// 6 september 2015 #include "area.h" struct uiDrawContext { cairo_t *cr; }; uiDrawContext *newContext(cairo_t *cr) { uiDrawContext *c; c = (uiDrawContext *) g_malloc0(sizeof (uiDrawContext)); c->cr = cr; return c; } void uiDrawBeginPathRGB(uiDrawContext *c, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { cairo_set_source_rgb(c->cr, ((double) r) / 255, ((double) g) / 255, ((double) b) / 255); cairo_new_path(c->cr); } void uiDrawBeginPathRGBA(uiDrawContext *c, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) { cairo_set_source_rgba(c->cr, ((double) r) / 255, ((double) g) / 255, ((double) b) / 255, ((double) a) / 255); cairo_new_path(c->cr); } void uiDrawMoveTo(uiDrawContext *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y) { cairo_move_to(c->cr, ((double) x) + 0.5, ((double) y) + 0.5); } void uiDrawLineTo(uiDrawContext *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y) { cairo_line_to(c->cr, ((double) x) + 0.5, ((double) y) + 0.5); } void uiDrawRectangle(uiDrawContext *c, intmax_t x, intmax_t y, intmax_t width, intmax_t height) { cairo_rectangle(c->cr, ((double) x) + 0.5, ((double) y) + 0.5, width, height); } void uiDrawArc(uiDrawContext *c, intmax_t xCenter, intmax_t yCenter, intmax_t radius, double startAngle, double endAngle, int lineFromCurrentPointToStart) { if (!lineFromCurrentPointToStart) cairo_new_sub_path(c->cr); // the Windows AngleArc() function only goes counterclockwise, so our uiDrawArc() function does too // simulate it in cairo by drawing a negative arc from end to start cairo_arc_negative(c->cr, ((double) xCenter) + 0.5, ((double) yCenter) + 0.5, radius, endAngle, startAngle); } void uiDrawBezierTo(uiDrawContext *c, intmax_t c1x, intmax_t c1y, intmax_t c2x, intmax_t c2y, intmax_t endX, intmax_t endY) { cairo_curve_to(c->cr, ((double) c1x) + 0.5, ((double) c1y) + 0.5, ((double) c2x) + 0.5, ((double) c2y) + 0.5, ((double) endX) + 0.5, ((double) endY) + 0.5); } void uiDrawCloseFigure(uiDrawContext *c) { cairo_close_path(c->cr); } void uiDrawStroke(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawStrokeParams *p) { switch (p->Cap) { case uiDrawLineCapFlat: cairo_set_line_cap(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT); break; case uiDrawLineCapRound: cairo_set_line_cap(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); break; case uiDrawLineCapSquare: cairo_set_line_cap(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE); break; } switch (p->Join) { case uiDrawLineJoinMiter: cairo_set_line_join(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER); cairo_set_miter_limit(c->cr, p->MiterLimit); break; case uiDrawLineJoinRound: cairo_set_line_join(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND); break; case uiDrawLineJoinBevel: cairo_set_line_join(c->cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL); break; } // TODO comment the /2 here cairo_set_line_width(c->cr, ((double) p->Thickness) / 2); cairo_stroke(c->cr); } void uiDrawFill(uiDrawContext *c, uiDrawFillMode mode) { switch (mode) { case uiDrawFillModeWinding: cairo_set_fill_rule(c->cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING); break; case uiDrawFillModeAlternate: cairo_set_fill_rule(c->cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD); break; } cairo_fill(c->cr); }