// 6 april 2015 #ifndef __UI_UI_H__ #define __UI_UI_H__ #include typedef struct uiInitOptions uiInitOptions; // TODO note that should be initialized to zero struct uiInitOptions { // TODO cbSize // If nonzero, allocations will be logged to stderr. // See leaks.awk. int debugLogAllocations; }; const char *uiInit(uiInitOptions *); void uiFreeInitError(const char *); void uiMain(void); void uiQuit(void); void uiFreeText(char *); typedef struct uiSizing uiSizing; typedef struct uiSizingSys uiSizingSys; struct uiSizing { intmax_t xPadding; intmax_t yPadding; uiSizingSys *sys; }; typedef struct uiParent uiParent; typedef struct uiControl uiControl; struct uiControl { void *data; // for use by implementations only void *internal; // for use by ui only void (*destroy)(uiControl *); uintptr_t (*handle)(uiControl *); void (*setParent)(uiControl *, uiParent *); void (*preferredSize)(uiControl *, uiSizing *, intmax_t *, intmax_t *); void (*resize)(uiControl *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, uiSizing *); int (*visible)(uiControl *); void (*show)(uiControl *); void (*hide)(uiControl *); void (*containerShow)(uiControl *); void (*containerHide)(uiControl *); void (*enable)(uiControl *); void (*disable)(uiControl *); void (*containerEnable)(uiControl *); void (*containerDisable)(uiControl *); }; void uiControlDestroy(uiControl *); uintptr_t uiControlHandle(uiControl *); void uiControlSetParent(uiControl *, uiParent *); void uiControlPreferredSize(uiControl *, uiSizing *, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height); void uiControlResize(uiControl *, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, intmax_t, uiSizing *); int uiControlVisible(uiControl *); void uiControlShow(uiControl *); void uiControlHide(uiControl *); void uiControlContainerShow(uiControl *); void uiControlContainerHide(uiControl *); void uiControlEnable(uiControl *); void uiControlDisable(uiControl *); void uiControlContainerEnable(uiControl *); void uiControlContainerDisable(uiControl *); // uiParent represents an OS control that hosts other OS controls. // It is used internally by package ui and by implementations. // uiWindow, uiTab, and uiGroup all use uiParents to store their controls. struct uiParent { // Internal points to internal data. // Do not access or alter this field. void *Internal; // TODO destroy // TODO object destruction debug handler // Handle returns the window handle of the uiParent. // On Windows, this is a HWND. // On GTK+, this is a GtkContainer. // On Mac OS X, this is a NSView. uintptr_t (*Handle)(uiParent *p); #define uiParentHandle(p) ((*((p)->Handle))((p))) // SetChild sets the uiControl that this uiParent relegates. // It calls uiControl.SetParent() which should, in turn, call uiParent.Update(). // The uiParent should already not have a child and the uiControl should already not have a parent. // // child can be NULL, in which case the uiParent has no children. // This version should also call uiControl.SetParent(), passing NULL. // // If this uiParent has a child already, then the current child is replaced with the new one. void (*SetChild)(uiParent *p, uiControl *child); #define uiParentSetChild(p, child) ((*((p)->SetChild))((p), (child))) // SetMargins sets the margins of the uiParent to the given margins. // It does not call uiParent.Update(); its caller must. // The units of the margins are backend-defined. // The initial margins are all 0. void (*SetMargins)(uiParent *p, intmax_t left, intmax_t top, intmax_t right, intmax_t bottom); #define uiParentSetMargins(p, left, top, right, bottom) ((*((p)->SetMargins))((p), (left), (top), (right), (bottom))) // TODO Resize? // Update tells the uiParent to re-layout its children immediately. // It is called when a widget is shown or hidden or when a control is added or removed from a container such as uiStack. void (*Update)(uiParent *p); #define uiParentUpdate(p) ((*((p)->Update))((p))) }; uiParent *uiNewParent(uintptr_t); typedef struct uiWindow uiWindow; uiWindow *uiNewWindow(char *, int, int); void uiWindowDestroy(uiWindow *); uintptr_t uiWindowHandle(uiWindow *); char *uiWindowTitle(uiWindow *); void uiWindowSetTitle(uiWindow *, const char *); void uiWindowShow(uiWindow *); void uiWindowHide(uiWindow *); void uiWindowOnClosing(uiWindow *, int (*)(uiWindow *, void *), void *); void uiWindowSetChild(uiWindow *, uiControl *); int uiWindowMargined(uiWindow *); void uiWindowSetMargined(uiWindow *, int); uiControl *uiNewButton(const char *); char *uiButtonText(uiControl *); void uiButtonSetText(uiControl *, const char *); void uiButtonOnClicked(uiControl *, void (*)(uiControl *, void *), void *); uiControl *uiNewHorizontalStack(void); uiControl *uiNewVerticalStack(void); void uiStackAppend(uiControl *, uiControl *, int); void uiStackDelete(uiControl *, uintmax_t); int uiStackPadded(uiControl *); void uiStackSetPadded(uiControl *, int); uiControl *uiNewEntry(void); char *uiEntryText(uiControl *); void uiEntrySetText(uiControl *, const char *); uiControl *uiNewCheckbox(const char *); char *uiCheckboxText(uiControl *); void uiCheckboxSetText(uiControl *, const char *); void uiCheckboxOnToggled(uiControl *, void (*)(uiControl *, void *), void *); int uiCheckboxChecked(uiControl *); void uiCheckboxSetChecked(uiControl *, int); uiControl *uiNewLabel(const char *); char *uiLabelText(uiControl *); void uiLabelSetText(uiControl *, const char *); uiControl *uiNewTab(void); void uiTabAddPage(uiControl *, const char *, uiControl *); #endif