// 14 august 2015 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" // TODO // - even with the uiDarwinControlRelayoutParent() calls, we still need to click the button twice for the ambiguity to go away struct uiGroup { uiDarwinControl c; NSBox *box; uiControl *child; int margined; }; static void onDestroy(uiGroup *); uiDarwinDefineControlWithOnDestroy( uiGroup, // type name uiGroupType, // type function box, // handle onDestroy(this); // on destroy ) static void onDestroy(uiGroup *g) { if (g->child != NULL) { uiControlSetParent(g->child, NULL); uiControlDestroy(g->child); } } // TODO group container update static void groupRelayout(uiDarwinControl *c) { uiGroup *g = uiGroup(c); uiDarwinControl *cc; NSView *childView; if (g->child == NULL) return; cc = uiDarwinControl(g->child); childView = (NSView *) uiControlHandle(g->child); // first relayout the child (*(cc->Relayout))(cc); // now relayout ourselves layoutSingleView(g->box, childView, g->margined); } char *uiGroupTitle(uiGroup *g) { return PUT_CODE_HERE; } void uiGroupSetTitle(uiGroup *g, const char *title) { [g->box setTitle:toNSString(title)]; // changing the text might necessitate a change in the groupbox's size uiDarwinControlTriggerRelayout(uiDarwinControl(g)); } void uiGroupSetChild(uiGroup *g, uiControl *child) { NSView *childView; if (g->child != NULL) { childView = (NSView *) uiControlHandle(g->child); [childView removeFromSuperview]; uiControlSetParent(g->child, NULL); } g->child = child; if (g->child != NULL) { childView = (NSView *) uiControlHandle(g->child); uiControlSetParent(g->child, uiControl(g)); [g->box addSubview:childView]; uiDarwinControlTriggerRelayout(uiDarwinControl(g)); } } int uiGroupMargined(uiGroup *g) { return g->margined; } void uiGroupSetMargined(uiGroup *g, int margined) { g->margined = margined; if (g->child != NULL) uiDarwinControlTriggerRelayout(uiDarwinControl(g)); } uiGroup *uiNewGroup(const char *title) { uiGroup *g; g = (uiGroup *) uiNewControl(uiGroupType()); g->box = [[NSBox alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; [g->box setTitle:toNSString(title)]; [g->box setBoxType:NSBoxPrimary]; [g->box setBorderType:NSLineBorder]; [g->box setTransparent:NO]; [g->box setTitlePosition:NSAtTop]; // we can't use uiDarwinSetControlFont() because the selector is different [g->box setTitleFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]]]; uiDarwinFinishNewControl(g, uiGroup); uiDarwinControl(g)->Relayout = groupRelayout; return g; }