// 30 may 2015 #include "winapi.h" #include "resources.h" // this is a UTF-8 file #pragma code_page(65001) // this is the Common Controls 6 manifest // TODO set up the string values here ISOLATIONAWARE_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID RT_MANIFEST "libui.manifest" // this is the dialog template used by tab pages; see windows/tabpage.c for details rcTabPageDialog DIALOGEX 0, 0, 100, 100 STYLE DS_CONTROL | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT BEGIN // nothing END // this is for our custom DirectWrite-based font dialog (see fontdialog.cpp) // this is based on the "New Font Dialog with Syslink" in Microsoft's font.dlg // TODO look at localization // TODO make it look tighter and nicer like the real one, including the actual heights of the font family and style comboboxes rcFontDialog DIALOGEX 13, 54, 243, 200 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | DS_3DLOOK CAPTION "Font" FONT 9, "Segoe UI" BEGIN LTEXT "&Font:", -1, 7, 7, 98, 9 COMBOBOX rcFontFamilyCombobox, 7, 16, 98, 76, CBS_SIMPLE | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | CBS_HASSTRINGS LTEXT "Font st&yle:", -1, 114, 7, 74, 9 COMBOBOX rcFontStyleCombobox, 114, 16, 74, 76, CBS_SIMPLE | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | CBS_HASSTRINGS LTEXT "&Size:", -1, 198, 7, 36, 9 COMBOBOX rcFontSizeCombobox, 198, 16, 36, 76, CBS_SIMPLE | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | CBS_HASSTRINGS GROUPBOX "Sample", -1, 7, 97, 227, 70, WS_GROUP CTEXT "AaBbYyZz", rcFontSamplePlacement, 9, 106, 224, 60, SS_NOPREFIX | NOT WS_VISIBLE DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 141, 181, 45, 14, WS_GROUP PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", IDCANCEL, 190, 181, 45, 14, WS_GROUP END