struct uiWindow { // BOOL hasMenubar; void (*onPositionChanged)(uiWindow *, void *); void *onPositionChangedData; BOOL changingPosition; // to avoid triggering the above when programmatically doing this // void (*onContentSizeChanged)(uiWindow *, void *); }; static LRESULT CALLBACK windowWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: if ((wp->flags & SWP_NOMOVE) == 0) if (!w->changingPosition) (*(w->onPositionChanged))(w, w->onPositionChangedData); // and continue anyway // if ((wp->flags & SWP_NOSIZE) != 0) } // static int defaultOnClosing(uiWindow *w, void *data) static void defaultOnPositionContentSizeChanged(uiWindow *w, void *data) { // do nothing } // static std::map<uiWindow *, bool> windows; // void uiWindowSetTitle(uiWindow *w, const char *title) void uiWindowPosition(uiWindow *w, int *x, int *y) { RECT r; uiWindowsEnsureGetWindowRect(w->hwnd, &r); *x = r.left; *y =; } void uiWindowSetPosition(uiWindow *w, int x, int y) { w->changingPosition = TRUE; if (SetWindowPos(w->hwnd, NULL, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER) == 0) logLastError(L"error moving window"); w->changingPosition = FALSE; } // static void windowMonitorRect(HWND hwnd, RECT *r) // TODO use the work rect instead? void uiWindowCenter(uiWindow *w) { RECT wr, mr; int x, y; LONG wwid, mwid; LONG wht, mht; uiWindowsEnsureGetWindowRect(w->hwnd, &wr); windowMonitorRect(w->hwnd, &mr); wwid = wr.right - wr.left; mwid = mr.right - mr.left; x = (mwid - wwid) / 2; wht = wr.bottom -; mht = mr.bottom -; y = (mht - wht) / 2; // y is now evenly divided, however says that 45% should go above and 55% should go below // so just move 5% of the way up // TODO should this be on the work area? // TODO is this calculation correct? y -= y / 20; uiWindowSetPosition(w, x, y); } void uiWindowOnPositionChanged(uiWindow *w, void (*f)(uiWindow *, void *), void *data) { w->onPositionChanged = f; w->onPositionChangedData = data; } // void uiWindowContentSize(uiWindow *w, int *width, int *height) uiWindow *uiNewWindow(const char *title, int width, int height, int hasMenubar) { // uiWindowOnClosing(w, defaultOnClosing, NULL); uiWindowOnPositionChanged(w, defaultOnPositionContentSizeChanged, NULL); // uiWindowOnContentSizeChanged(w, defaultOnPositionContentSizeChanged, NULL); }