectValue(num) ((uint32_t) [num unsignedLongLongValue]) void uiOpenTypeFeaturesAdd(uiOpenTypeFeatures *otf, char a, char b, char c, char d, uint32_t value) { NSNumber *tn, *vn; tn = mkMapObject(mkTag(a, b, c, d)); vn = mkMapObject(value); [otf->tags setObject:vn forKey:tn]; } void uiOpenTypeFeaturesRemove(uiOpenTypeFeatures *otf, char a, char b, char c, char d) { NSNumber *tn; tn = mkMapObject(mkTag(a, b, c, d)); [otf->tags removeObjectForKey:tn]; } int uiOpenTypeFeaturesGet(uiOpenTypeFeatures *otf, char a, char b, char c, char d, uint32_t *value) { NSNumber *tn, *vn; tn = mkMapObject(mkTag(a, b, c, d)); vn = (NSNumber *) [otf->tags objectForKey:tn]; if (vn == nil) return 0; *value = mapObjectValue(vn); // TODO release vn? return 1; } void uiOpenTypeFeaturesForEach(uiOpenTypeFeatures *otf, uiOpenTypeFeaturesForEachFunc f, void *data) { [otf->tags enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id value, BOOL *stop) { NSNumber *tn = (NSNumber *) key; NSNumber *vn = (NSNumber *) value; uint32_t tag; uint8_t a, b, c, d; tag = mapObjectValue(tn); a = (uint8_t) ((tag >> 24) & 0xFF); b = (uint8_t) ((tag >> 16) & 0xFF); c = (uint8_t) ((tag >> 8) & 0xFF); d = (uint8_t) (tag & 0xFF); // TODO handle return value (*f)((char) a, (char) b, (char) c, (char) d, mapObjectValue(vn), data); }]; } int uiOpenTypeFeaturesEqual(const uiOpenTypeFeatures *a, const uiOpenTypeFeatures *b) { return [a->tags isEqualToDictionary:b->tags]; } // actual conversion to a feature dictionary is handled in aat.m; see there for details