// 25 february 2015 #include "uipriv_windows.hpp" // TODO void complain(const char *format, ...) { OutputDebugStringA(format); DebugBreak(); abort(); } // TODO disable logging and stopping on no-debug builds // TODO are the newlines needed? static void printDebug(const WCHAR *msg) { OutputDebugStringW(msg); } #define debugfmt L"%s:%s:%s()" HRESULT _logLastError(debugargs, const WCHAR *s) { DWORD le; WCHAR *msg; WCHAR *formatted; BOOL useFormatted; le = GetLastError(); useFormatted = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, le, 0, (LPWSTR) (&formatted), 0, NULL) != 0; if (!useFormatted) formatted = L"\n"; msg = debugstrf(L"[libui] " debugfmt L" %s: GetLastError() == %I32u %s", file, line, func, s, le, formatted); if (useFormatted) LocalFree(formatted); // ignore error if (msg == NULL) { printDebug(L"[libui] (debugstrf() failed; printing raw) "); printDebug(file); printDebug(func); printDebug(s); printDebug(L"\n"); } else { printDebug(msg); uiFree(msg); } DebugBreak(); SetLastError(le); // a function does not have to set a last error // if the last error we get is actually 0, then HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(0) will return S_OK (0 cast to an HRESULT, since 0 <= 0), which we don't want // prevent this by returning E_FAIL if (le == 0) return E_FAIL; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(le); } HRESULT _logHRESULT(debugargs, const WCHAR *s, HRESULT hr) { DWORD le; WCHAR *msg; WCHAR *formatted; BOOL useFormatted; useFormatted = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, hr, 0, (LPWSTR) (&formatted), 0, NULL) != 0; if (!useFormatted) formatted = L"\n"; msg = debugstrf(L"[libui] " debugfmt L" %s: HRESULT == 0x%08I32X %s", file, line, func, s, hr, formatted); if (useFormatted) LocalFree(formatted); // ignore error if (msg == NULL) { printDebug(L"[libui] (debugstrf() failed; printing raw) "); printDebug(file); printDebug(func); printDebug(s); printDebug(L"\n"); } else { printDebug(msg); uiFree(msg); } DebugBreak(); return hr; } #define implbugmsg L"either you have or libui has a bug in a control implementation; if libui does, contact andlabs" void _implbug(debugargs, const WCHAR *format, ...) { va_list ap; WCHAR *formatted; WCHAR *full; const WCHAR *onerr; va_start(ap, format); formatted = debugvstrf(format, ap); va_end(ap); if (formatted == NULL) { onerr = format; goto bad; } full = debugstrf(L"[libui] " debugfmt L" " implbugmsg L" — %s\n", file, line, func, formatted); if (full == NULL) { onerr = formatted; goto bad; } printDebug(full); uiFree(full); uiFree(formatted); goto after; bad: printDebug(L"[libui] (debugstrf() failed; printing raw) "); printDebug(implbugmsg); printDebug(file); printDebug(func); printDebug(onerr); printDebug(L"\n"); after: DebugBreak(); abort(); }