// 9 september 2015 #import "uipriv_darwin.h" // We are basically cloning NSScrollView here, managing scrolling ourselves. // TODOs // - is the page increment set up right? // - do we need to draw anything in the empty corner? // - autohiding scrollbars // NSScrollers have no intrinsic size; here we give it one @interface areaScroller : NSScroller { BOOL libui_vertical; } - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r vertical:(BOOL)v; @end @implementation areaScroller - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r vertical:(BOOL)v { self = [super initWithFrame:r]; if (self) self->libui_vertical = v; return self; } - (NSSize)intrinsicContentSize { NSSize s; CGFloat scrollerWidth; s = [super intrinsicContentSize]; scrollerWidth = [NSScroller scrollerWidthForControlSize:[self controlSize] scrollerStyle:[self scrollerStyle]]; if (self->libui_vertical) s.width = scrollerWidth; else s.height = scrollerWidth; return s; } - (void)setControlSize:(NSControlSize)size { [super setControlSize:size]; [self invalidateIntrinsicContentSize]; } - (void)setScrollerStyle:(NSScrollerStyle)style { [super setScrollerStyle:style]; [self invalidateIntrinsicContentSize]; } @end @interface areaDrawingView : NSView { uiArea *libui_a; } - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r area:(uiArea *)a; - (uiModifiers)parseModifiers:(NSEvent *)e; - (void)doMouseEvent:(NSEvent *)e; - (int)sendKeyEvent:(uiAreaKeyEvent *)ke; - (int)doKeyDownUp:(NSEvent *)e up:(int)up; - (int)doKeyDown:(NSEvent *)e; - (int)doKeyUp:(NSEvent *)e; - (int)doFlagsChanged:(NSEvent *)e; @end @interface areaView : NSView { uiArea *libui_a; areaDrawingView *drawingView; areaScroller *hscrollbar; areaScroller *vscrollbar; intmax_t hscrollpos; intmax_t vscrollpos; } - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r area:(uiArea *)a; - (void)dvFrameSizeChanged:(NSNotification *)note; - (IBAction)hscrollEvent:(id)sender; - (IBAction)vscrollEvent:(id)sender; - (intmax_t)hscrollPos; - (intmax_t)vscrollPos; // scroll utilities - (intmax_t)hpagesize; - (intmax_t)vpagesize; - (intmax_t)hscrollmax; - (intmax_t)vscrollmax; - (intmax_t)hscrollbarPosition; - (intmax_t)vscrollbarPosition; - (void)hscrollTo:(intmax_t)pos; - (void)vscrollTo:(intmax_t)pos; @end struct uiArea { uiDarwinControl c; areaView *view; uiAreaHandler *ah; }; uiDarwinDefineControl( uiArea, // type name uiAreaType, // type function view // handle ) @implementation areaDrawingView - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r area:(uiArea *)a { self = [super initWithFrame:r]; if (self) self->libui_a = a; return self; } - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)r { CGContextRef c; uiAreaDrawParams dp; areaView *av; c = (CGContextRef) [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort]; dp.Context = newContext(c); dp.ClientWidth = [self frame].size.width; dp.ClientHeight = [self frame].size.height; dp.ClipX = r.origin.x; dp.ClipY = r.origin.y; dp.ClipWidth = r.size.width; dp.ClipHeight = r.size.height; // TODO DPI av = (areaView *) [self superview]; dp.HScrollPos = [av hscrollPos]; dp.VScrollPos = [av vscrollPos]; (*(self->libui_a->ah->Draw))(self->libui_a->ah, self->libui_a, &dp); freeContext(dp.Context); } - (BOOL)isFlipped { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (uiModifiers)parseModifiers:(NSEvent *)e { NSEventModifierFlags mods; uiModifiers m; m = 0; mods = [e modifierFlags]; if ((mods & NSControlKeyMask) != 0) m |= uiModifierCtrl; if ((mods & NSAlternateKeyMask) != 0) m |= uiModifierAlt; if ((mods & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0) m |= uiModifierShift; if ((mods & NSCommandKeyMask) != 0) m |= uiModifierSuper; return m; } // capture on drag is done automatically on OS X - (void)doMouseEvent:(NSEvent *)e { uiAreaMouseEvent me; NSPoint point; areaView *av; uintmax_t buttonNumber; NSUInteger pmb; unsigned int i, max; av = (areaView *) [self superview]; point = [self convertPoint:[e locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; me.X = point.x; me.Y = point.y; me.ClientWidth = [self frame].size.width; me.ClientHeight = [self frame].size.height; me.HScrollPos = [av hscrollPos]; me.VScrollPos = [av vscrollPos]; buttonNumber = [e buttonNumber] + 1; // swap button numbers 2 and 3 (right and middle) if (buttonNumber == 2) buttonNumber = 3; else if (buttonNumber == 3) buttonNumber = 2; me.Down = 0; me.Up = 0; me.Count = 0; switch ([e type]) { case NSLeftMouseDown: case NSRightMouseDown: case NSOtherMouseDown: me.Down = buttonNumber; me.Count = [e clickCount]; break; case NSLeftMouseUp: case NSRightMouseUp: case NSOtherMouseUp: me.Up = buttonNumber; break; case NSLeftMouseDragged: case NSRightMouseDragged: case NSOtherMouseDragged: // we include the button that triggered the dragged event in the Held fields buttonNumber = 0; break; } me.Modifiers = [self parseModifiers:e]; pmb = [NSEvent pressedMouseButtons]; me.Held1To64 = 0; if (buttonNumber != 1 && (pmb & 1) != 0) me.Held1To64 |= 1; if (buttonNumber != 2 && (pmb & 4) != 0) me.Held1To64 |= 2; if (buttonNumber != 3 && (pmb & 2) != 0) me.Held1To64 |= 4; // buttons 4..64 max = 32; // TODO are the upper 32 bits just mirrored? // if (sizeof (NSUInteger) == 8) // max = 64; for (i = 4; i <= max; i++) { uint64_t j; if (buttonNumber == i) continue; j = 1 << (i - 1); if ((pmb & j) != 0) me.Held1To64 |= j; } (*(self->libui_a->ah->MouseEvent))(self->libui_a->ah, self->libui_a, &me); } #define mouseEvent(name) \ - (void)name:(NSEvent *)e \ { \ [self doMouseEvent:e]; \ } // TODO set up tracking events mouseEvent(mouseMoved) mouseEvent(mouseDragged) mouseEvent(rightMouseDragged) mouseEvent(otherMouseDragged) mouseEvent(mouseDown) mouseEvent(rightMouseDown) mouseEvent(otherMouseDown) mouseEvent(mouseUp) mouseEvent(rightMouseUp) mouseEvent(otherMouseUp) // note: there is no equivalent to WM_CAPTURECHANGED on Mac OS X; there literally is no way to break a grab like that // even if I invoke the task switcher and switch processes, the mouse grab will still be held until I let go of all buttons // therefore, no DragBroken() - (int)sendKeyEvent:(uiAreaKeyEvent *)ke { return (*(self->libui_a->ah->KeyEvent))(self->libui_a->ah, self->libui_a, ke); } - (int)doKeyDownUp:(NSEvent *)e up:(int)up { uiAreaKeyEvent ke; ke.Key = 0; ke.ExtKey = 0; ke.Modifier = 0; ke.Modifiers = [self parseModifiers:e]; ke.Up = up; if (!fromKeycode([e keyCode], &ke)) return 0; return [self sendKeyEvent:&ke]; } - (int)doKeyDown:(NSEvent *)e { return [self doKeyDownUp:e up:0]; } - (int)doKeyUp:(NSEvent *)e { return [self doKeyDownUp:e up:1]; } - (int)doFlagsChanged:(NSEvent *)e { uiAreaKeyEvent ke; uiModifiers whichmod; ke.Key = 0; ke.ExtKey = 0; // Mac OS X sends this event on both key up and key down. // Fortunately -[e keyCode] IS valid here, so we can simply map from key code to Modifiers, get the value of [e modifierFlags], and check if the respective bit is set or not — that will give us the up/down state if (!keycodeModifier([e keyCode], &whichmod)) return 0; ke.Modifier = whichmod; ke.Modifiers = [self parseModifiers:e]; ke.Up = (ke.Modifiers & ke.Modifier) == 0; // and then drop the current modifier from Modifiers ke.Modifiers &= ~ke.Modifier; return [self sendKeyEvent:&ke]; } @end // called by subclasses of -[NSApplication sendEvent:] // by default, NSApplication eats some key events // this prevents that from happening with uiArea // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24099063/how-do-i-detect-keyup-in-my-nsview-with-the-command-key-held and http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2003/Oct/msg00442.html int sendAreaEvents(NSEvent *e) { NSEventType type; id focused; areaDrawingView *view; type = [e type]; if (type != NSKeyDown && type != NSKeyUp && type != NSFlagsChanged) return 0; focused = [[e window] firstResponder]; if (focused == nil) return 0; if (![focused isKindOfClass:[areaDrawingView class]]) return 0; view = (areaDrawingView *) focused; switch (type) { case NSKeyDown: return [view doKeyDown:e]; case NSKeyUp: return [view doKeyUp:e]; case NSFlagsChanged: return [view doFlagsChanged:e]; } return 0; } @implementation areaView - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)r area:(uiArea *)a { NSScrollerStyle style; CGFloat swidth; NSMutableDictionary *views; NSLayoutConstraint *constraint; self = [super initWithFrame:r]; if (self) { self->libui_a = a; self->drawingView = [[areaDrawingView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect area:self->libui_a]; [self->drawingView setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO]; style = [NSScroller preferredScrollerStyle]; swidth = [NSScroller scrollerWidthForControlSize:NSRegularControlSize scrollerStyle:style]; self->hscrollbar = [[areaScroller alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, swidth * 5, swidth) vertical:NO]; [self->hscrollbar setScrollerStyle:style]; [self->hscrollbar setKnobStyle:NSScrollerKnobStyleDefault]; [self->hscrollbar setControlTint:NSDefaultControlTint]; [self->hscrollbar setControlSize:NSRegularControlSize]; [self->hscrollbar setArrowsPosition:NSScrollerArrowsDefaultSetting]; [self->hscrollbar setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO]; self->vscrollbar = [[areaScroller alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, swidth, swidth * 5) vertical:YES]; [self->vscrollbar setScrollerStyle:style]; [self->vscrollbar setKnobStyle:NSScrollerKnobStyleDefault]; [self->vscrollbar setControlTint:NSDefaultControlTint]; [self->vscrollbar setControlSize:NSRegularControlSize]; [self->vscrollbar setArrowsPosition:NSScrollerArrowsDefaultSetting]; [self->vscrollbar setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO]; [self addSubview:self->drawingView]; [self addSubview:self->hscrollbar]; [self addSubview:self->vscrollbar]; // use visual constraints to arrange: // - the drawing view and vertical scrollbar horizontally // - the drawing view and horizontal scrollbar vertically // - the horizontal scrollbar flush left // - the vertical scrollbar flush top views = [NSMutableDictionary new]; [views setObject:self->drawingView forKey:@"drawingView"]; [views setObject:self->hscrollbar forKey:@"hscrollbar"]; [views setObject:self->vscrollbar forKey:@"vscrollbar"]; addConstraint(self, @"H:|[drawingView][vscrollbar]|", nil, views); addConstraint(self, @"V:|[drawingView][hscrollbar]|", nil, views); addConstraint(self, @"H:|[hscrollbar]", nil, views); addConstraint(self, @"V:|[vscrollbar]", nil, views); [views release]; // use explicit layout constraints to line up // - the bottom edge of the drawing view with the bottom edge of the vertical scrollbar // - the right edge of the drawing view with the right edge of the horizontal scrollbar constraint = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:self->drawingView attribute:NSLayoutAttributeBottom relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:self->vscrollbar attribute:NSLayoutAttributeBottom multiplier:1 constant:0]; [self addConstraint:constraint]; [constraint release]; constraint = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:self->drawingView attribute:NSLayoutAttributeRight relatedBy:NSLayoutRelationEqual toItem:self->hscrollbar attribute:NSLayoutAttributeRight multiplier:1 constant:0]; [self addConstraint:constraint]; [constraint release]; self->hscrollpos = 0; self->vscrollpos = 0; // now set up events // first we need to monitor when the drawing view frame size has changed, as we need to recalculate all the scrollbar parameters in that case [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(dvFrameSizeChanged:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:self->drawingView]; // and this will trigger a frame changed event to kick us off [self->drawingView setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES]; // and the scrollbar events [self->hscrollbar setTarget:self]; [self->hscrollbar setAction:@selector(hscrollEvent:)]; [self->vscrollbar setTarget:self]; [self->vscrollbar setAction:@selector(vscrollEvent:)]; // TODO notification on preferred style change } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->vscrollbar setTarget:nil]; [self->hscrollbar setTarget:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [super dealloc]; } // TODO reduce code duplication // TODO if the proportion becomes 1 we should disable the scrollbar - (void)dvFrameSizeChanged:(NSNotification *)note { intmax_t max; double proportion; max = [self hscrollmax]; if (max == 0) { [self->hscrollbar setKnobProportion:0]; // this hides the knob [self->hscrollbar setEnabled:NO]; } else { proportion = [self hpagesize]; proportion /= max; [self->hscrollbar setKnobProportion:proportion]; [self->hscrollbar setEnabled:YES]; } max = [self vscrollmax]; if (max == 0) { [self->vscrollbar setKnobProportion:0]; // this hides the knob [self->vscrollbar setEnabled:NO]; } else { proportion = [self vpagesize]; proportion /= max; [self->vscrollbar setKnobProportion:proportion]; [self->vscrollbar setEnabled:YES]; } // and update the scrolling position [self hscrollTo:self->hscrollpos]; [self vscrollTo:self->vscrollpos]; if ((*(self->libui_a->ah->RedrawOnResize))(self->libui_a->ah, self->libui_a)) [self->drawingView setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } - (IBAction)hscrollEvent:(id)sender { uintmax_t pos; pos = self->hscrollpos; switch ([self->hscrollbar hitPart]) { case NSScrollerNoPart: // do nothing break; case NSScrollerDecrementPage: pos -= [self hpagesize]; break; case NSScrollerKnob: case NSScrollerKnobSlot: pos = [self hscrollbarPosition]; break; case NSScrollerIncrementPage: pos += [self hpagesize]; break; case NSScrollerDecrementLine: pos--; break; case NSScrollerIncrementLine: pos++; break; } [self hscrollTo:pos]; } - (IBAction)vscrollEvent:(id)sender { uintmax_t pos; pos = self->vscrollpos; switch ([self->vscrollbar hitPart]) { case NSScrollerNoPart: // do nothing break; case NSScrollerDecrementPage: pos -= [self vpagesize]; break; case NSScrollerKnob: case NSScrollerKnobSlot: pos = [self vscrollbarPosition]; break; case NSScrollerIncrementPage: pos += [self vpagesize]; break; case NSScrollerDecrementLine: pos--; break; case NSScrollerIncrementLine: pos++; break; } [self vscrollTo:pos]; } - (intmax_t)hscrollPos { return self->hscrollpos; } - (intmax_t)vscrollPos { return self->vscrollpos; } // scroll utilities - (intmax_t)hpagesize { return [self->drawingView frame].size.width; } - (intmax_t)vpagesize { return [self->drawingView frame].size.height; } - (intmax_t)hscrollmax { intmax_t n; n = (*(self->libui_a->ah->HScrollMax))(self->libui_a->ah, self->libui_a); n -= [self hpagesize]; if (n < 0) n = 0; return n; } - (intmax_t)vscrollmax { intmax_t n; n = (*(self->libui_a->ah->VScrollMax))(self->libui_a->ah, self->libui_a); n -= [self vpagesize]; if (n < 0) n = 0; return n; } - (intmax_t)hscrollbarPosition { return [self->hscrollbar doubleValue] * [self hscrollmax]; } - (intmax_t)vscrollbarPosition { return [self->vscrollbar doubleValue] * [self vscrollmax]; } - (void)hscrollTo:(intmax_t)pos { double doubleVal; CGFloat by; NSRect update; if (pos > [self hscrollmax]) pos = [self hscrollmax]; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; by = -(pos - self->hscrollpos); [self->drawingView scrollRect:[self->drawingView bounds] by:NSMakeSize(by, 0)]; update = [self->drawingView bounds]; if (by < 0) { // right of bounds needs updating // + by since by is negative and we need to subtract its absolute value from the width update.origin.x += update.size.width + by; update.size.width = -by; } else // left of bounds needs updating update.size.width = by; [self->drawingView setNeedsDisplayInRect:update]; self->hscrollpos = pos; doubleVal = ((double) (self->hscrollpos)) / [self hscrollmax]; [self->hscrollbar setDoubleValue:doubleVal]; } - (void)vscrollTo:(intmax_t)pos { double doubleVal; CGFloat by; NSRect update; if (pos > [self vscrollmax]) pos = [self vscrollmax]; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; by = -(pos - self->vscrollpos); [self->drawingView scrollRect:[self->drawingView bounds] by:NSMakeSize(0, by)]; update = [self->drawingView bounds]; if (by < 0) { // bottom of bounds needs updating // + by since by is negative and we need to subtract its absolute value from the height update.origin.y += update.size.height + by; update.size.height = -by; } else // top of bounds needs updating update.size.height = by; [self->drawingView setNeedsDisplayInRect:update]; self->vscrollpos = pos; doubleVal = ((double) (self->vscrollpos)) / [self vscrollmax]; [self->vscrollbar setDoubleValue:doubleVal]; } @end void uiAreaUpdateScroll(uiArea *a) { /* TODO NSRect frame; frame.origin = NSMakePoint(0, 0); frame.size.width = (*(a->ah->HScrollMax))(a->ah, a); frame.size.height = (*(a->ah->VScrollMax))(a->ah, a); [a->documentView setFrame:frame]; */ } uiArea *uiNewArea(uiAreaHandler *ah) { uiArea *a; a = (uiArea *) uiNewControl(uiAreaType()); a->ah = ah; a->view = [[areaView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect area:a]; uiDarwinFinishNewControl(a, uiArea); return a; }