// 11 june 2015 #include "uipriv_darwin.h" @interface entryDelegate : NSObject { uiEntry *e; void (*onChanged)(uiEntry *, void *); void *onChangedData; } - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)note; - (void)setEntry:(uiEntry *)newe; - (void)setOnChanged:(void (*)(uiEntry *, void *))f data:(void *)data; @end @implementation entryDelegate - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)note { (*(self->onChanged))(self->e, self->onChangedData); } - (void)setEntry:(uiEntry *)newe { self->e = newe; } - (void)setOnChanged:(void (*)(uiEntry *, void *))f data:(void *)data { self->onChanged = f; self->onChangedData = data; } @end struct entry { uiEntry e; NSTextField *textfield; entryDelegate *delegate; }; uiDefineControlType(uiEntry, uiTypeEntry, struct entry) static uintptr_t entryHandle(uiControl *c) { struct entry *e = (struct entry *) c; return (uintptr_t) (e->textfield); } static void defaultOnChanged(uiEntry *e, void *data) { // do nothing } static char *entryText(uiEntry *ee) { struct entry *e = (struct entry *) ee; return uiDarwinNSStringToText([e->textfield stringValue]); } static void entrySetText(uiEntry *ee, const char *text) { struct entry *e = (struct entry *) ee; [e->textfield setStringValue:toNSString(text)]; // don't queue the control for resize; entry sizes are independent of their contents } static void entryOnChanged(uiEntry *ee, void (*f)(uiEntry *, void *), void *data) { struct entry *e = (struct entry *) ee; [e->delegate setOnChanged:f data:data]; } static int entryReadOnly(uiEntry *ee) { struct entry *e = (struct entry *) ee; return [e->textfield isEditable] == NO; } static void entrySetReadOnly(uiEntry *ee, int readonly) { struct entry *e = (struct entry *) ee; BOOL editable; editable = YES; if (readonly) editable = NO; [e->textfield setEditable:editable]; } // these are based on interface builder defaults; my comments in the old code weren't very good so I don't really know what talked about what, sorry :/ void finishNewTextField(uiControl *tt, NSTextField *t, BOOL isEntry) { uiDarwinMakeSingleViewControl(tt, t, YES); // THE ORDER OF THESE CALLS IS IMPORTANT; CHANGE IT AND THE BORDERS WILL DISAPPEAR [t setBordered:NO]; [t setBezelStyle:NSTextFieldSquareBezel]; [t setBezeled:isEntry]; // we don't need to worry about substitutions/autocorrect here; see window_darwin.m for details [[t cell] setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByClipping]; [[t cell] setScrollable:YES]; } uiEntry *uiNewEntry(void) { struct entry *e; e = (struct entry *) uiNewControl(uiTypeEntry()); e->textfield = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; [e->textfield setSelectable:YES]; // otherwise the setting is masked by the editable default of YES finishNewTextField(uiControl(e), e->textfield, YES); e->delegate = [entryDelegate new]; [e->textfield setDelegate:e->delegate]; [e->delegate setEntry:uiEntry(e)]; [e->delegate setOnChanged:defaultOnChanged data:NULL]; uiControl(e)->Handle = entryHandle; uiEntry(e)->Text = entryText; uiEntry(e)->SetText = entrySetText; uiEntry(e)->OnChanged = entryOnChanged; uiEntry(e)->ReadOnly = entryReadOnly; uiEntry(e)->SetReadOnly = entrySetReadOnly; return uiEntry(e); }