// 1 november 2016 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" // see http://stackoverflow.com/a/40352996/3408572 static void minMaxAutoLayoutSizes(NSWindow *w, NSSize *min, NSSize *max) { NSLayoutConstraint *cw, *ch; NSView *contentView; NSRect prevFrame; // if adding these constraints causes the window to change size somehow, don't show it to the user and change it back afterwards NSDisableScreenUpdates(); prevFrame = [w frame]; // minimum: encourage the window to be as small as possible contentView = [w contentView]; cw = mkConstraint(contentView, NSLayoutAttributeWidth, NSLayoutRelationEqual, nil, NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute, 0, 0, @"window minimum width finding constraint"); [cw setPriority:NSLayoutPriorityDragThatCanResizeWindow]; [contentView addConstraint:cw]; ch = mkConstraint(contentView, NSLayoutAttributeHeight, NSLayoutRelationEqual, nil, NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute, 0, 0, @"window minimum height finding constraint"); [ch setPriority:NSLayoutPriorityDragThatCanResizeWindow]; [contentView addConstraint:ch]; *min = [contentView fittingSize]; [contentView removeConstraint:cw]; [contentView removeConstraint:ch]; // maximum: encourage the window to be as large as possible contentView = [w contentView]; cw = mkConstraint(contentView, NSLayoutAttributeWidth, NSLayoutRelationEqual, nil, NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute, 0, CGFLOAT_MAX, @"window maximum width finding constraint"); [cw setPriority:NSLayoutPriorityDragThatCanResizeWindow]; [contentView addConstraint:cw]; ch = mkConstraint(contentView, NSLayoutAttributeHeight, NSLayoutRelationEqual, nil, NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute, 0, CGFLOAT_MAX, @"window maximum height finding constraint"); [ch setPriority:NSLayoutPriorityDragThatCanResizeWindow]; [contentView addConstraint:ch]; *max = [contentView fittingSize]; [contentView removeConstraint:cw]; [contentView removeConstraint:ch]; [w setFrame:prevFrame display:YES]; // TODO really YES? NSEnableScreenUpdates(); } static void handleResizeLeft(NSRect *frame, NSPoint old, NSPoint new) { frame->origin.x += new.x - old.x; frame->size.width -= new.x - old.x; } // TODO properly handle the menubar // TODO wait, OS X does it for us?! static void handleResizeTop(NSRect *frame, NSPoint old, NSPoint new) { frame->size.height += new.y - old.y; } static void handleResizeRight(NSRect *frame, NSPoint old, NSPoint new) { frame->size.width += new.x - old.x; } // TODO properly handle the menubar static void handleResizeBottom(NSRect *frame, NSPoint old, NSPoint new) { frame->origin.y += new.y - old.y; frame->size.height -= new.y - old.y; } struct onResizeDragParams { NSWindow *w; // using the previous point causes weird issues like the mouse seeming to fall behind the window edge... so do this instead // TODO will this make things like the menubar and dock easier too? NSRect initialFrame; NSPoint initialPoint; uiWindowResizeEdge edge; NSSize min; NSSize max; }; // because we are changing the window frame each time the mouse moves, the successive -[NSEvent locationInWindow]s cannot be meaningfully used together // make sure they are all following some sort of standard to avoid this problem; the screen is the most obvious possibility since it requires only one conversion (the only one that a NSWindow provides) static NSPoint makeIndependent(NSPoint p, NSWindow *w) { NSRect r; r.origin = p; // mikeash in irc.freenode.net/#macdev confirms both that any size will do and that we can safely ignore the resultant size r.size = NSZeroSize; return [w convertRectToScreen:r].origin; } static void onResizeDrag(struct onResizeDragParams *p, NSEvent *e) { NSPoint new; NSRect frame; new = makeIndependent([e locationInWindow], p->w); frame = p->initialFrame; // horizontal switch (p->edge) { case uiWindowResizeEdgeLeft: case uiWindowResizeEdgeTopLeft: case uiWindowResizeEdgeBottomLeft: handleResizeLeft(&frame, p->initialPoint, new); break; case uiWindowResizeEdgeRight: case uiWindowResizeEdgeTopRight: case uiWindowResizeEdgeBottomRight: handleResizeRight(&frame, p->initialPoint, new); break; } // vertical switch (p->edge) { case uiWindowResizeEdgeTop: case uiWindowResizeEdgeTopLeft: case uiWindowResizeEdgeTopRight: handleResizeTop(&frame, p->initialPoint, new); break; case uiWindowResizeEdgeBottom: case uiWindowResizeEdgeBottomLeft: case uiWindowResizeEdgeBottomRight: handleResizeBottom(&frame, p->initialPoint, new); break; } // constrain // TODO should we constrain against anything else as well? minMaxAutoLayoutSizes() already gives us nonnegative sizes, but... if (frame.size.width < p->min.width) frame.size.width = p->min.width; if (frame.size.height < p->min.height) frame.size.height = p->min.height; // TODO > or >= ? if (frame.size.width > p->max.width) frame.size.width = p->max.width; if (frame.size.height > p->max.height) frame.size.height = p->max.height; [p->w setFrame:frame display:YES]; // and do reflect the new frame immediately } // TODO do our events get fired with this? *should* they? void doManualResize(NSWindow *w, NSEvent *initialEvent, uiWindowResizeEdge edge) { __block struct onResizeDragParams rdp; struct nextEventArgs nea; BOOL (^handleEvent)(NSEvent *e); __block BOOL done; rdp.w = w; rdp.initialFrame = [rdp.w frame]; rdp.initialPoint = makeIndependent([initialEvent locationInWindow], rdp.w); rdp.edge = edge; // TODO what happens if these change during the loop? minMaxAutoLayoutSizes(rdp.w, &(rdp.min), &(rdp.max)); nea.mask = NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask; nea.duration = [NSDate distantFuture]; nea.mode = NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode; // nextEventMatchingMask: docs suggest using this for manual mouse tracking nea.dequeue = YES; handleEvent = ^(NSEvent *e) { if ([e type] == NSLeftMouseUp) { done = YES; return YES; // do not send } onResizeDrag(&rdp, e); return YES; // do not send }; done = NO; while (mainStep(&nea, handleEvent)) if (done) break; }