// 7 april 2015 #include "uipriv_windows.hpp" struct boxChild { uiControl *c; int stretchy; int width; int height; }; struct uiBox { uiWindowsControl c; HWND hwnd; std::vector<struct boxChild> *controls; int vertical; int padded; }; static void boxPadding(uiBox *b, int *xpadding, int *ypadding) { uiWindowsSizing sizing; *xpadding = 0; *ypadding = 0; if (b->padded) { uiWindowsGetSizing(b->hwnd, &sizing); uiWindowsSizingStandardPadding(&sizing, xpadding, ypadding); } } static void boxRelayout(uiBox *b) { RECT r; int x, y, width, height; int xpadding, ypadding; int nStretchy; int stretchywid, stretchyht; int i; int minimumWidth, minimumHeight; int nVisible; uiWindowsSizing *d; if (b->controls->size() == 0) return; uiWindowsEnsureGetClientRect(b->hwnd, &r); x = r.left; y = r.top; width = r.right - r.left; height = r.bottom - r.top; // -1) get this Box's padding boxPadding(b, &xpadding, &ypadding); // 1) get width and height of non-stretchy controls // this will tell us how much space will be left for stretchy controls stretchywid = width; stretchyht = height; nStretchy = 0; nVisible = 0; for (struct boxChild &bc : *(b->controls)) { if (!uiControlVisible(bc.c)) continue; nVisible++; if (bc.stretchy) { nStretchy++; continue; } uiWindowsControlMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl(bc.c), &minimumWidth, &minimumHeight); if (b->vertical) { // all controls have same width bc.width = width; bc.height = minimumHeight; stretchyht -= minimumHeight; } else { // all controls have same height bc.width = minimumWidth; bc.height = height; stretchywid -= minimumWidth; } } if (nVisible == 0) // nothing to do return; // 2) now inset the available rect by the needed padding if (b->vertical) { height -= (nVisible - 1) * ypadding; stretchyht -= (nVisible - 1) * ypadding; } else { width -= (nVisible - 1) * xpadding; stretchywid -= (nVisible - 1) * xpadding; } // 3) now get the size of stretchy controls if (nStretchy != 0) { if (b->vertical) stretchyht /= nStretchy; else stretchywid /= nStretchy; for (struct boxChild &bc : *(b->controls)) { if (!uiControlVisible(bc.c)) continue; if (bc.stretchy) { bc.width = stretchywid; bc.height = stretchyht; } } } // 4) now we can position controls // first, make relative to the top-left corner of the container x = 0; y = 0; for (const struct boxChild &bc : *(b->controls)) { if (!uiControlVisible(bc.c)) continue; uiWindowsEnsureMoveWindowDuringResize((HWND) uiControlHandle(bc.c), x, y, bc.width, bc.height); if (b->vertical) y += bc.height + ypadding; else x += bc.width + xpadding; } } static void uiBoxDestroy(uiControl *c) { uiBox *b = uiBox(c); for (const struct boxChild &bc : *(b->controls)) { uiControlSetParent(bc.c, NULL); uiControlDestroy(bc.c); } delete b->controls; uiWindowsEnsureDestroyWindow(b->hwnd); uiFreeControl(uiControl(b)); } uiWindowsControlDefaultHandle(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultParent(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultSetParent(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultToplevel(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultVisible(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultShow(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultHide(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultEnabled(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultEnable(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultDisable(uiBox) static void uiBoxSyncEnableState(uiWindowsControl *c, int enabled) { uiBox *b = uiBox(c); if (uiWindowsShouldStopSyncEnableState(uiWindowsControl(b), enabled)) return; for (const struct boxChild &bc : *(b->controls)) uiWindowsControlSyncEnableState(uiWindowsControl(bc.c), enabled); } uiWindowsControlDefaultSetParentHWND(uiBox) static void uiBoxMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl *c, int *width, int *height) { uiBox *b = uiBox(c); int xpadding, ypadding; int nStretchy; // these two contain the largest minimum width and height of all stretchy controls in the box // all stretchy controls will use this value to determine the final minimum size int maxStretchyWidth, maxStretchyHeight; int i; int minimumWidth, minimumHeight; int nVisible; uiWindowsSizing sizing; *width = 0; *height = 0; if (b->controls->size() == 0) return; // 0) get this Box's padding boxPadding(b, &xpadding, &ypadding); // 1) add in the size of non-stretchy controls and get (but not add in) the largest widths and heights of stretchy controls // we still add in like direction of stretchy controls nStretchy = 0; maxStretchyWidth = 0; maxStretchyHeight = 0; nVisible = 0; for (const struct boxChild &bc : *(b->controls)) { if (!uiControlVisible(bc.c)) continue; nVisible++; uiWindowsControlMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl(bc.c), &minimumWidth, &minimumHeight); if (bc.stretchy) { nStretchy++; if (maxStretchyWidth < minimumWidth) maxStretchyWidth = minimumWidth; if (maxStretchyHeight < minimumHeight) maxStretchyHeight = minimumHeight; } if (b->vertical) { if (*width < minimumWidth) *width = minimumWidth; if (!bc.stretchy) *height += minimumHeight; } else { if (!bc.stretchy) *width += minimumWidth; if (*height < minimumHeight) *height = minimumHeight; } } if (nVisible == 0) // just return 0x0 return; // 2) now outset the desired rect with the needed padding if (b->vertical) *height += (nVisible - 1) * ypadding; else *width += (nVisible - 1) * xpadding; // 3) and now we can add in stretchy controls if (b->vertical) *height += nStretchy * maxStretchyHeight; else *width += nStretchy * maxStretchyWidth; } static void uiBoxMinimumSizeChanged(uiWindowsControl *c) { uiBox *b = uiBox(c); if (uiWindowsControlTooSmall(uiWindowsControl(b))) { uiWindowsControlContinueMinimumSizeChanged(uiWindowsControl(b)); return; } boxRelayout(b); } uiWindowsControlDefaultLayoutRect(uiBox) uiWindowsControlDefaultAssignControlIDZOrder(uiBox) static void uiBoxChildVisibilityChanged(uiWindowsControl *c) { // TODO eliminate the redundancy uiWindowsControlMinimumSizeChanged(c); } static void boxArrangeChildren(uiBox *b) { LONG_PTR controlID; HWND insertAfter; controlID = 100; insertAfter = NULL; for (const struct boxChild &bc : *(b->controls)) uiWindowsControlAssignControlIDZOrder(uiWindowsControl(bc.c), &controlID, &insertAfter); } void uiBoxAppend(uiBox *b, uiControl *c, int stretchy) { struct boxChild bc; bc.c = c; bc.stretchy = stretchy; uiControlSetParent(bc.c, uiControl(b)); uiWindowsControlSetParentHWND(uiWindowsControl(bc.c), b->hwnd); b->controls->push_back(bc); boxArrangeChildren(b); uiWindowsControlMinimumSizeChanged(uiWindowsControl(b)); } void uiBoxDelete(uiBox *b, int index) { uiControl *c; c = (*(b->controls))[index].c; uiControlSetParent(c, NULL); uiWindowsControlSetParentHWND(uiWindowsControl(c), NULL); b->controls->erase(b->controls->begin() + index); boxArrangeChildren(b); uiWindowsControlMinimumSizeChanged(uiWindowsControl(b)); } int uiBoxPadded(uiBox *b) { return b->padded; } void uiBoxSetPadded(uiBox *b, int padded) { b->padded = padded; uiWindowsControlMinimumSizeChanged(uiWindowsControl(b)); } static void onResize(uiWindowsControl *c) { boxRelayout(uiBox(c)); } static uiBox *finishNewBox(int vertical) { uiBox *b; uiWindowsNewControl(uiBox, b); b->hwnd = uiWindowsMakeContainer(uiWindowsControl(b), onResize); b->vertical = vertical; b->controls = new std::vector<struct boxChild>; return b; } uiBox *uiNewHorizontalBox(void) { return finishNewBox(0); } uiBox *uiNewVerticalBox(void) { return finishNewBox(1); }