// 8 october 2015 #include "test.h" static uiArea *area; static uiCombobox *which; static uiSpinbox *hamount; static uiSpinbox *vamount; static uiCheckbox *swallowKeys; struct handler { uiAreaHandler ah; }; static struct handler handler; static void handlerDraw(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area, uiAreaDrawParams *p) { runDrawTest(uiComboboxSelected(which), p); } static uintmax_t handlerHScrollMax(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area) { return uiSpinboxValue(hamount); } static uintmax_t handlerVScrollMax(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area) { return uiSpinboxValue(vamount); } static int handlerRedrawOnResize(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area) { // TODO make a checkbox return uiSpinboxValue(hamount) == 0 && uiSpinboxValue(vamount) == 0; } static void handlerMouseEvent(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area, uiAreaMouseEvent *e) { printf("mouse (%d,%d):(%d,%d) down:%d up:%d count:%d mods:%x held:%x\n", (int) e->X, (int) e->Y, (int) e->HScrollPos, (int) e->VScrollPos, (int) e->Down, (int) e->Up, (int) e->Count, (uint32_t) e->Modifiers, e->Held1To64); } static void handlerDragBroken(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a) { printf("drag broken\n"); } static int handlerKeyEvent(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a, uiAreaKeyEvent *e) { char k[4]; k[0] = '\''; k[1] = e->Key; k[2] = '\''; k[3] = '\0'; if (e->Key == 0) { k[0] = '0'; k[1] = '\0'; } printf("key key:%s extkey:%d mod:%d mods:%d up:%d\n", k, (int) e->ExtKey, (int) e->Modifier, (int) e->Modifiers, e->Up); return uiCheckboxChecked(swallowKeys); } static void onAmountChanged(uiSpinbox *s, void *data) { uiAreaUpdateScroll(area); } static void shouldntHappen(uiCombobox *c, void *data) { fprintf(stderr, "YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS. If you do, uiComboboxSetSelected() is triggering uiComboboxOnSelected(), which it should not.\n"); } static void redraw(uiCombobox *c, void *data) { uiAreaQueueRedrawAll(area); } uiBox *makePage6(void) { uiBox *page6; uiBox *hbox; handler.ah.Draw = handlerDraw; handler.ah.HScrollMax = handlerHScrollMax; handler.ah.VScrollMax = handlerVScrollMax; handler.ah.RedrawOnResize = handlerRedrawOnResize; handler.ah.MouseEvent = handlerMouseEvent; handler.ah.DragBroken = handlerDragBroken; handler.ah.KeyEvent = handlerKeyEvent; page6 = newVerticalBox(); hbox = newHorizontalBox(); uiBoxAppend(page6, uiControl(hbox), 0); which = uiNewCombobox(); populateComboboxWithTests(which); // this is to make sure that uiComboboxOnSelected() doesn't trigger with uiComboboxSetSelected() uiComboboxOnSelected(which, shouldntHappen, NULL); uiComboboxSetSelected(which, 0); uiComboboxOnSelected(which, redraw, NULL); uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(which), 0); // make these first in case the area handler calls the information as part of the constructor hamount = uiNewSpinbox(0, 100000); uiSpinboxOnChanged(hamount, onAmountChanged, NULL); vamount = uiNewSpinbox(0, 100000); uiSpinboxOnChanged(vamount, onAmountChanged, NULL); area = uiNewArea((uiAreaHandler *) (&handler)); uiBoxAppend(page6, uiControl(area), 1); hbox = newHorizontalBox(); uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(uiNewLabel("H ")), 0); uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(hamount), 0); uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(uiNewLabel(" V ")), 0); uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(vamount), 0); uiBoxAppend(page6, uiControl(hbox), 0); swallowKeys = uiNewCheckbox("Consider key events handled"); uiBoxAppend(page6, uiControl(swallowKeys), 0); return page6; }