// 4 september 2015 typedef struct uiArea uiArea; typedef struct uiAreaHandler uiAreaHandler; typedef struct uiAreaDrawParams uiAreaDrawParams; typedef struct uiDrawContext uiDrawContext; struct uiAreaHandler { void (*Draw)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *, uiAreaDrawParams *); uintmax_t (*HScrollMax)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *); uintmax_t (*VScrollMax)(uiAreaHandler *, uiArea *); }; struct uiAreaDrawParams { uiDrawContext *Context; intmax_t ClientWidth; intmax_t ClientHeight; intmax_t ClipX; intmax_t ClipY; intmax_t ClipWidth; intmax_t ClipHeight; int DPIX; int DPIY; intmax_t HScrollPos; intmax_t VScrollPos; }; // TODO proper sources // TODO dotting/dashing typedef struct uiDrawStrokeParams uiDrawStrokeParams; typedef enum uiDrawLineCap uiDrawLineCap; typedef enum uiDrawLineJoin uiDrawLineJoin; typedef enum uiDrawFillMode uiDrawFillMode; enum uiDrawLineCap { uiDrawLineCapFlat, uiDrawLineCapRound, uiDrawLineCapSquare, }; enum uiDrawLineJoin { uiDrawLineJoinMiter, uiDrawLineJoinRound, uiDrawLineJoinBevel, }; // this is the default for botoh cairo and GDI // Core Graphics doesn't explicitly specify a default, but NSBezierPath allows you to choose one, and this is the initial value // so we're good to use it too! #define uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit 10.0 // TODOs // - windows: SetPolyFillMode // - os x: FillPath/EOFillPath functions enum uiDrawFillMode { uiDrawFillModeWinding, // TODO rename to EvenOdd? uiDrawFillModeAlternate, }; struct uiDrawStrokeParams { uiDrawLineCap Cap; uiDrawLineJoin Join; intmax_t Thickness; // TODO float for GDI? double MiterLimit; }; void uiDrawBeginPathRGB(uiDrawContext *, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t); void uiDrawBeginPathRGBA(uiDrawContext *, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t); void uiDrawMoveTo(uiDrawContext *, intmax_t, intmax_t); void uiDrawLineTo(uiDrawContext *, intmax_t, intmax_t); void uiDrawRectangle(uiDrawContext *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t); // notes: angles are both relative to 0 and go counterclockwise void uiDrawArc(uiDrawContext *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, double, double, int); // TODO behavior when there is no initial point on Windows and OS X void uiDrawBezierTo(uiDrawContext *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t); void uiDrawCloseFigure(uiDrawContext *); void uiDrawStroke(uiDrawContext *, uiDrawStrokeParams *); void uiDrawFill(uiDrawContext *, uiDrawFillMode); // path functions // cairo gdi core graphics // move_to MoveToEx MoveToPoint // line_to LineTo AddLineToPoint // arc Arc/ArcTo/AngleArc/Pie AddArc/AddArcToPoint/AddEllipseInRect // arc_negative Arc/ArcTo/AngleArc/Pie AddArc/AddArcToPoint // curve_to PolyBezier/PolyBezierTo AddCurveToPoint // rectangle Rectangle AddRect // [arc functions?] Chord [arc functions?] // [combination] RoundRect [same way as cairo?] // [TODO pango] TextOut/ExtTextOut [TODO core text] // [TODO] [TODO] AddQuadCurveToPoint // on sources: // cairo: // - RGB // - RGBA // - images // - linear gradients, RGB or RGBA // - rounded gradients, RGB or RGBA // gdi: // - RGB // - hatches // - images // we can create a linear gradient image, but RGB only, and of finite size // core graphics: // - arbitrary patterns // - solid colors, arbitrary spaces // - shadows // arcs // cairo_arc/arc_negative // - parameters: center, radius, angle1 radians, angle2 radins // - if angle2 < angle1, TODO // - if angle2 > angle1, TODO // - line segment from current point to beginning of arc // - arc: clockwise, arc_negative: counterclockwise // - circular // GDI Arc/Pie // - parameters: bounding box, start point, end point // - current position not used/changed // - either clockwise or counterclockwise // - elliptical // GDI ArcTo // - same as Arc except line segment from current point to beginning of arc // - there does not appear to be a PieTo // GDI AngleArc // - parameters: center, radius, angle1 degrees, angle2 degrees // - line segment from current position to beginning of arc // - counterclockwise // - circular // - can be used to draw pies too; MSDN example demonstrates