// 14 august 2015 #include "uipriv_darwin.h" // NSComboBoxes have no intrinsic width; we'll use the default Interface Builder width for them. // NSPopUpButton is fine. #define comboboxWidth 96 @interface libui_intrinsicWidthNSComboBox : NSComboBox @end @implementation libui_intrinsicWidthNSComboBox - (NSSize)intrinsicContentSize { NSSize s; s = [super intrinsicContentSize]; s.width = comboboxWidth; return s; } @end struct uiCombobox { uiDarwinControl c; BOOL editable; NSPopUpButton *pb; NSArrayController *pbac; NSComboBox *cb; NSObject *handle; // for uiControlHandle() void (*onSelected)(uiCombobox *, void *); void *onSelectedData; }; @interface comboboxDelegateClass : NSObject { NSMapTable *comboboxes; } - (void)comboBoxSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)note; - (IBAction)onSelected:(id)sender; - (void)registerCombobox:(uiCombobox *)c; - (void)unregisterCombobox:(uiCombobox *)c; @end @implementation comboboxDelegateClass - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) self->comboboxes = newMap(); return self; } - (void)dealloc { if ([self->comboboxes count] != 0) complain("attempt to destroy shared combobox delegate but comboboxes are still registered to it"); [self->comboboxes release]; [super dealloc]; } // note: does not trigger when text changed // TODO not perfect either: // - triggered when keyboard navigating the open menu // - does not trigger when the text is changed to a menu item (which normally selects that item; IDK how to inhibit that behavior - TODO) - (void)comboBoxSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)note { [self onSelected:[note object]]; } - (IBAction)onSelected:(id)sender { uiCombobox *c; c = (uiCombobox *) mapGet(self->comboboxes, sender); (*(c->onSelected))(c, c->onSelectedData); } - (void)registerCombobox:(uiCombobox *)c { mapSet(self->comboboxes, c->handle, c); if (c->editable) [c->cb setDelegate:self]; else { [c->pb setTarget:self]; [c->pb setAction:@selector(onSelected:)]; } } - (void)unregisterCombobox:(uiCombobox *)c { if (c->editable) [c->cb setDelegate:nil]; else [c->pb setTarget:nil]; [self->comboboxes removeObjectForKey:c->handle]; } @end static comboboxDelegateClass *comboboxDelegate = nil; static void onDestroy(uiCombobox *); uiDarwinDefineControlWithOnDestroy( uiCombobox, // type name uiComboboxType, // type function handle, // handle onDestroy(this); // on destroy ) static void onDestroy(uiCombobox *c) { [comboboxDelegate unregisterCombobox:c]; if (!c->editable) { [c->pb unbind:@"contentObjects"]; [c->pb unbind:@"selectedIndex"]; [c->pbac release]; } } void uiComboboxAppend(uiCombobox *c, const char *text) { if (c->editable) [c->cb addItemWithObjectValue:toNSString(text)]; else [c->pbac addObject:toNSString(text)]; } intmax_t uiComboboxSelected(uiCombobox *c) { if (c->editable) return [c->cb indexOfSelectedItem]; return [c->pb indexOfSelectedItem]; } void uiComboboxSetSelected(uiCombobox *c, intmax_t n) { if (c->editable) { // see https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ComboBox/Tasks/SettingComboBoxValue.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000256 id delegate; // this triggers the delegate; turn it off for now delegate = [c->cb delegate]; [c->cb setDelegate:nil]; // this seems to work fine for -1 too [c->cb selectItemAtIndex:n]; if (n == -1) [c->cb setObjectValue:@""]; else [c->cb setObjectValue:[c->cb objectValueOfSelectedItem]]; [c->cb setDelegate:delegate]; return; } [c->pb selectItemAtIndex:n]; } void uiComboboxOnSelected(uiCombobox *c, void (*f)(uiCombobox *c, void *data), void *data) { c->onSelected = f; c->onSelectedData = data; } static void defaultOnSelected(uiCombobox *c, void *data) { // do nothing } static uiCombobox *finishNewCombobox(BOOL editable) { uiCombobox *c; c = (uiCombobox *) uiNewControl(uiComboboxType()); c->editable = editable; if (c->editable) { c->cb = [[libui_intrinsicWidthNSComboBox alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; [c->cb setUsesDataSource:NO]; [c->cb setButtonBordered:YES]; [c->cb setCompletes:NO]; uiDarwinSetControlFont(c->cb, NSRegularControlSize); c->handle = c->cb; } else { NSPopUpButtonCell *pbcell; c->pb = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect pullsDown:NO]; [c->pb setPreferredEdge:NSMinYEdge]; pbcell = (NSPopUpButtonCell *) [c->pb cell]; [pbcell setArrowPosition:NSPopUpArrowAtBottom]; // TODO font c->handle = c->pb; // NSPopUpButton doesn't work like a combobox // - it automatically selects the first item // - it doesn't support duplicates // but we can use a NSArrayController and Cocoa bindings to bypass these restrictions c->pbac = [NSArrayController new]; [c->pbac setAvoidsEmptySelection:NO]; [c->pbac setSelectsInsertedObjects:NO]; [c->pbac setAutomaticallyRearrangesObjects:NO]; [c->pb bind:@"contentValues" toObject:c->pbac withKeyPath:@"arrangedObjects" options:nil]; [c->pb bind:@"selectedIndex" toObject:c->pbac withKeyPath:@"selectionIndex" options:nil]; } if (comboboxDelegate == nil) { comboboxDelegate = [comboboxDelegateClass new]; [delegates addObject:comboboxDelegate]; } [comboboxDelegate registerCombobox:c]; uiComboboxOnSelected(c, defaultOnSelected, NULL); uiDarwinFinishNewControl(c, uiCombobox); return c; } uiCombobox *uiNewCombobox(void) { return finishNewCombobox(NO); } uiCombobox *uiNewEditableCombobox(void) { return finishNewCombobox(YES); }