- make sure all calls to uiControlResize() are preceded with calls to uiControlGetSizing() - require explicit calls to uiContainerUpdate() everywhere, because sigh... - forbid uiControlSetParent() when there already is a parent - consider calling setAppleMenu: for the application menu; it doesn't seem to make much of a difference but - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4543087/applicationwillterminate-and-the-dock-but-wanting-to-cancel-this-action ultimately: - MAYBE readd lifetime handling/destruction blocking - assign control IDs on windows - GWL(P)_ID - related? [12:25] And the blue outline on those buttons [ALL clicked buttons on Windows 7] won't go away - I get this too - SWP_NOCOPYBITS to avoid button redraw issues on Windows when not in tab, but only when making resize faster - opposite side alignment control in uiBox - generate libui.lib and related files - make OS-specific headers generated by an IDL - menu item state change while the menu is visible (not in response to user action) - OS X: requires an [NSMenu update] call after changing state - Windows: requires getting current menu state when amending it in sync() - figure out where we should return HRESULTs - Windows: don't abort if a cleanup function fails? - make it so Windows API calls that do logLastError(), etc. abort whatever they're doing and not try to continue, just like wintable - 32-bit Mac OS X support (requires lots of code changes) - change the build system to be more receptive to arch changes notes to self - explicitly document label position at top-left corner - mark that uiControlShow() on a uiWindow() will bring to front and give keyboard focus because of OS X - make sure ShowWindow() is sufficient for zorder on Windows - document that you CAN use InsertAt functions to insert at the first invalid index, even if the array is empty - add tests for this - note that uiTabInsertAt() does NOT change the current tab page (it may change its index if inserting before the current page) - note that the default action for uiWindowOnClosing() is to return 0 (keep the window open) - note that uiInitOptions should be initialized to zero - explicitly document that uiCheckboxSetChecked() and uiEntrySetText() do not fire uiCheckboxOnToggled() and uiEntryOnChanged(), respectively - note that uiControlResize() on a uiContainer also updates - note that if a menu is requested on systems with menubars on windows but no menus are defined, the result is a blank menubar, with whatever that means left up to the OS to decide - note that type mixing == undefined behavior - note that handling of multiple consecutive separators in menus, leading separators in menus, and trailing separators in menus are all implementation-defined - note that ContainerVisible() returns true if both user and container not hidden; container use only - note that if we are currently updating, QueueResize() will take effect during the CURRENT update cycle - note that uiControlResize() on Windows is now in *toplevel uiWindow* coordinates