// 9 october 2015 #include "test.h" struct drawtest { const char *name; void (*draw)(uiAreaDrawParams *p); // TODO mouse event }; static void drawOriginal(uiAreaDrawParams *p) { uiDrawPath *path; uiDrawBrush brush; uiDrawStrokeParams sp; brush.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid; brush.A = 1; brush.R = 1; brush.G = 0; brush.B = 0; path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(path, p->ClipX + 5, p->ClipY + 5); uiDrawPathLineTo(path, (p->ClipX + p->ClipWidth) - 5, (p->ClipY + p->ClipHeight) - 5); uiDrawPathEnd(path); sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.Thickness = 1; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &brush, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); brush.R = 0; brush.G = 0; brush.B = 0.75; path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(path, p->ClipX, p->ClipY); uiDrawPathLineTo(path, p->ClipX + p->ClipWidth, p->ClipY); uiDrawPathLineTo(path, 50, 150); uiDrawPathLineTo(path, 50, 50); uiDrawPathCloseFigure(path); uiDrawPathEnd(path); sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinRound; sp.Thickness = 5; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &brush, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); brush.R = 0; brush.G = 0.75; brush.B = 0; brush.A = 0.5; path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, 120, 80, 50, 50); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, &brush); uiDrawFreePath(path); brush.A = 1; brush.R = 0; brush.G = 0.5; brush.B = 0; path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(path, 5.5, 10.5); uiDrawPathLineTo(path, 5.5, 50.5); uiDrawPathEnd(path); sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.Thickness = 1; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &brush, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); brush.R = 0.5; brush.G = 0.75; brush.B = 0; path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(path, 400, 100); uiDrawPathArcTo(path, 400, 100, 50, 30. * (M_PI / 180.), // note the end angle here // in GDI, the second angle to AngleArc() is relative to the start, not to 0 330. * (M_PI / 180.)); // TODO add a checkbox for this uiDrawPathLineTo(path, 400, 100); uiDrawPathNewFigureWithArc(path, 510, 100, 50, 30. * (M_PI / 180.), 330. * (M_PI / 180.)); uiDrawPathCloseFigure(path); uiDrawPathEnd(path); sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.Thickness = 1; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &brush, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); brush.R = 0; brush.G = 0.5; brush.B = 0.75; path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(path, 300, 300); uiDrawPathBezierTo(path, 350, 320, 310, 390, 435, 372); uiDrawPathEnd(path); sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.Thickness = 1; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &brush, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); // based on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756682%28v=vs.85%29.aspx path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); #define XO 50 #define YO 250 uiDrawPathNewFigure(path, 0 + XO, 0 + YO); uiDrawPathLineTo(path, 200 + XO, 0 + YO); uiDrawPathBezierTo(path, 150 + XO, 50 + YO, 150 + XO, 150 + YO, 200 + XO, 200 + YO); uiDrawPathLineTo(path, 0 + XO, 200 + YO); uiDrawPathBezierTo(path, 50 + XO, 150 + YO, 50 + XO, 50 + YO, 0 + XO, 0 + YO); uiDrawPathCloseFigure(path); uiDrawPathEnd(path); // first the stroke brush.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid; brush.R = 0; brush.G = 0; brush.B = 0; brush.A = 1; sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; sp.Thickness = 10; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &brush, &sp); // and now the fill { uiDrawBrushGradientStop stops[2]; stops[0].Pos = 0.0; stops[0].R = 0.0; stops[0].G = 1.0; stops[0].B = 1.0; stops[0].A = 0.25; stops[1].Pos = 1.0; stops[1].R = 0.0; stops[1].G = 0.0; stops[1].B = 1.0; stops[1].A = 1.0; brush.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeLinearGradient; brush.X0 = 100 + XO; brush.Y0 = 0 + YO; brush.X1 = 100 + XO; brush.Y1 = 200 + YO; brush.Stops = stops; brush.NumStops = 2; uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, &brush); } #undef YO #undef XO uiDrawFreePath(path); } // Direct2D Examples static void d2dColorToRGB(uint32_t color, double *r, double *g, double *b) { uint8_t rr, gg, bb; rr = (color & 0xFF0000) >> 16; gg = (color & 0x00FF00) >> 8; bb = color & 0x0000FF; *r = ((double) rr) / 255.0; *g = ((double) gg) / 255.0; *b = ((double) bb) / 255.0; } #define d2dBlack 0x000000 #define d2dLightSlateGray 0x778899 #define d2dCornflowerBlue 0x6495ED #define d2dWhite 0xFFFFFF #define d2dYellowGreen 0x9ACD32 #define d2dYellow 0xFFFF00 #define d2dForestGreen 0x228B22 #define d2dOliveDrab 0x6B8E23 #define d2dLightSkyBlue 0x87CEFA static void d2dSolidBrush(uiDrawBrush *brush, uint32_t color, double alpha) { brush->Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid; d2dColorToRGB(color, &(brush->R), &(brush->G), &(brush->B)); brush->A = alpha; } static void d2dClear(uiAreaDrawParams *p, uint32_t color, double alpha) { uiDrawPath *path; uiDrawBrush brush; d2dSolidBrush(&brush, color, alpha); path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, 0, 0, p->ClientWidth, p->ClientHeight); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, &brush); uiDrawFreePath(path); } // from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh780340%28v=vs.85%29.aspx // also at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd535473%28v=vs.85%29.aspx static void drawD2DW8QS(uiAreaDrawParams *p) { uiDrawPath *path; uiDrawBrush brush; d2dSolidBrush(&brush, d2dBlack, 1.0); path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, 100, 100, (p->ClientWidth - 100) - 100, (p->ClientHeight - 100) - 100); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, &brush); uiDrawFreePath(path); } // from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd370994%28v=vs.85%29.aspx static void drawD2DSimpleApp(uiAreaDrawParams *p) { uiDrawPath *path; uiDrawBrush lightSlateGray; uiDrawBrush cornflowerBlue; uiDrawStrokeParams sp; int x, y; d2dSolidBrush(&lightSlateGray, d2dLightSlateGray, 1.0); d2dSolidBrush(&cornflowerBlue, d2dCornflowerBlue, 1.0); d2dClear(p, d2dWhite, 1.0); sp.Thickness = 0.5; sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; for (x = 0; x < p->ClientWidth; x += 10) { path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(path, x, 0); uiDrawPathLineTo(path, x, p->ClientHeight); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &lightSlateGray, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); } for (y = 0; y < p->ClientHeight; y += 10) { path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(path, 0, y); uiDrawPathLineTo(path, p->ClientWidth, y); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &lightSlateGray, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); } // TODO rounding errors ahoy; deal with when changing coordinate systems of uiAreaDrawParams double left, top, right, bottom; left = p->ClientWidth / 2.0 - 50.0; right = p->ClientWidth / 2.0 + 50.0; top = p->ClientHeight / 2.0 - 50.0; bottom = p->ClientHeight / 2.0 + 50.0; path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, left, top, right - left, bottom - top); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, &lightSlateGray); uiDrawFreePath(path); left = p->ClientWidth / 2.0 - 100.0; right = p->ClientWidth / 2.0 + 100.0; top = p->ClientHeight / 2.0 - 100.0; bottom = p->ClientHeight / 2.0 + 100.0; path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, left, top, right - left, bottom - top); uiDrawPathEnd(path); sp.Thickness = 1.0; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &cornflowerBlue, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); } // TODO? https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd372260(v=vs.85).aspx // TODO https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756654%28v=vs.85%29.aspx // TODO? all subsections too? https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh973240%28v=vs.85%29.aspx // TODO differing examples of? https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756651%28v=vs.85%29.aspx // from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756680%28v=vs.85%29.aspx static void drawD2DSolidBrush(uiAreaDrawParams *p) { uiDrawPath *path; uiDrawBrush black; uiDrawBrush yellowGreen; uiDrawStrokeParams sp; d2dSolidBrush(&black, d2dBlack, 1.0); d2dSolidBrush(&yellowGreen, d2dYellowGreen, 1.0); path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); // the example doesn't define a rectangle // 150x150 seems to be right given the other examples though uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, 25, 25, 150, 150); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, &yellowGreen); sp.Thickness = 1.0; sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &black, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); } // from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756678%28v=vs.85%29.aspx static void drawD2DLinearBrush(uiAreaDrawParams *p) { uiDrawPath *path; uiDrawBrush black; uiDrawBrush gradient; uiDrawBrushGradientStop stops[2]; uiDrawStrokeParams sp; // TODO transform by (25,25) to leave some room gradient.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeLinearGradient; gradient.X0 = 0; gradient.Y0 = 0; gradient.X1 = 150; gradient.Y1 = 150; stops[0].Pos = 0.0; d2dColorToRGB(d2dYellow, &(stops[0].R), &(stops[0].G), &(stops[0].B)); stops[0].A = 1.0; stops[1].Pos = 10; d2dColorToRGB(d2dForestGreen, &(stops[1].R), &(stops[1].G), &(stops[1].B)); stops[1].A = 1.0; gradient.Stops = stops; gradient.NumStops = 2; d2dSolidBrush(&black, d2dBlack, 1.0); path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathAddRectangle(path, 0, 0, 150, 150); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, &gradient); sp.Thickness = 1.0; sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &black, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); } // from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756679%28v=vs.85%29.aspx // TODO expand this to change the origin point with a mouse click (not in the original but useful to have) static void drawD2DRadialBrush(uiAreaDrawParams *p) { uiDrawPath *path; uiDrawBrush black; uiDrawBrush gradient; uiDrawBrushGradientStop stops[2]; uiDrawStrokeParams sp; // TODO transform by (25,25) to leave some room gradient.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeRadialGradient; gradient.X0 = 75; gradient.Y0 = 75; gradient.X1 = 75; gradient.Y1 = 75; gradient.OuterRadius = 75; stops[0].Pos = 0.0; d2dColorToRGB(d2dYellow, &(stops[0].R), &(stops[0].G), &(stops[0].B)); stops[0].A = 1.0; stops[1].Pos = 10; d2dColorToRGB(d2dForestGreen, &(stops[1].R), &(stops[1].G), &(stops[1].B)); stops[1].A = 1.0; gradient.Stops = stops; gradient.NumStops = 2; d2dSolidBrush(&black, d2dBlack, 1.0); path = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(path, 150, 75); uiDrawPathArcTo(path, 75, 75, 75, 0, // TODO why doesn't 360° work 2 * M_PI - 0.1); uiDrawPathEnd(path); uiDrawFill(p->Context, path, &gradient); sp.Thickness = 1.0; sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, path, &black, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(path); } // TODO https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756677%28v=vs.85%29.aspx // TODO? other pages have some of these https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756653%28v=vs.85%29.aspx // from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee264309%28v=vs.85%29.aspx static void drawD2DPathGeometries(uiAreaDrawParams *p) { uiDrawPath *leftMountain; uiDrawPath *rightMountain; uiDrawPath *sun; uiDrawPath *sunRays; uiDrawPath *river; uiDrawBrush radial; uiDrawBrush scene; uiDrawStrokeParams sp; uiDrawBrushGradientStop stops[2]; // TODO this is definitely wrong but the example doesn't have the right brush in it radial.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeRadialGradient; radial.X0 = 75; radial.Y0 = 75; radial.X1 = 75; radial.Y1 = 75; radial.OuterRadius = 75; stops[0].Pos = 0.0; d2dColorToRGB(d2dYellow, &(stops[0].R), &(stops[0].G), &(stops[0].B)); stops[0].A = 1.0; stops[1].Pos = 10; d2dColorToRGB(d2dForestGreen, &(stops[1].R), &(stops[1].G), &(stops[1].B)); stops[1].A = 1.0; radial.Stops = stops; radial.NumStops = 2; leftMountain = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(leftMountain, 346, 255); uiDrawPathLineTo(leftMountain, 267, 177); uiDrawPathLineTo(leftMountain, 236, 192); uiDrawPathLineTo(leftMountain, 212, 160); uiDrawPathLineTo(leftMountain, 156, 255); uiDrawPathLineTo(leftMountain, 346, 255); uiDrawPathCloseFigure(leftMountain); uiDrawPathEnd(leftMountain); rightMountain = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(rightMountain, 575, 263); uiDrawPathLineTo(rightMountain, 481, 146); uiDrawPathLineTo(rightMountain, 449, 181); uiDrawPathLineTo(rightMountain, 433, 159); uiDrawPathLineTo(rightMountain, 401, 214); uiDrawPathLineTo(rightMountain, 381, 199); uiDrawPathLineTo(rightMountain, 323, 263); uiDrawPathLineTo(rightMountain, 575, 263); uiDrawPathCloseFigure(rightMountain); uiDrawPathEnd(rightMountain); sun = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigureWithArc(sun, 440.0, 255, 85, 0, M_PI); uiDrawPathCloseFigure(sun); uiDrawPathEnd(sun); // the original examples had these as hollow figures // we don't support them, so we'll have to stroke it separately sunRays = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(sunRays, 299, 182); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 299, 182, 294, 176, 285, 178); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 276, 179, 272, 173, 272, 173); uiDrawPathNewFigure(sunRays, 354, 156); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 354, 156, 358, 149, 354, 142); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 349, 134, 354, 127, 354, 127); uiDrawPathNewFigure(sunRays, 322, 164); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 322, 164, 322, 156, 314, 152); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 306, 149, 305, 141, 305, 141); uiDrawPathNewFigure(sunRays, 385, 164); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 385, 164, 392, 161, 394, 152); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 395, 144, 402, 141, 402, 142); uiDrawPathNewFigure(sunRays, 408, 182); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 408, 182, 416, 184, 422, 178); uiDrawPathBezierTo(sunRays, 428, 171, 435, 173, 435, 173); uiDrawPathEnd(sunRays); river = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding); uiDrawPathNewFigure(river, 183, 392); uiDrawPathBezierTo(river, 238, 284, 472, 345, 356, 303); uiDrawPathBezierTo(river, 237, 261, 333, 256, 333, 256); uiDrawPathBezierTo(river, 335, 257, 241, 261, 411, 306); uiDrawPathBezierTo(river, 574, 350, 288, 324, 296, 392); uiDrawPathEnd(river); d2dClear(p, d2dWhite, 1.0); // TODO draw the grid uiDrawFill(p->Context, sun, &radial); d2dSolidBrush(&scene, d2dBlack, 1.0); sp.Thickness = 1.0; sp.Cap = uiDrawLineCapFlat; sp.Join = uiDrawLineJoinMiter; sp.MiterLimit = uiDrawDefaultMiterLimit; uiDrawStroke(p->Context, sun, &scene, &sp); uiDrawStroke(p->Context, sunRays, &scene, &sp); d2dSolidBrush(&scene, d2dOliveDrab, 1.0); uiDrawFill(p->Context, leftMountain, &scene); d2dSolidBrush(&scene, d2dBlack, 1.0); uiDrawStroke(p->Context, leftMountain, &scene, &sp); d2dSolidBrush(&scene, d2dLightSkyBlue, 1.0); uiDrawFill(p->Context, river, &scene); d2dSolidBrush(&scene, d2dBlack, 1.0); uiDrawStroke(p->Context, river, &scene, &sp); d2dSolidBrush(&scene, d2dYellowGreen, 1.0); uiDrawFill(p->Context, rightMountain, &scene); d2dSolidBrush(&scene, d2dBlack, 1.0); uiDrawStroke(p->Context, rightMountain, &scene, &sp); uiDrawFreePath(leftMountain); uiDrawFreePath(rightMountain); uiDrawFreePath(sun); uiDrawFreePath(sunRays); uiDrawFreePath(river); } // TODO https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756690%28v=vs.85%29.aspx // note: up to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd756681%28v=vs.85%29.aspx static const struct drawtest tests[] = { { "Original uiArea test", drawOriginal }, { "Direct2D: Direct2D Quickstart for Windows 8", drawD2DW8QS }, { "Direct2D: Creating a Simple Direct2D Application", drawD2DSimpleApp }, { "Direct2D: How to Create a Solid Color Brush", drawD2DSolidBrush }, { "Direct2D: How to Create a Linear Gradient Brush", drawD2DLinearBrush }, { "Direct2D: How to Create a Radial Gradient Brush", drawD2DRadialBrush }, { "Direct2D: Path Geometries Overview", drawD2DPathGeometries }, { NULL, NULL }, }; void runDrawTest(intmax_t n, uiAreaDrawParams *p) { (*(tests[n].draw))(p); } void populateComboboxWithTests(uiCombobox *c) { size_t i; for (i = 0; tests[i].name != NULL; i++) uiComboboxAppend(c, tests[i].name); }