// 12 april 2015 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" // TODO // - verify margins against extra space around the tab struct tab { uiTab t; NSTabView *tabview; NSMutableArray *pages; }; static void destroy(void *data) { struct tab *t = (struct tab *) data; [t->pages enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) { NSValue *v = (NSValue *) obj; uiContainer *p; // TODO this is definitely wrong but p = (uiContainer *) [v pointerValue]; uiControlDestroy(uiControl(p)); }]; [t->pages release]; uiFree(t); } // the default new control implementation uses -sizeToFit, which we don't have with NSTabView // fortunately, we do have -minimumSize static void preferredSize(uiControl *c, uiSizing *d, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height) { struct tab *t = (struct tab *) c; NSSize s; s = [t->tabview minimumSize]; *width = (intmax_t) (s.width); *height = (intmax_t) (s.height); } static void tabAppendPage(uiTab *tt, const char *name, uiControl *child) { struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt; uiContainer *page; NSTabViewItem *i; page = newBin(); binSetMainConotrol(page, child); [t->pages addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:page]]; i = [[NSTabViewItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil]; [i setLabel:toNSString(name)]; [i setView:((NSView *) uiContainerHandle(content))]; [t->tabview addTabViewItem:i]; } static void tabDeletePage(uiTab *tt, uintmax_t n) { struct tab *t = (struct tab *) tt; NSValue *v; uiContainer *p; NSTabViewItem *i; v = (NSValue *) [t->pages objectAtIndex:n]; p = (uiContainer *) [v pointerValue]; [t->pages removeObjectAtIndex:n]; // make sure the children of the tab aren't destroyed binSetMainControl(p, NULL); // TODO negotiate lifetimes better i = [t->tabview tabViewItemAtIndex:n]; [t->tabview removeTabViewItem:i]; } uiTab *uiNewTab(void) { struct tab *t; t = uiNew(struct tab); uiDarwinNewControl(uiControl(t), [NSTabView class], NO, NO, destroy, t); t->tabview = (NSTabView *) uiControlHandle(uiControl(t)); // also good for NSTabView (same selector and everything) setStandardControlFont((NSControl *) (t->tabview)); t->pages = [NSMutableArray new]; uiControl(t)->PreferredSize = preferredSize; uiTab(t)->AppendPage = tabAppendPage; uiTab(t)->DeletePage = tabDeletePage; return uiTab(t); }