// 10 june 2016 #include "uipriv_windows.hpp" // TODO compare with GTK+: // - what happens if you call InsertAt() twice? // - what happens if you call Append() twice? // TODOs // - make ALL the controls handle hidden children right struct gridChild { uiControl *c; intmax_t left; intmax_t top; intmax_t xspan; intmax_t yspan; int hexpand; uiAlign halign; int vexpand; uiAlign valign; // have these here so they don't need to be reallocated each relayout intmax_t finalx, finaly; intmax_t finalwidth, finalheight; intmax_t minwidth, minheight; }; struct uiGrid { uiWindowsControl c; HWND hwnd; std::vector *children; std::map *indexof; int padded; intmax_t xmin, ymin; intmax_t xmax, ymax; }; #define xcount(g) ((g)->xmax - (g)->xmin) #define ycount(g) ((g)->ymax - (g)->ymin) #define toxindex(g, x) ((x) - (g)->xmin) #define toyindex(g, y) ((y) - (g)->ymin) class gridLayoutData { size_t ycount; public: intmax_t **gg; // topological map gg[y][x] = control index intmax_t *colwidths; intmax_t *rowheights; bool *hexpand; bool *vexpand; gridLayoutData(uiGrid *g) { size_t i; intmax_t x, y; this->gg = new intmax_t *[ycount(g)]; for (y = 0; y < ycount(g); y++) { this->gg[y] = new intmax_t[xcount(g)]; for (x = 0; x < xcount(g); x++) this->gg[y][x] = -1; } for (i = 0; i < g->children->size(); i++) { struct gridChild *gc; gc = (*(g->children))[i]; for (y = gc->top; y < gc->top + gc->yspan; y++) for (x = gc->left; x < gc->left + gc->xspan; x++) this->gg[toyindex(g, y)][toxindex(g, x)] = i; } this->colwidths = new intmax_t[xcount(g)]; ZeroMemory(this->colwidths, xcount(g) * sizeof (intmax_t)); this->rowheights = new intmax_t[ycount(g)]; ZeroMemory(this->rowheights, ycount(g) * sizeof (intmax_t)); this->hexpand = new bool[xcount(g)]; ZeroMemory(this->hexpand, xcount(g) * sizeof (bool)); this->vexpand = new bool[ycount(g)]; ZeroMemory(this->vexpand, ycount(g) * sizeof (bool)); this->ycount = ycount(g); } ~gridLayoutData() { size_t y; delete[] this->hexpand; delete[] this->vexpand; delete[] this->colwidths; delete[] this->rowheights; for (y = 0; y < this->ycount; y++) delete[] this->gg[y]; delete[] this->gg; } }; static void gridPadding(uiGrid *g, int *xpadding, int *ypadding) { uiWindowsSizing sizing; *xpadding = 0; *ypadding = 0; if (g->padded) { uiWindowsGetSizing(g->hwnd, &sizing); uiWindowsSizingStandardPadding(&sizing, xpadding, ypadding); } } static void gridRelayout(uiGrid *g) { RECT r; intmax_t x, y, width, height; gridLayoutData *ld; int xpadding, ypadding; intmax_t ix, iy; intmax_t iwidth, iheight; int i; struct gridChild *gc; intmax_t nhexpand, nvexpand; if (g->children->size() == 0) return; // nothing to do uiWindowsEnsureGetClientRect(g->hwnd, &r); x = r.left; y = r.top; width = r.right - r.left; height = r.bottom - r.top; gridPadding(g, &xpadding, &ypadding); ld = new gridLayoutData(g); // 0) discount padding from width/height width -= (xcount(g) - 1) * xpadding; height -= (ycount(g) - 1) * ypadding; // 1) compute colwidths and rowheights before handling expansion // we only count non-spanning controls to avoid weirdness for (iy = 0; iy < ycount(g); iy++) for (ix = 0; ix < xcount(g); ix++) { i = ld->gg[iy][ix]; if (i == -1) continue; gc = (*(g->children))[i]; uiWindowsControlMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl(gc->c), &iwidth, &iheight); if (gc->xspan == 1) if (ld->colwidths[ix] < iwidth) ld->colwidths[ix] = iwidth; if (gc->yspan == 1) if (ld->rowheights[iy] < iheight) ld->rowheights[iy] = iheight; // save these for step 6 gc->minwidth = iwidth; gc->minheight = iheight; } // 2) figure out which rows/columns expand but not span // we need to know which expanding rows/columns don't span before we can handle the ones that do for (i = 0; i < g->children->size(); i++) { gc = (*(g->children))[i]; if (gc->hexpand && gc->xspan == 1) ld->hexpand[gc->left] = true; if (gc->vexpand && gc->yspan == 1) ld->vexpand[gc->top] = true; } // 3) figure out which rows/columns expand that do span // the way we handle this is simple: if none of the spanned rows/columns expand, make all rows/columns expand for (i = 0; i < g->children->size(); i++) { gc = (*(g->children))[i]; if (gc->hexpand && gc->xspan != 1) { bool doit = true; for (ix = gc->left; ix < gc->left + gc->xspan; ix++) if (ld->hexpand[ix]) { doit = false; break; } if (doit) for (ix = gc->left; ix < gc->left + gc->xspan; ix++) ld->hexpand[ix] = true; } if (gc->vexpand && gc->yspan != 1) { bool doit = true; for (iy = gc->top; iy < gc->top + gc->yspan; iy++) if (ld->vexpand[iy]) { doit = false; break; } if (doit) for (iy = gc->top; iy < gc->top + gc->yspan; iy++) ld->vexpand[iy] = true; } } // 4) compute and assign expanded widths/heights nhexpand = 0; nvexpand = 0; for (i = 0; i < xcount(g); i++) if (ld->hexpand[i]) nhexpand++; else width -= ld->colwidths[i]; for (i = 0; i < ycount(g); i++) if (ld->vexpand[i]) nvexpand++; else height -= ld->rowheights[i]; for (i = 0; i < xcount(g); i++) if (ld->hexpand[i]) ld->colwidths[i] = width / nhexpand; for (i = 0; i < ycount(g); i++) if (ld->vexpand[i]) ld->rowheights[i] = height / nvexpand; // 5) reset the final coordinates for the next step for (i = 0; i < g->children->size(); i++) { gc = (*(g->children))[i]; gc->finalx = 0; gc->finaly = 0; gc->finalwidth = 0; gc->finalheight = 0; } // 6) compute cell positions and sizes for (iy = 0; iy < ycount(g); y++) { intmax_t curx; int prev; curx = 0; prev = -1; for (ix = 0; ix < xcount(g); ix++) { i = ld->gg[iy][ix]; if (i != -1) { gc = (*(g->children))[i]; if (iy == gc->top) { // don't repeat this step if the control spans vertically if (i != prev) gc->finalx = curx; else gc->finalwidth += xpadding; gc->finalwidth += ld->colwidths[ix]; } } curx += ld->colwidths[ix] + xpadding; prev = i; } } for (ix = 0; ix < xcount(g); ix++) { intmax_t cury; int prev; cury = 0; prev = -1; for (iy = 0; iy < ycount(g); iy++) { i = ld->gg[iy][ix]; if (i != -1) { gc = (*(g->children))[i]; if (x == gc->top) { // don't repeat this step if the control spans horizontally if (i != prev) gc->finaly = cury; else gc->finalheight += ypadding; gc->finalheight += ld->rowheights[iy]; } } cury += ld->rowheights[iy] + ypadding; prev = i; } } // 7) everything as it stands now is set for xalign == Fill yalign == Fill; set the correct alignments // this is why we saved minwidth/minheight above for (i = 0; i < g->children->size(); i++) { gc = (*(g->children))[i]; if (gc->halign != uiAlignFill) { switch (gc->halign) { case uiAlignEnd: gc->finalx += gc->finalwidth - gc->minwidth; break; case uiAlignCenter: gc->finalx += (gc->finalwidth - gc->minwidth) / 2; break; } gc->finalwidth = gc->minwidth; // for all three } if (gc->valign != uiAlignFill) { switch (gc->valign) { case uiAlignEnd: gc->finaly += gc->finalheight - gc->minheight; break; case uiAlignCenter: gc->finaly += (gc->finalheight - gc->minheight) / 2; break; } gc->finalheight = gc->minheight; // for all three } } // 8) and FINALLY we resize for (iy = 0; iy < ycount(g); iy++) for (ix = 0; ix < xcount(g); ix++) { i = ld->gg[iy][ix]; if (i != -1) { // treat empty cells like spaces gc = (*(g->children))[i]; uiWindowsEnsureMoveWindowDuringResize( (HWND) uiControlHandle(gc->c), gc->finalx,//TODO + x, gc->finaly,//TODO + y, gc->finalwidth, gc->finalheight); } } delete ld; } static void uiGridDestroy(uiControl *c) { uiGrid *g = uiGrid(c); for (struct gridChild *gc : *(g->children)) { uiControlSetParent(gc->c, NULL); uiControlDestroy(gc->c); uiFree(gc); } delete g->indexof; delete g->children; uiWindowsEnsureDestroyWindow(g->hwnd); uiFreeControl(uiControl(g)); } uiWindowsControlDefaultHandle(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultParent(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultSetParent(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultToplevel(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultVisible(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultShow(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultHide(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultEnabled(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultEnable(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultDisable(uiGrid) static void uiGridSyncEnableState(uiWindowsControl *c, int enabled) { uiGrid *g = uiGrid(c); if (uiWindowsShouldStopSyncEnableState(uiWindowsControl(g), enabled)) return; for (const struct gridChild *gc : *(g->children)) uiWindowsControlSyncEnableState(uiWindowsControl(gc->c), enabled); } uiWindowsControlDefaultSetParentHWND(uiGrid) static void uiGridMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl *c, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height) { uiGrid *g = uiGrid(c); int xpadding, ypadding; gridLayoutData *ld; intmax_t x, y; int i; struct gridChild *gc; intmax_t minwid, minht; intmax_t colwidth, rowheight; *width = 0; *height = 0; if (g->children->size() == 0) return; // nothing to do gridPadding(g, &xpadding, &ypadding); ld = new gridLayoutData(g); // 1) compute colwidths and rowheights before handling expansion // TODO put this in its own function (but careful about the spanning calculation in gridRelayout()) for (y = 0; y < ycount(g); y++) for (x = 0; x < xcount(g); x++) { i = ld->gg[y][x]; if (i == -1) continue; gc = (*(g->children))[i]; uiWindowsControlMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl(gc->c), &minwid, &minht); // allot equal space in the presence of spanning to keep things sane if (ld->colwidths[x] < minwid / gc->xspan) ld->colwidths[x] = minwid / gc->xspan; if (ld->rowheights[y] < minht / gc->yspan) ld->rowheights[y] = minht / gc->yspan; // save these for step 6 gc->minwidth = minwid; gc->minheight = minht; } // 2) compute total column width/row height colwidth = 0; rowheight = 0; for (x = 0; x < xcount(g); x++) colwidth += ld->colwidths[x]; for (y = 0; y < ycount(g); y++) rowheight += ld->rowheights[y]; // and that's it; just account for padding *width = colwidth + (g->xmax-1) * xpadding; *height = rowheight + (g->ymax-1) * ypadding; } static void uiGridMinimumSizeChanged(uiWindowsControl *c) { uiGrid *g = uiGrid(c); if (uiWindowsControlTooSmall(uiWindowsControl(g))) { uiWindowsControlContinueMinimumSizeChanged(uiWindowsControl(g)); return; } gridRelayout(g); } uiWindowsControlDefaultLayoutRect(uiGrid) uiWindowsControlDefaultAssignControlIDZOrder(uiGrid) // must have called gridRecomputeMinMax() first static void gridArrangeChildren(uiGrid *g) { LONG_PTR controlID; HWND insertAfter; gridLayoutData *ld; bool *visited; intmax_t x, y; int i; struct gridChild *gc; if (g->children->size() == 0) return; // nothing to do ld = new gridLayoutData(g); controlID = 100; insertAfter = NULL; visited = new bool[g->children->size()]; ZeroMemory(visited, g->children->size() * sizeof (bool)); for (y = 0; y < ycount(g); y++) for (x = 0; x < xcount(g); x++) { i = ld->gg[y][x]; if (i == -1) continue; if (visited[i]) continue; visited[i] = true; gc = (*(g->children))[i]; uiWindowsControlAssignControlIDZOrder(uiWindowsControl(gc->c), &controlID, &insertAfter); } delete[] visited; delete ld; } static void gridRecomputeMinMax(uiGrid *g) { bool first = true; for (struct gridChild *gc : *(g->children)) { if (first) { g->xmin = gc->left; g->ymin = gc->top; g->xmax = gc->left + gc->xspan; g->ymax = gc->top + gc->yspan; first = false; continue; } if (g->xmin > gc->left) g->xmin = gc->left; if (g->ymin > gc->top) g->ymin = gc->top; if (g->xmax < (gc->left + gc->xspan)) g->xmax = gc->left + gc->xspan; if (g->ymax < (gc->top + gc->yspan)) g->ymax = gc->top + gc->yspan; } } static struct gridChild *toChild(uiControl *c, intmax_t xspan, intmax_t yspan, int hexpand, uiAlign halign, int vexpand, uiAlign valign) { struct gridChild *gc; if (xspan < 0) userbug("You cannot have a negative xspan in a uiGrid cell."); if (yspan < 0) userbug("You cannot have a negative yspan in a uiGrid cell."); gc = uiNew(struct gridChild); gc->c = c; gc->xspan = xspan; gc->yspan = yspan; gc->hexpand = hexpand; gc->halign = halign; gc->vexpand = vexpand; gc->valign = valign; return gc; } static void add(uiGrid *g, struct gridChild *gc) { uiControlSetParent(gc->c, uiControl(g)); uiWindowsControlSetParentHWND(uiWindowsControl(gc->c), g->hwnd); g->children->push_back(gc); (*(g->indexof))[gc->c] = g->children->size() - 1; gridRecomputeMinMax(g); gridArrangeChildren(g); uiWindowsControlMinimumSizeChanged(uiWindowsControl(g)); } void uiGridAppend(uiGrid *g, uiControl *c, intmax_t left, intmax_t top, intmax_t xspan, intmax_t yspan, int hexpand, uiAlign halign, int vexpand, uiAlign valign) { struct gridChild *gc; gc = toChild(c, xspan, yspan, hexpand, halign, vexpand, valign); gc->left = left; gc->top = top; add(g, gc); } // TODO decide what happens if existing is NULL void uiGridInsertAt(uiGrid *g, uiControl *c, uiControl *existing, uiAt at, intmax_t xspan, intmax_t yspan, int hexpand, uiAlign halign, int vexpand, uiAlign valign) { struct gridChild *gc; struct gridChild *other; gc = toChild(c, xspan, yspan, hexpand, halign, vexpand, valign); other = (*(g->children))[(*(g->indexof))[existing]]; switch (at) { case uiAtLeading: gc->left = other->left - gc->xspan; gc->top = other->top; break; case uiAtTop: gc->left = other->left; gc->top = other->top - gc->yspan; break; case uiAtTrailing: gc->left = other->left + other->xspan; gc->top = other->top; break; case uiAtBottom: gc->left = other->left; gc->top = other->top + other->yspan; break; // TODO add error checks to ALL enums } add(g, gc); } int uiGridPadded(uiGrid *g) { return g->padded; } void uiGridSetPadded(uiGrid *g, int padded) { g->padded = padded; uiWindowsControlMinimumSizeChanged(uiWindowsControl(g)); } static void onResize(uiWindowsControl *c) { gridRelayout(uiGrid(c)); } uiGrid *uiNewGrid(void) { uiGrid *g; uiWindowsNewControl(uiGrid, g); g->hwnd = uiWindowsMakeContainer(uiWindowsControl(g), onResize); g->children = new std::vector; g->indexof = new std::map; return g; }