// 11 june 2016 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" // TODO wrap the child in a view if its align isn't fill // maybe it's easier to do it regardless of align @interface gridChild : NSObject @property uiControl *c; @property intmax_t left; @property intmax_t top; @property intmax_t xspan; @property intmax_t yspan; @property int hexpand; @property uiAlign halign; @property int vexpand; @property uiAlign valign; @property NSLayoutPriority oldHorzHuggingPri; @property NSLayoutPriority oldVertHuggingPri; - (NSView *)view; @end @interface gridView : NSView { uiGrid *g; NSMutableArray *children; int padded; uintmax_t nhexpand; uintmax_t nvexpand; NSMutableArray *edges; NSMutableArray *inBetweens; } - (id)initWithG:(uiGrid *)gg; - (void)onDestroy; - (void)removeOurConstraints; - (void)syncEnableStates:(int)enabled; - (CGFloat)paddingAmount; - (void)establishOurConstraints; - (void)append:(gridChild *)gc; - (void)insert:(gridChild *)gc after:(uiControl *)c at:(uiAt)at; - (int)isPadded; - (void)setPadded:(int)p; - (BOOL)hugsTrailing; - (BOOL)hugsBottom; @end struct uiGrid { uiDarwinControl c; gridView *view; }; @implementation gridChild - (NSView *)view { return (NSView *) uiControlHandle(self.c); } @end @implementation gridView - (id)initWithG:(uiGrid *)gg { self = [super initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; if (self != nil) { self->g = gg; self->padded = 0; self->children = [NSMutableArray new]; self->nhexpand = 0; self->nvexpand = 0; self->edges = [NSMutableArray new]; self->inBetweens = [NSMutableArray new]; } return self; } - (void)onDestroy { gridChild *gc; [self removeOurConstraints]; [self->edges release]; [self->inBetweens release]; for (gc in self->children) { uiControlSetParent(gc.c, NULL); uiDarwinControlSetSuperview(uiDarwinControl(gc.c), nil); uiControlDestroy(gc.c); } [self->children release]; } - (void)removeOurConstraints { if ([self->edges count] != 0) { [self removeConstraints:self->edges]; [self->edges removeAllObjects]; } if ([self->inBetweens count] != 0) { [self removeConstraints:self->inBetweens]; [self->inBetweens removeAllObjects]; } } - (void)syncEnableStates:(int)enabled { gridChild *gc; for (gc in self->children) uiDarwinControlSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(gc.c), enabled); } - (CGFloat)paddingAmount { if (!self->padded) return 0.0; return uiDarwinPaddingAmount(NULL); } - (void)establishOurConstraints { gridChild *gc; CGFloat padding; intmax_t xmin, ymin; intmax_t xmax, ymax; intmax_t xcount, ycount; BOOL first; int **gg; intmax_t x, y; int i; NSMutableSet *set; NSNumber *number; NSLayoutConstraint *c; NSView **colviews, **rowviews; [self removeOurConstraints]; if ([self->children count] == 0) return; padding = [self paddingAmount]; // first, figure out the minimum and maximum row and column numbers first = YES; for (gc in self->children) { if (first) { xmin = gc.left; ymin = gc.top; xmax = gc.left + gc.xspan; ymax = gc.top + gc.yspan; first = NO; continue; } if (xmin > gc.left) xmin = gc.left; if (ymin > gc.top) ymin = gc.top; if (xmax < (gc.left + gc.xspan)) xmax = gc.left + gc.xspan; if (ymax < (gc.top + gc.yspan)) ymax = gc.top + gc.yspan; } xcount = xmax - xmin; ycount = ymax - ymin; // now build a topological map of the grid gg[y][x] gg = (int **) uiAlloc(ycount * sizeof (int *), "int[][]"); for (y = 0; y < ycount; y++) { gg[y] = (int *) uiAlloc(xcount * sizeof (int), "int[]"); for (x = 0; x < xcount; x++) gg[y][x] = -1; // empty } for (i = 0; i < [self->children count]; i++) { gc = (gridChild *) [self->children objectAtIndex:i]; for (y = gc.top; y < gc.top + gc.yspan; y++) for (x = gc.left; x < gc.left + gc.xspan; x++) gg[y - ymin][x - xmin] = i; } // now establish all the edge constraints // leading edge set = [NSMutableSet new]; for (y = 0; y < ycount; y++) [set addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:gg[y][0]]]; for (number in set) if ([number intValue] != -1) { gc = (gridChild *) [self->children objectAtIndex:[number intValue]]; c = mkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeLeading, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [gc view], NSLayoutAttributeLeading, 1, 0, @"uiGrid leading edge constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->edges addObject:c]; } // top [set removeAllObjects]; for (x = 0; x < xcount; x++) [set addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:gg[0][x]]]; for (number in set) if ([number intValue] != -1) { gc = (gridChild *) [self->children objectAtIndex:[number intValue]]; c = mkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeTop, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [gc view], NSLayoutAttributeTop, 1, 0, @"uiGrid top edge constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->edges addObject:c]; } // trailing edge [set removeAllObjects]; for (y = 0; y < ycount; y++) [set addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:gg[y][xcount - 1]]]; for (number in set) if ([number intValue] != -1) { gc = (gridChild *) [self->children objectAtIndex:[number intValue]]; c = mkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [gc view], NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, 1, 0, @"uiGrid trailing edge constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->edges addObject:c]; } // bottom [set removeAllObjects]; for (x = 0; x < xcount; x++) [set addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:gg[ycount - 1][x]]]; for (number in set) if ([number intValue] != -1) { gc = (gridChild *) [self->children objectAtIndex:[number intValue]]; c = mkConstraint(self, NSLayoutAttributeBottom, NSLayoutRelationEqual, [gc view], NSLayoutAttributeBottom, 1, 0, @"uiGrid bottom edge constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->edges addObject:c]; } [set release]; // now go through every row and column and extract SOME view from that row and column for the inner constraints // if it turns out that a row or column is totally empty, duplicate the one to the left (this has the effect of collapsing empty rows) // note that the edges cannot be empty because we built a smallest fitting rectangle way back in step 1 colviews = (NSView **) uiAlloc(xcount * sizeof (NSView *), "NSView *[]"); for (x = 0; x < xcount; x++) { for (y = 0; y < ycount; y++) if (gg[y][x] != -1) { gc = (gridChild *) [self->children objectAtIndex:gg[y][x]]; colviews[x] = [gc view]; break; } if (colviews[x] == nil) colviews[x] = colviews[x - 1]; } rowviews = (NSView **) uiAlloc(ycount * sizeof (NSView *), "NSView *[]"); for (y = 0; y < ycount; y++) { for (x = 0; x < xcount; x++) if (gg[y][x] != -1) { gc = (gridChild *) [self->children objectAtIndex:gg[y][x]]; rowviews[y] = [gc view]; break; } if (rowviews[y] == nil) rowviews[y] = rowviews[y - 1]; } // now string all the views together for (gc in self->children) { if (gc.left != xmin) { c = mkConstraint([gc view], NSLayoutAttributeLeading, NSLayoutRelationEqual, colviews[(gc.left - 1) - xmin], NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, 1, padding, @"uiGrid leading constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->inBetweens addObject:c]; } if (gc.top != ymin) { c = mkConstraint([gc view], NSLayoutAttributeTop, NSLayoutRelationEqual, rowviews[(gc.top - 1) - ymin], NSLayoutAttributeBottom, 1, padding, @"uiGrid top constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->inBetweens addObject:c]; } if ((gc.left + gc.xspan) != xmax) { c = mkConstraint([gc view], NSLayoutAttributeTrailing, NSLayoutRelationEqual, colviews[(gc.left + gc.xspan) - xmin], NSLayoutAttributeLeading, 1, -padding, @"uiGrid trailing constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->inBetweens addObject:c]; } if ((gc.top + gc.yspan) != ymax) { c = mkConstraint([gc view], NSLayoutAttributeBottom, NSLayoutRelationEqual, rowviews[(gc.top + gc.yspan) - ymin], NSLayoutAttributeTop, 1, -padding, @"uiGrid bottom constraint"); [self addConstraint:c]; [self->inBetweens addObject:c]; } } // TODO make all expanding rows/columns the same height/width // and finally clean up uiFree(colviews); uiFree(rowviews); for (y = 0; y < ycount; y++) uiFree(gg[y]); uiFree(gg); } - (void)append:(gridChild *)gc { NSLayoutPriority priority; BOOL update; intmax_t oldn; uiControlSetParent(gc.c, uiControl(self->g)); uiDarwinControlSetSuperview(uiDarwinControl(gc.c), self); uiDarwinControlSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(gc.c), uiControlEnabledToUser(uiControl(self->g))); // if a control expands horizontally, it should not hug horizontally // otherwise, it should *forcibly* hug if (gc.hexpand) priority = NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow; else // LONGTERM will default high work? priority = NSLayoutPriorityRequired; uiDarwinControlSetHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(gc.c), priority, NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal); // same for vertical direction if (gc.vexpand) priority = NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow; else // LONGTERM will default high work? priority = NSLayoutPriorityRequired; uiDarwinControlSetHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(gc.c), priority, NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical); [self->children addObject:gc]; [self establishOurConstraints]; update = NO; if (gc.hexpand) { oldn = self->nhexpand; self->nhexpand++; if (oldn == 0) update = YES; } if (gc.vexpand) { oldn = self->nvexpand; self->nvexpand++; if (oldn == 0) update = YES; } if (update) uiDarwinNotifyEdgeHuggingChanged(uiDarwinControl(self->g)); [gc release]; // we don't need the initial reference now } - (void)insert:(gridChild *)gc after:(uiControl *)c at:(uiAt)at { gridChild *other; BOOL found; found = NO; for (other in self->children) if (other.c == c) { found = YES; break; } if (!found) userbug("Existing control %p is not in grid %p; you cannot add other controls next to it", c, self->g); switch (at) { case uiAtLeading: gc.left = other.left - gc.xspan; gc.top = other.top; break; case uiAtTop: gc.left = other.left; gc.top = other.top - gc.yspan; break; case uiAtTrailing: gc.left = other.left + other.xspan; gc.top = other.top; break; case uiAtBottom: gc.left = other.left; gc.top = other.top + other.yspan; break; // TODO add error checks to ALL enums } [self append:gc]; } - (int)isPadded { return self->padded; } - (void)setPadded:(int)p { CGFloat padding; NSLayoutConstraint *c; self->padded = p; padding = [self paddingAmount]; for (c in self->inBetweens) switch ([c firstAttribute]) { case NSLayoutAttributeLeading: case NSLayoutAttributeTop: [c setConstant:padding]; break; case NSLayoutAttributeTrailing: case NSLayoutAttributeBottom: [c setConstant:-padding]; break; } } - (BOOL)hugsTrailing { // only hug if we have horizontally expanding return self->nhexpand != 0; } - (BOOL)hugsBottom { // only hug if we have vertically expanding return self->nvexpand != 0; } @end static void uiGridDestroy(uiControl *c) { uiGrid *g = uiGrid(c); [g->view onDestroy]; [g->view release]; uiFreeControl(uiControl(g)); } uiDarwinControlDefaultHandle(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultParent(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultSetParent(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultToplevel(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultVisible(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultShow(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultHide(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultEnabled(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultEnable(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultDisable(uiGrid, view) static void uiGridSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl *c, int enabled) { uiGrid *g = uiGrid(c); if (uiDarwinShouldStopSyncEnableState(uiDarwinControl(g), enabled)) return; [g->view syncEnableStates:enabled]; } uiDarwinControlDefaultSetSuperview(uiGrid, view) static BOOL uiGridHugsTrailingEdge(uiDarwinControl *c) { uiGrid *g = uiGrid(c); return [g->view hugsTrailing]; } static BOOL uiGridHugsBottom(uiDarwinControl *c) { uiGrid *g = uiGrid(c); return [g->view hugsBottom]; } static void uiGridChildEdgeHuggingChanged(uiDarwinControl *c) { uiGrid *g = uiGrid(c); [g->view establishOurConstraints]; } uiDarwinControlDefaultHuggingPriority(uiGrid, view) uiDarwinControlDefaultSetHuggingPriority(uiGrid, view) static gridChild *toChild(uiControl *c, intmax_t xspan, intmax_t yspan, int hexpand, uiAlign halign, int vexpand, uiAlign valign) { gridChild *gc; if (xspan < 0) userbug("You cannot have a negative xspan in a uiGrid cell."); if (yspan < 0) userbug("You cannot have a negative yspan in a uiGrid cell."); gc = [gridChild new]; gc.c = c; gc.xspan = xspan; gc.yspan = yspan; gc.hexpand = hexpand; gc.halign = halign; gc.vexpand = vexpand; gc.valign = valign; gc.oldHorzHuggingPri = uiDarwinControlHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(gc.c), NSLayoutConstraintOrientationHorizontal); gc.oldVertHuggingPri = uiDarwinControlHuggingPriority(uiDarwinControl(gc.c), NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical); return gc; } void uiGridAppend(uiGrid *g, uiControl *c, intmax_t left, intmax_t top, intmax_t xspan, intmax_t yspan, int hexpand, uiAlign halign, int vexpand, uiAlign valign) { gridChild *gc; // LONGTERM on other platforms // or at leat allow this and implicitly turn it into a spacer if (c == NULL) userbug("You cannot add NULL to a uiGrid."); gc = toChild(c, xspan, yspan, hexpand, halign, vexpand, valign); gc.left = left; gc.top = top; [g->view append:gc]; } void uiGridInsertAt(uiGrid *g, uiControl *c, uiControl *existing, uiAt at, intmax_t xspan, intmax_t yspan, int hexpand, uiAlign halign, int vexpand, uiAlign valign) { gridChild *gc; gc = toChild(c, xspan, yspan, hexpand, halign, vexpand, valign); [g->view insert:gc after:existing at:at]; } int uiGridPadded(uiGrid *g) { return [g->view isPadded]; } void uiGridSetPadded(uiGrid *g, int padded) { [g->view setPadded:padded]; } uiGrid *uiNewGrid(void) { uiGrid *g; uiDarwinNewControl(uiGrid, g); g->view = [[gridView alloc] initWithG:g]; return g; }