# 16 october 2015 # IMPORTANT # Do NOT use / for command-line options here! # This breaks on GNU makes that come with some versions of # MinGW because they mangle things that start with /, thinking that # those arguments are Unix paths that need to be converted to # Windows paths. This cannot be turned off. -_-' # MSDN says cl, rc, and link all accept - instead of /, so we're good. # See also: # - https://github.com/andlabs/libui/issues/16 # - http://www.mingw.org/wiki/Posix_path_conversion # - http://www.mingw.org/wiki/FAQ # - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7250130/how-to-stop-mingw-and-msys-from-mangling-path-names-given-at-the-command-line # - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28533664/how-to-prevent-msys-to-convert-the-file-path-for-an-external-program # TODO subsystem version # TODO silence compiler non-diagnostics (/nologo is not enough) # Global flags. # TODO /Wall does too much # TODO -Wno-switch equivalent # TODO /sdl turns C4996 into an ERROR # TODO loads of warnings in the system header files # TODO /analyze requires us to write annotations everywhere # TODO undecided flags from qo? # -RTCc is not supplied because it's discouraged as of VS2015; see https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/46mhne/rtcc_rejects_conformant_code_with_visual_c_2015/d06auq5 CFLAGS += \ -W4 \ -wd4100 \ -TC \ -bigobj -nologo \ -RTC1 -RTCs -RTCu # TODO prune these # -EHsc is to shut the compiler up in some cases CXXFLAGS += \ -W4 \ -wd4100 \ -TP \ -bigobj -nologo \ -RTC1 -RTCs -RTCu \ -EHsc # TODO warnings on undefined symbols LDFLAGS += \ -largeaddressaware -nologo -incremental:no ifneq ($(RELEASE),1) CFLAGS += -Zi CXXFLAGS += -Zi LDFLAGS += -debug endif # Build rules. OFILES = \ $(subst /,_,$(CFILES)) \ $(subst /,_,$(CXXFILES)) \ $(subst /,_,$(MFILES)) ifeq (,$(STATIC)) OFILES += \ $(subst /,_,$(RCFILES)) else RESFILES = \ $(subst /,_,$(RCFILES)) endif OFILES := $(OFILES:%=$(OBJDIR)/%.o) OUT = $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME)$(SUFFIX) ifneq (,$(STATIC)) RESOUT = $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME).res endif # otherwise keep $(RESOUT) empty # TODO use $(CC), $(CXX), $(LD), and s$(RC) $(OUT): $(OFILES) $(RESOUT) | $(OUTDIR) ifeq (,$(STATICLIB)) @link -out:$(OUT) $(OFILES) $(LDFLAGS) else @lib -out:$(OUT) $(OFILES) endif @echo ====== Linked $(OUT) .SECONDEXPANSION: # TODO can we put /Fd$@.pdb in a variable? $(OBJDIR)/%.c.o: $$(subst _,/,%).c $(HFILES) | $(OBJDIR) ifeq ($(RELEASE),1) @cl -Fo:$@ -c $< $(CFLAGS) else @cl -Fo:$@ -c $< $(CFLAGS) -Fd$@.pdb endif @echo ====== Compiled $< $(OBJDIR)/%.cpp.o: $$(subst _,/,%).cpp $(HFILES) | $(OBJDIR) ifeq ($(RELEASE),1) @cl -Fo:$@ -c $< $(CXXFLAGS) else @cl -Fo:$@ -c $< $(CXXFLAGS) -Fd$@.pdb endif @echo ====== Compiled $< # note: don't run cvtres directly; the linker does that for us $(OBJDIR)/%.rc.o: $$(subst _,/,%).rc $(HFILES) | $(OBJDIR) @rc -nologo -v -fo $@ $(RCFLAGS) $< @echo ====== Compiled $< $(RESOUT): $$(RCFILES) $(HFILES) | $(OUTDIR) @rc -nologo -v -fo $@ $(RCFLAGS) $< @echo ====== Compiled $< $(OBJDIR) $(OUTDIR): @mkdir $@