# 17 march 2019 # Here's the overall idea: the build syntax would be something like # $ meson setup build \ # [--buildtype=debug|release] \ (core option, default debug) # [--default_library=static|shared] \ (core option, default shared) # [--layout=flat] \ (useful for distribution and Windows DLL tests) # [--b_sanitize=whatever] # It turns out that I wouldn't really need any custom options; go figure. # TODO I'm not sure how to allow building 32-bit instead of 64-bit with meson. # TODO figure out what (meson/ninja) dist do # TODO figure out why test and examples aren't included in ninja all # TODO figure out how to make an overarching "examples" target # we have to specify C++ here even if we're not using C++ immediately because otherwise none of the C++ built-in options are available (sigh; TODO) project('libui', ['c', 'cpp'], meson_version: '>=0.48.0', default_options: [ 'buildtype=debug', # build debug by default 'default_library=shared', # build shared libraries by default # these are forced options, but meson doesn't let me set these up separately before I call project() (TODO) 'warning_level=3', # always max warnings 'b_pch=false', # we don't want precompiled headers 'b_staticpic=true', # use PIC even for static libraries 'c_std=c99', # strict C99 'c_winlibs=', # we define our own Windows libraries 'cpp_std=c++11', # strict C++11 'cpp_eh=sc', # shut the compiler up in some cases 'cpp_winlibs=', # likewise as with c_winlibs ], license: 'MIT') # TODO move these below the next part (I need them here for other reasons) libui_OS = host_machine.system() libui_MSVC = meson.get_compiler('c').get_id() == 'msvc' if libui_OS == 'darwin' add_languages('objc', required: true) endif # TODO switch to tabs; the spaces are just so I can share this file while I'm writing it libui_forced_options = { 'warning_level': '3', # always max warnings 'b_pch': 'false', # we don't want precompiled headers 'b_staticpic': 'true', # use PIC even for static libraries 'c_std': 'c99', # strict C99 'c_winlibs': '[]', # we define our own Windows libraries 'cpp_std': 'c++11', # strict C++11 'cpp_eh': 'sc', # shut the compiler up in some cases 'cpp_winlibs': '[]', # likewise as with c_winlibs } foreach name, value : libui_forced_options # TODO why does meson need this guard? why aren't all options defined regardless of target?! if not ((name == 'c_winlibs' or name == 'cpp_eh' or name == 'cpp_winlibs') and not libui_MSVC) and not (name == 'c_std' and libui_MSVC) actual = '@0@'.format(get_option(name)) if actual != value error('sorry, but libui requires that option ' + name + ' has the default value ' + value) endif endif endforeach libui_mode = get_option('default_library') if libui_mode == 'both' error('sorry, but libui does not support building both shared and static libraries at the same time, because Windows resource file rules differ between the two') endif libui_is_debug = get_option('buildtype').startswith('debug') libui_project_compile_args = [] libui_project_link_args = [] if libui_OS == 'darwin' libui_macosx_version_min = '-mmacosx-version-min=10.8' libui_project_compile_args += [libui_macosx_version_min] libui_project_link_args += [libui_macosx_version_min] endif if libui_MSVC # TODO subsystem version libui_project_compile_args += [ '/wd4100', '/bigobj', ] if libui_is_debug libui_project_compile_args += ['/RTC1', '/RTCs', '/RTCu'] endif libui_project_link_args += [ '/LARGEADDRESSAWARE', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/MANIFEST:NO', ] else libui_project_compile_args += [ '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-switch', ] if libui_OS == 'windows' # don't require shipping the MinGW-w64 DLLs libui_project_link_args += [ '-static', '-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++', ] endif endif libui_manifest_args = [] if libui_mode == 'static' libui_project_compile_args += ['-D_UI_STATIC'] libui_manifest_args = ['-D_UI_STATIC'] endif add_project_arguments(libui_project_compile_args, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc']) add_project_link_arguments(libui_project_link_args, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc']) libui_sources = [] libui_deps = [] libui_soversion = '' libui_rpath = '' subdir('common') if libui_OS == 'windows' subdir('windows') install_headers('ui_windows.h') elif libui_OS == 'darwin' subdir('darwin') install_headers('ui_darwin.h') else subdir('unix') install_headers('ui_unix.h') endif libui_libui = library('ui', libui_sources, dependencies: libui_deps, build_rpath: libui_rpath, install_rpath: libui_rpath, name_prefix: 'lib', # always call it libui, even in Windows DLLs install: true, gnu_symbol_visibility: 'hidden', c_args: ['-Dlibui_EXPORTS'], cpp_args: ['-Dlibui_EXPORTS'], objc_args: ['-Dlibui_EXPORTS'], soversion: libui_soversion, darwin_versions: []) # TODO install_headers('ui.h') # TODO when the API is stable enough to be versioned, create a pkg-config file (https://mesonbuild.com/Pkgconfig-module.html) and a declare_dependency() section too libui_binary_deps = [] if libui_mode == 'static' libui_binary_deps = libui_deps endif subdir('test') subdir('examples')