// 14 june 2018 #include "uipriv_windows.hpp" #include "table.hpp" struct drawState { uiTable *t; uiTableModel *m; uiprivTableColumnParams *p; HDC dc; int iItem; int iSubItem; BOOL hasText; BOOL hasImage; BOOL selected; BOOL focused; RECT itemBounds; RECT itemIcon; RECT itemLabel; RECT subitemBounds; RECT subitemIcon; RECT subitemLabel; COLORREF bgColor; HBRUSH bgBrush; BOOL freeBgBrush; COLORREF textColor; HBRUSH textBrush; BOOL freeTextBrush; LRESULT bitmapMargin; int cxIcon; int cyIcon; RECT realTextRect; RECT focusRect; }; static HRESULT computeAndDrawTextRect(struct drawState *s) { RECT r; r = s->subitemLabel; if (!s->hasText && !s->hasImage) r = s->subitemBounds; else if (!s->hasImage && s->iSubItem != 0) // By default, this will include images; we're not drawing // images, so we will manually draw over the image area. // There's a second part to this; see below. r.left = s->subitemBounds.left; if (FillRect(s->dc, &r, s->bgBrush) == 0) { logLastError(L"FillRect()"); return E_FAIL; } UnionRect(&(s->focusRect), &(s->focusRect), &r); s->realTextRect = r; // TODO confirm whether this really happens on column 0 as well if (s->hasImage && s->iSubItem != 0) // Normally there's this many hard-coded logical units // of blank space, followed by the background, followed // by a bitmap margin's worth of space. This looks bad, // so we overrule that to start the background immediately // and the text after the hard-coded amount. s->realTextRect.left += 2; else if (s->iSubItem != 0) // In the case of subitem text without an image, we draw // text one bitmap margin away from the left edge. s->realTextRect.left += s->bitmapMargin; return S_OK; } static HRESULT drawTextPart(struct drawState *s) { COLORREF prevText; int prevMode; RECT r; uiTableData *data; WCHAR *wstr; if (!s->hasText) return S_OK; prevText = SetTextColor(s->dc, s->textColor); if (prevText == CLR_INVALID) { logLastError(L"SetTextColor()"); return E_FAIL; } prevMode = SetBkMode(s->dc, TRANSPARENT); if (prevMode == 0) { logLastError(L"SetBkMode()"); return E_FAIL; } data = (*(s->m->mh->CellValue))(s->m->mh, s->m, s->iItem, s->p->textModelColumn); wstr = toUTF16(uiTableDataString(data)); uiFreeTableData(data); // These flags are a menagerie of flags from various sources: // guessing, the Windows 2000 source leak, various custom // draw examples on the web, etc. // TODO find the real correct flags if (DrawTextW(s->dc, wstr, -1, &(s->realTextRect), DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_EDITCONTROL) == 0) { uiprivFree(wstr); logLastError(L"DrawTextW()"); return E_FAIL; } uiprivFree(wstr); // TODO decide once and for all what to compare to here and with SelectObject() if (SetBkMode(s->dc, prevMode) != TRANSPARENT) { logLastError(L"SetBkMode() prev"); return E_FAIL; } if (SetTextColor(s->dc, prevText) != s->textColor) { logLastError(L"SetTextColor() prev"); return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } static HRESULT freeDrawState(struct drawState *s) { HRESULT hr, hrret; hrret = S_OK; if (s->freeTextBrush) { if (DeleteObject(s->textBrush) == 0) { logLastError(L"DeleteObject()"); hrret = E_FAIL; // continue cleaning up anyway } s->freeTextBrush = FALSE; } if (s->freeBgBrush) { if (DeleteObject(s->bgBrush) == 0) { logLastError(L"DeleteObject()"); hrret = E_FAIL; // continue cleaning up anyway } s->freeBgBrush = FALSE; } return hrret; } static HRESULT itemRect(HRESULT hr, uiTable *t, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LONG left, LONG top, LRESULT bad, RECT *r) { if (hr != S_OK) return hr; ZeroMemory(r, sizeof (RECT)); r->left = left; r->top = top; if (SendMessageW(t->hwnd, uMsg, wParam, (LPARAM) r) == bad) { logLastError(L"itemRect() message"); return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } static COLORREF blend(COLORREF base, double r, double g, double b, double a) { double br, bg, bb; br = ((double) GetRValue(base)) / 255.0; bg = ((double) GetGValue(base)) / 255.0; bb = ((double) GetBValue(base)) / 255.0; br = (r * a) + (br * (1.0 - a)); bg = (g * a) + (bg * (1.0 - a)); bb = (b * a) + (bb * (1.0 - a)); return RGB((BYTE) (br * 255), (BYTE) (bg * 255), (BYTE) (bb * 255)); } static HRESULT fillDrawState(struct drawState *s, uiTable *t, NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *nm, uiprivTableColumnParams *p) { LRESULT state; HWND header; HRESULT hr; ZeroMemory(s, sizeof (struct drawState)); s->t = t; s->m = t->model; s->p = p; s->dc = nm->nmcd.hdc; s->iItem = nm->nmcd.dwItemSpec; s->iSubItem = nm->iSubItem; s->hasText = p->textModelColumn != -1; s->hasImage = (p->imageModelColumn != -1) || (p->checkboxModelColumn != -1); // nm->nmcd.uItemState CDIS_SELECTED is unreliable for the // listview configuration we have, so we must do this. state = SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_GETITEMSTATE, nm->nmcd.dwItemSpec, LVIS_SELECTED); s->selected = (state & LVIS_SELECTED) != 0; s->focused = (nm->nmcd.uItemState & CDIS_FOCUS) != 0; // TODO check LRESULT bad parameters here hr = itemRect(S_OK, t, LVM_GETITEMRECT, s->iItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, 0, FALSE, &(s->itemBounds)); hr = itemRect(hr, t, LVM_GETITEMRECT, s->iItem, LVIR_ICON, 0, FALSE, &(s->itemIcon)); hr = itemRect(hr, t, LVM_GETITEMRECT, s->iItem, LVIR_LABEL, 0, FALSE, &(s->itemLabel)); hr = itemRect(hr, t, LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT, s->iItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, s->iSubItem, 0, &(s->subitemBounds)); hr = itemRect(hr, t, LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT, s->iItem, LVIR_ICON, s->iSubItem, 0, &(s->subitemIcon)); if (hr != S_OK) goto fail; // LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT treats LVIR_LABEL as the same as // LVIR_BOUNDS, so we can't use that directly. Instead, let's // assume the text is immediately after the icon. The correct // rect will be determined by computeAndDrawTextRect() // above. s->subitemLabel = s->subitemBounds; s->subitemLabel.left = s->subitemIcon.right; // And on iSubItem == 0, LVIF_GETSUBITEMRECT still includes // all the subitems, which we don't want. if (s->iSubItem == 0) { s->subitemBounds.right = s->itemLabel.right; s->subitemLabel.right = s->itemLabel.right; } if (s->selected) { s->bgColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); s->bgBrush = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); s->textColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); s->textBrush = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); } else { uiTableData *data; double r, g, b, a; s->bgColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); s->bgBrush = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW); if (t->backgroundColumn != -1) { data = (*(s->m->mh->CellValue))(s->m->mh, s->m, s->iItem, t->backgroundColumn); if (data != NULL) { uiTableDataColor(data, &r, &g, &b, &a); uiFreeTableData(data); s->bgColor = blend(s->bgColor, r, g, b, a); s->bgBrush = CreateSolidBrush(s->bgColor); if (s->bgBrush == NULL) { logLastError(L"CreateSolidBrush()"); hr = E_FAIL; goto fail; } s->freeBgBrush = TRUE; } } s->textColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); s->textBrush = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); if (p->textParams.ColorModelColumn != -1) { data = (*(s->m->mh->CellValue))(s->m->mh, s->m, s->iItem, p->textParams.ColorModelColumn); if (data != NULL) { uiTableDataColor(data, &r, &g, &b, &a); uiFreeTableData(data); s->textColor = blend(s->bgColor, r, g, b, a); s->textBrush = CreateSolidBrush(s->textColor); if (s->textBrush == NULL) { logLastError(L"CreateSolidBrush()"); hr = E_FAIL; goto fail; } s->freeTextBrush = TRUE; } } } header = (HWND) SendMessageW(t->hwnd, LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0); s->bitmapMargin = SendMessageW(header, HDM_GETBITMAPMARGIN, 0, 0); // TODO return S_OK; fail: // ignore the error; we need to return the one we got above freeDrawState(s); return hr; } HRESULT uiprivTableHandleNM_CUSTOMDRAW(uiTable *t, NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *nm, LRESULT *lResult) { struct drawState s; uiprivTableColumnParams *p; HRESULT hr; switch (nm->nmcd.dwDrawStage) { case CDDS_PREPAINT: *lResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; return S_OK; case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: *lResult = CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW; return S_OK; case CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: break; default: *lResult = CDRF_DODEFAULT; return S_OK; } p = (*(t->columns))[nm->iSubItem]; hr = fillDrawState(&s, t, nm, p); if (hr != S_OK) return hr; hr = computeAndDrawTextRect(&s); if (hr != S_OK) goto fail; hr = drawTextPart(&s); if (hr != S_OK) goto fail; hr = freeDrawState(&s); if (hr != S_OK) // TODO really error out here? return hr; *lResult = CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT; return S_OK; fail: // ignore error here freeDrawState(&s); return hr; }